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About Corlagon

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. I decided to try my villain posing as a hero, Dr. Rebellisch, next. Results weren't that good, I'm omitting some. It didn't understand the "goggles over mask" part. No ice gloves, either. And rendering strained my rig much more than it did with other characters, depending on the model. The anime model was the only one that actually gave him tech gloves. So I had the idea of using it to inpaint parts of other images. But it failed. Too bad.
  2. Time to let Fooocus interpret a redsider: Fiend Girl. Results were hit and miss. Some pics turned out pretty cool, but Fooocus would randomly bother with her tail or not, and I couldn't get it to depict her hooves at all. I temporarily described her as a mercenary, which might be the reason why it gave her a gun belt. Using the "realistic" settings (as opposed to just leaving the default) produced what looked like relatively cheap Halloween costumes; I eventually noticed that they explicitly added "unrealistic" as a negative prompt, thus messing with speculative fiction. Apparently, angelic wings can more easily be faked IRL than demonic features. I was going to stop at this point, but then I retained Fiend Girl for some quick experiments – as in, setting Fooocus to "Extreme Speed" – trying to have her interact with somebody else. They were generally failures; most of the time it wouldn't even bother to actually depict two characters, and it once gave her bare boobs for some reason. Even so however, it produced a couple of solo shots good enough for me to post here; one of them actually had her actively controlling fire, unlike any of the better-quality attempts, which had her wield a lighter at most. And finally, I had the idea to take the random seed of one of the better earlier pics and combine it with the since refined prompt. At first, it inexplicably gave me a doll again, with only one visible wing and no tail … … whereas the second attempt (which actually increased the seed number by one) came out great at first glance aside from one flame. At second glance however, it is a slight case of the uncanny valley.
  3. Technobasher joins the team! Some or most of the pictures that Fooocus gave me do look cool when taken by themselves. However, for some reason it ignored the "visor" part until I wrote, more specifically, "visor over eyes", and I generally failed to bring across the whole idea that major parts of her body had been replaced with cybernetics. Most blatantly, it always ignored the "assymetrical arms" part (I'm only now realizing I misspelled that), except when it inexplicably gave her a gun. The "realistic" presets made her look like somebody from a low-budget movie, although that might have been intentional as I only realized in hindsight. I also missed the fact that a few of the numerous "Styles" Fooocus comes with include a few for cybernetics, although they would simply have added some redundancy to the prompt. Oh well, I gotta try again eventually.
  4. I keep the prompt with only occasional minor alterations. Yes, Fooocus seemed to interpret her appearance differently depending on the styles I selected, It hasn't been the case with any other toon I've tried so far, at least not this noticeably.
  5. My next guinea pig has been Angel Tina: Foocus made quite a few stunning and gorgeous pics of her, albeit with some artistic liberty. It had an unfortunate tendency to botch details, such as her fingers on at least one occasion. Having her listen to music appeared to be a great idea, but then I began to suspect that it had misinterpreted her halo as headphones, despite having recognized it earlier. Or was it the laurel leaves? Only when set to anime did it actually reproduce the specific "talking on the phone" scene and depict her with laurel leaves, but then randomly failed to actually attach her wings to her torso. And one on the ground for good measure …
  6. It offers a variety of different styles. It can do realistic images as well, but I forgot to try that the other day.
  7. I've finally gone and installed Fooocus and been playing around with it. Here's my arguably favorite toon who's not a Mastermind, Claudia Hopeshot: Got some cool poses out of it, although it kept adding ear ornaments for a while (certainly out of character for an athlete turned warrior) and obviously doesn't know COH targeting drones. I improved the prompt over time; unfortunately, it kept making mistakes such as blatantly ignoring my "elf ears" and negative "blade" instructions on the final attempt. I'm going to give it additional screenshots when I try again eventually.
  8. I have something like that on my mind, too, except that the multiverse was destroyed by the Coming Storm – Ouroboros Portal interpreted it that way –, and has now been recreated somehow. This idea has actually made it into the backstories of a few of my new characters. One of them managed to link herself to a higher reality and acquired omnipotence but not omniscience, and had no idea the Storm was coming. In the imperfect recreation of reality, said link is damaged, and this has rendered her insane.
  9. I think there's a slash command for that … ah yes, it's documented here.
  10. Are you aware that Clues are already sorted by Story Arc? Ones from standalone missions come first, then the arcs in the order they started. (And I agree, of course, that deleting them before players can actually read them sucks, although I've primarily encountered that in radio/paper missions.)
  11. You mean you don't get the option to discard the ones you can't do?
  12. You can change it back in Preferences if you have an account. Rebirth has its own wiki fork – it's actually older than HC's. (I think. I'm not familiar with Rebirth, I only happened upon it once.)
  13. Did you actually play Precinct Five? There was a bug where skipping it (which wasn't originally possible) would leave you unable to do undercover work for either side, I don't remember whether they fixed it.
  14. You need to have sided with the Resistance during the tutorial to do undercover work for them. It's not possible to trigger that requirement at a later point, unfortunately.
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