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Defeat All Snakes

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Everything posted by Defeat All Snakes

  1. Remember this? Thanks to the improved nature placeables (and a certain amount of obsessive effort on behalf of the resident,) it looks better now. (And yes, we put a shark in there, Bog picked Mako for his patron. The vomit powers really sweetened the pot.) God, he'll eat you when he's ready to, Jerry, stop grasping for attention. ...Could it be that some foggy memory of Bogwallop's horrible wife Marcia still lingers in that marsh-soaked skull...? More great news: ToxxCo employees AND VISITORS can now help themselves to a FREE Tastylifetm soda pop as they discuss the various issues of the day! Enjoy a perfectly harmless Diet Tub Ci Cola or Orangebega Blast in the comfort of your assigned cubicle or cistern today, just two of the many fresh new flavors available locally. TASTYLIFE: We can't make life worth living -- but we can make it tasty! Tastylife is a fully owned subsidiary of ToxxCo corporation, troxiclydileneannyretrulneurics warnings apply to all products, please seek health advice if metobolism may be vulnerable to troxiclydileneannyretrulneurics, NutriCare natural chemical aspartame sweetener may be harmful to children under six years of age, fish, plant life, human nature. ...I don't think those fires are going out. I think they might actually be getting bigger, it probably just needs an oil change or something, Kristen get on that, will you? And get the tea started, there's a good girl. Fortunately the transport sluices are still in perfect working order. And profits are still up. But wait! what horrors could lurk within this mysterious chamber? What vile plots percolate within the confines of O.O.Z.E.?? Well, you'll have to find out later, as those rooms aren't finished yet. Until next time: Ha ha ha ha ha.... *Batman theme*
  2. It's in Ambient FX (I think that's the name,) way off to the right hand side of the category menu. There's a bunch of rain and snow effects in there, take a look.
  3. Skepticism is both reasonable and welcome, but nobody who's spent any serious amount of time in Pocket D is going to wonder why someone would jump to that sort of conclusion.
  4. GREAT NEWS, everyone! After some recent missions abroad, and after seeing some of the bases submitted here, we were intrigued by the idea of acquiring a flyer of our own. "When are WE going to get one of these sweet rides?" we asked our new secretary Kristen 6, on her cellphone, at three in the morning. Long story short, despite someone's protestations that she doesn't actually have a pilot's license and doesn't know how to land: The U.R.S. now has its very own tricked-out Arachnos flyer! Also, our teleporter room has now been renovated into a hangar bay. And we have a new skylight. In even MORE other news, Bogwallop recently blindsided me by constructing a seriously impressive street scene to serve as the new entrance for the base. You can pile up all the flashy gubbins in the world, but it's amazing what pure, simple atmosphere you can create with almost nothing at all. Just look at this lovingly rendered junk! the grimy rubicon. Enter if you dare.... If anyone wants to check the place out, the passcode is PROFITS-770 (Everlasting, in case anyone missed that the first time.) The sections past the flyer are works in progress so don't be surprised if they look like haphazard staging zones, because that's more or less what they are.
  5. Welcome to the secret sub-city headquarters of the Unofficial Roleplaying Sewer, a pollution-based Rogue Isles cabal on the so-called 'Everlasting' server. Such optimism the idealists of Paragon City have, hm hm hm... Our journey begins here, after splashing into a festering cistern of raw goop (a clever ploy to weed out the weak,) with a literal dumpster fire. Perhaps a snack while you dry off? The nerve center of TOXXCO corporation and primary dwelling of the group's mastermind, The Final Pollution *Burbles incoherently, pointing to the nearby monitor bank with a greasy creak of rusting metal -- profits are up!* The facilities. We're not barbarians, you know. A room belonging to one of our junior members. I don't know what he's complaining about, he's the only one of us with an indoor toilet. Bogwallop's room, the Wallowbog. A hideous mutant freak who truly puts the 'wet' in 'wetwork.' You probably shouldn't spend too much time here, or look too long at what those mushrooms are growing out of. An inspirational message. Morale is important to any profitable enterprise. Ah, the Scrub Sub, our foul egress to shores unknown~ Take us out, boys! I hope you've enjoyed this little tour. You will shortly discover that you are unable to leave. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for us to discuss... your new career.
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