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  1. all of these looks are absolutely wicked (maybe gnarly is a more appropriate word here?). I especially love the color blends on the 2nd and 3rd.
  2. The blend patterns are put to excellent use here.
  3. I love everything about this. Character concept and execution are great and it all works very cohesively. One of my favorite things to do with the power system in this game is to find different sets that I can pull together really smoothly in a thematic way, and this is a perfect example of that.
  4. I absolutely adore the quilted cape and how it goes with this.
  5. Here's something that may delve into the somewhat garish color schemes, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Spines/Regen Brute, Burrcenary. And with spines out, of course!
  6. I was about to make a post about this exact same thing after it feeling really awkward trying to integrate Boxing cleanly into my staff fighting character's attack chains due to constantly drawing and redrawing after switching back to the basic punch animation. and if I may add, I think this should 100% be extended to Kick as well. for some reason, Kick puts away your weapons and stuff when used, despite the fact that, well, you aren't even using your arms for it, which is pretty awkward in my opinion. Would love to see these smoothed out if possible, especially since the Fighting power pool is a natural pickup for the types of characters that run into these issues.
  7. love what you did with the asymmetry on the ice sword arm being all tech'd up. always feels sick when you can integrate a clean way to show off the devices that create your powers on tech origin costumes.
  8. really love the way you used the patterns on the upper body and legs, gives a constellation sort of effect.
  9. I just wanna say that I really love what you did with this, I wasn't even aware of the radiance design options on the ascension pieces of gear until now, and you really integrated them well into this sort of tech samurai-esque design.
  10. Since Skyraider inspiration has been brought up, may as well show off my own Skyraider-inspired costume. Piloted by Starsmite, an electrical melee/energy aura scrapper. I first wanted to make a flying-oriented melee character, and ended up settling on a Skyraider-esque tech background. I've always found the Skyraider getups really interesting and cool, as well as their sort-of-twins, the Goldbrickers, so I also made a Goldbreaker-inspired costume, though I haven't created a character for it yet. And lastly, here's a bit of a change of pace to a costume I'm working on for a gravity control/psionic assault dominator. Not sure if I have all the details ironed out, but I'm pretty happy with the design so far. Might have to go with a different chest detail, current one doesn't blend into the suit quite as nicely as I'd like. Anyway, thanks all for sharing so many cool and creative costumes, and I only hope my additions to the thread can maybe add a bit of inspiration too!
  11. I'm a bit late but I can imagine him saying something like: "Don't thank me, thank the invisible hand of the market!"
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