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  1. Oof. That's unfortunate. Yeah, it's easy to make it back, but that doesn't make it sting less.
  2. I will say that I like the idea of upping the pets' base accuracy to be consistent. Perhaps also raising their base HP 10-15% so they are a little less squishy.. Neither of those seem particularly game-breaking, even in combination.. One change i would suggest that I don't think anyone could disagree with (although I'm sure someone probably will - it is the CoH forums, after all) would be to give Singularity's logic/AI to Phantasm There is absolutely no reason for a pet with no melee attacks AT ALL to be running in to melee range to get his ass pulverized by some boss/EB/AV/GM. Make the change if for no other reason than to keep me from blowing an o-ring and stroking out when I watch Sparkly the Moron run up to the Kronos Titan just to fire off his wimpy energy torrent from 3 feet away and get his s*** summarily wrecked. Singy (aka the Noisiest Pet in the History of Ever) just chills at range with its perma-repel/gravity power running, throwing powerful controls and doing damage. All while having 50% resists to everything. Well, everything except psi and toxic, that is. Singy only has 100% resists to those damage types. That disparity seems...excessive. I ain't askin' for all that for Phantasm, just the "chilling at range" part. That seems reasonable to me, even when considered in conjunction with the elephant in the set: Phantom Army. Have mercy on the cardio- and cerebrovascular systems of at least one of your donors, gracious devs! Port Singy logic to Phanty!
  3. Visscale 15 is pretty freaking high, and high visscale is the factor most likely to crush your framerate, I believe. My rig is not bleeding edge or anything, but it's pretty beefy (liquid-cooled i7 13700, 32 gb DDR5 ram, a liquid-cooled 12 GB vram RTX 3080, and a 1440 resolution monitor) and I don't go much beyond visscale 5 or 6, depending on the zone. More than that and I start seeing too much choppiness for my taste when rotating my camera quickly (I am an insufferable framerate snob, though, lol). Considering that the World Detail slider in the GFX options only sets visscale to a max of 2, setting it even to 4 makes a big difference. Try knocking it down a bit from 15 and see if it gives you a better balance between render distance and performance.
  4. A damn impressive update for a free, almost-20-year-old game. Nice job, devs! Well, for the most part, that is. Not a huge fan of some the nerfs (coughbonfirecough), but I can live with 'em. Having said that, for the love of all that is holy and good, please give us a way to disable the constant "Tip Found!" spam! For that matter, please give us a way to disable any/all of the loot drop spam (other than rejecting all drops, that is). Or at the very least make the text/animation smaller and not smack dab in the center of the screen. The constant "tip found" spam is wholly unnecessary. Seriously. It's painful during big battles to have a non-stop stream of floaty text interfering with my view of the battlefield. It was bad enough before this update with spam for recipes, salvage, catalysts, shards, etc. Adding a whole new source of it with the Tip changes was...not a great call. I'm fine with it all being turned on by default for the benefit of new players and having to turn it off manually. I've been playing since Issue Zero - I don't need or want to be informed of every. single. piece of common salvage as it drops. I'm perfectly capable of checking the Rewards feed in chat. Or just, you know, looking at my salvage and recipe windows. Any consideration of the proposal is greatly appreciated!
  5. So I've been getting the same issue as Koopak, although for me the frozen screen typically only lasts a few seconds, then unfreezes, or it just eventually crashes to desktop. Other times I will just immediately CTD with no warning. I've been getting random crashes here and there on the regular client for a while, which is why I've usually opted for the diagnostic client of late. What's frustrating is that I cannot remember the last time I was able to submit a crash report from the diagnostic client, as the crash reporter window never opens for me. Which seems to kind of defeat the entire purpose of the diagnostic client (unless there is other data being collected independent of the crash reporter). I seemed to get a crash reporter pretty reliably on the regular client, so I may revert to that. At least I can submit SOME crash data that way. Is there some option to disable the crash reporter that I may have selected at some point and just forgot?
  6. Rise from the dead, three year old thread! I get the same phenomenon, only with clarion incarnate power in dark nova. Unlike Vanden's experience above, I have not altered the color scheme of my dark nova at all. It occurs whenever I have my clarion power active, regardless of map, either indoor or outdoor. I followed the beam to it's origin while I was in PI and it seems to emanate from a small sphere just a bit above the water. Map coordinates of the sphere in PI are [0.4 -5.7 0.1]. See screenshot attached.
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