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The GrunTuk Empire

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Everything posted by The GrunTuk Empire

  1. Looks like leviathan is back on the menu... (( Welcome back! ))
  2. (( Speaking as an EU player, only play on Everlasting. You will have players around the clock online. Just quieter during our mornings and afternoons ))
  3. @Michiyo you're a saint for everything you do for us. Thank you. I'll see about recreating my page under a profile I have full access to now.
  4. Hello citizens of Earth... It appears the unthinkable has happened...! The Empire has lost edit access to their propaganda page on the FBSA website. We will not have this and will destroy Earth if our access is not returned! Okay, joking aside: Has there been recent changes made to who can edit the FBSA pages? It appears, in our stupidity, we set up our initial page under one account but have made every single edit under another account name. Where permissions revoked? We, for the the life of us, cannot work out what email address was associated with the original account. Is there anyone who could reached out to recover details etc?
  5. All hail the Gru... ahem... All hail the Discord...! ... and the Grun'Tuk Empire!
  6. A message from GobbaSkar Khalgra. Sadly, those heroes who took part in spreading such propaganda will... hopefully... not be with us for much longer as we draw up KaSkar packs. (( We just want to say thank you to everyone who took part in the the mission arc over the weekend past. It was a lot of fun to review and take part in. A big shout out to the creator of the arc for putting so much time, effort and care into writing it all up.))
  7. If we could move planets we would... why bring the fleets to Earth, when we can bring the Earth to the fleets... Though realistically it would potentially be catastrophic if we brought Earth to the home worlds... we might just succumb to some form of EARTH indoctrination... like K-Pop or Hoola-Hoops.
  8. It seems Earth has a leviathan problem... fear not citizens, we shall do our utmost to scour the planet of such a problem when we are in control! A friendly PSA from the Grun'Tuk Empire
  9. We look forward to crushing your hopes and dreams... and providing you with new ones!
  10. We have faced this as well, many times. I might just stress as well, we could potentially fall into the realm of "One peoples world building bleeding into anothers." We try our utmost to not let this happen! For a brief context, our niche is "We are evil Empire space invaders who have conquered worlds... come to conquer Earth." Our RP will only ever bleed into someone elses if they choose and want to take part in it, which we are more than happy to accomodate. Its not for everyone but we enjoy what we do and try to keep to ourselves... until the planet is ours! Though it does present some funny scenarios to counter. People do enjoy telling us how we will fail and to be fair 99% of the time they are right. There are many flaws to our plan... its all part of the story. We completely understand its built to fail (OOC), but it is all about the journey! And we are so damned sure we will succeed that you cant tell us otherwise! However, we sometimes run into people who want to, for lack of a better term, utterly curbstomp our plans and objectives just to show off how powerful an individual they are. It becomes ridiculous. Like @Paragon Vanguard has mentioned, they want to be the most godly god of all... or godly poodle of all! The funniest (and in probably one of the more frustrating) scenarios we have faced was when one character basically said to us "Why even bother, I can counter everything you throw at us." Let me emphasis the "I" in that sentence. A lot of the time we get the "Why even bother question" and we are happy to answer... but this individual was really shooting down every answer we gave with the god like power they possesed. Their crowning comment was something along the lines of: To which we responded: We had not the time, nor Grun'Tuk Crayons, to draw up a list of ways that their plan would cause more havock to the planet than an evil space empire invading. If you are going to hit us with an absurd strategy we will retaliate in kind! With words of course. Thankfully these interactions are few and far between. They do stick out though when they come around.
  11. We agree, we believe there should better messages presented on Earth's billboards. We petitioned for one to be placed in Steel Canyon... even did the work ourselves to place it up... yet some hero tore it down... Just because we wish to conquer Earth does not mean vandalism is justified.
  12. As you all take pride in completing orbits of your birth star, we in the Grun'Tuk Empire felt we would partake in your ritual of congratulations and celebrations. A message from our Mighty Empire to those upon Earth.
  13. We have heard your request... and we proudly proclaim that Earth shall become part of the Grun'Tuk Empire
  14. We concur... Earth for the Grun'Tuk. Sounds so much better.
  15. Name: The Grun'Tuk Empire Grun, being the word in their tongue for their species, and Tuk being their former home world's name Status: Expanding their dominion, thriving and currently seeking new worlds to conquer. Location: A galaxy far far away... (Author note: Or at least far enough away to keep obscure while the lore itself gets hammered down) ... and a scout ship in orbit above Earth Physical Description: For the smart-asses amongst the human population... some would describe them as Space Cows. For the misunderstood amongst the human population... some would describe them as Space Minotaurs. The species, Grun, physically have the visage of a Bovine creature and do indeed look like "Sons and Daughters of Minos," (What the Grun'Tuk call Minotaurs). However, these looks only go skin deep. They are genetically engineered beings, each individual of their race is grown/bred for specific purpose in their war machine. Some are incredibly large, having vast amounts of muscle mass to weather incredible punishment, while others can be leaner and agile for more delicate operations or surgical strikes. Physically their height ranges from 6ft to 10ft in height. Their mass varies wildly depending on their purpose. Their natural fur colouring varies just as wildly as well. Unlike Minotaurs they possess human like feet. Some will possess horns of a differing nature, others will have stumps where horns used to exist or have failed to grow. There are "cultural and societal" reasons why a Grun would not possess horns. All are physically strong and incredibly quick, however, there are exceptions who exceed their base strength and agility. They can suffer incredible punishment before they fall, being a warrior race they have bred fortitude and resilience into themselves. However, and this might not technically be a physical trait, some will have their mental facilities reduced so they can be better soldiers. Jar-Heads are indeed something the Grun'Tuk use. They can be found adorned in the armour of their people. Its colour having some indication of their rank or unit assignment. Author note: I have yet to work out whether they do taste good with BBQ sauce. Affiliation: They are an Empire that conquers worlds, so they have both subjects and enemies spread throughout the quadrants of Space they occupy. Several species are subordinate to them and fill roles the warriors feel they are not fit to do. Others act as auxiliary forces for their war-machine. To Earth, they would be seen as an aggressive and invasive force with fleeting affiliation to those who ally themselves with. Idiosyncracies and way of life: Author note: Without writing a small book I will pick out three key parts of the species that helps define them. Unity: We Are One. All Grun'Tuk are bound by what they call their Unity. Each individual sees themselves as a cell in a larger organism. When they fight, they fight as one. Unit cohesion is incredible and their adherence to their battle doctrine is even more so. Watching the Grun'Tuk battle would be like watching ants go to war. A soldier will always be precisely where they need to be without even realising it. They see this as their Unity guiding them. Outside of battle it also helps keep them focused on the Empire's objective. Conquest. Even the mundane tasks can be seen to fulfil some objective for the Greater Good of the Unity. Every breathe you/they take, every move you/they make... Unity is guiding you/them... and is done in service to the Unity. Their Unity, to the Grun'Tuk, is seen as a way of thinking. It binds them, guides them and overall drives them to conquer and expand. Unbeknownst to their people though is the sinister undercurrent that comes with the Unity. Author Note: I don't want to give away too much as there is currently an arc I am working through that is revealing more substance. If you are ever interested in hearing more speak to Aghorn. Confidence: Might makes us right. The Grun'Tuk are supremely confident creatures. They have been fighting in wars throughout their entire species existence. This means they can speak with confidence when it comes to their physical ability to achieve their goals. This, however, does not breed overbearing arrogance within them. They are well aware of their own weaknesses and flaws as well. They don't let these hold them back. When they set their mind on a task they will throw every fibre of their being into achieving their objective. If they cannot achieve it, they will retreat and rally and weigh up their options. They are also not arrogant to dismiss any enemy they face, no matter infallible. So, they will compliment a species when they see strength, and even provide advice on how to better themselves if given the opportunity. Society: Caste to Die The Grun'tuk work on a caste based system. Warriors, fighters, admirals, marines, commanders... anything that would fight as their primary purpose are seen as a higher tiered caste than anything that fulfils an auxiliary role. Some Grun'Tuk are unfortunate enough to not rise to this rank, most times through no fault of their own. Genetic quirks can cause a Grun'Tuk to be underdeveloped physically in their VATs. Those that come out of the tank and are seen as inferior stock are reassigned to auxiliary forces, most frequently the science divisions where their sharp minds can be put to task on other objectives in the Empire. However, like a few things with the Grun'Tuk, there is a barbed twist to this. Those who are found insufficient out of the tank have their horns removed as a mark of shame. Those who develop insufficiencies later in life are assigned to Rhel units, suicide/penal units. Author note: I lied... it was close to a small book. Most remarkable tech hallmark: Interstellar travel, biological engineering, becoming a species of Vat grown warriors/monsters. One thing to not about their tech is that they have found it better to conquer those with technology they want, rather than invest the time and effort into drawing up a proper scientific sect of their species. This has resulted in their scientists both being seen as a second class citizens. Those not of their species are seen as subjects. They don't abhor their subjects, but they also dont see them as equals. They are just another tools or weapons in the war-machine and the Grun'Tuk take great pride in looking after their tools or weapons. However, if a tool or weapon is no longer of any use it is disposed of, efficiently. Cultural Progress Level: Cultural "progress" is not something they really do. More like Cultural acquisition... and even then only if it will conform to their ideals. They are a few centuries old species and have been space borne for the last near century and a half They have got to the level that they can pew pew in space though... if that hasn't been made abundantly clear until now. History: Author Note: If you are still reading to this point I commend you and appreciate your time and effort in doing so! I'll keep this part short and sweet. They blew up their own planet. Around the time they finally managed to attain sublight speed there was a war upon Tuk that ruptured the surface. It was what forced them to spread out and conquer their first world. A world owned by the Flovian Accord. The war with the Accord was brutal and bloody and nearly resulted in the Grun'Tuks extermination, but they prevailed and took the Flovian tech and harnesed it so they could travel beyond their native stars. In more recent history they found Earth, and saw it was good... so they wanted to take it and add it to their Empire. Current Agenda: This can be summed up rather easily... Wrathlor: "So what is it we shall be doing tonight, commander Khalgra?" Khalgra: "The same thing we do every night..." Wrathlor grins. Wrathlor: "Try to take over the world." Additional Author Notes ♦️ Some of the stuff I have created would put these guys into the realm of "Empire too stupid to exist..." I am entirely aware of that. Its a comic book universe and I am having a little fun here. ♦️ Also, despite how big a bunch of a**holes these guys are, I dont condone their actions and I am rather easy going person in real life. I will conquer the world in another way! ♦️ They have two languages, one being Grun and the other being Flovian. Grun is their ceremonial language while Flovian is used with their technology... I may have a select few words already. ♦️ All of the character profiles tell a little more about their lore. I try to keep them unique and fresh so you can see different aspects of their nature. ♦️ Finally, I am also entirely aware they will fail in their ventures. Its all about the journey! I also want to drop a thank you to all the players who I have the pleasure to Roleplay with. You all have contributed more to their lore than you realise!
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