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Veracor, Thanks very much for your consistent leadership, for keeping your events open and treating folks equally, for the strategies you developed to improve badge runs, and for always being willing to help people learn more about the game. More specifically, thanks for making the Underground shorter. Hate to admit it but you're right it makes it so much better!! Oh, also, We're all bunker busters now! You're missed, sundew
ALL-MASTERMIND (and one tank) REALLY HARD WAY BADGE! Coming soon to Everlasting! ---Sunday, May 21, 7:30pm Eastern --- Magisterium incarnate trial, Really Hard Way badge Must be 53, fully built, Tier 4 Alpha, Lore, and Hybrid. Meet in Ouroboros, pets in tow! (no petless masterminds they are a fun concept for other content)
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ALL-MASTERMIND (and one tank) REALLY HARD WAY BADGE! Coming soon to Everlasting! ---Sunday, May 21, 7:30pm Eastern --- Magisterium incarnate trial, Really Hard Way badge Must be 53, fully built, Tier 4 Alpha, Lore, and Hybrid. Meet in Ouroboros, pets in tow! (no petless masterminds they are a fun concept for other content)
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Um, aaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll the foods starting with P?
Terrible idea! Would have to give away aether like candy to live up to the name! Or run aether content all day. I guess running the content would be fun enough. Ok never mind.
Public thanks to whomever purchased my prismatic aethers at 200 mil apiece. Glad to play my small part in helping with your badging!
Wondering about the wide range of targeting commands? What's best? Targetcustomnear? Targetcustomnext? I was wondering too and spent a few minutes testing out a bunch of options. Here are the results: Generally: These tools identify targets within the character's line of sight. They won't identify a target behind you, but if there is a target ahead, the targeting tool may find it even if it is outside your rendered environment. You can use any part of a target's name to identify the target. "Fake" will target fake nemesis. "Immunes" will target both immunes surgeons and immunes engineers. You can use two words from the target's name, such as "fake nemesis" or "immunes engineer." BEST commands: "Targetcustomnext" or "Target_name" If you have a lot of mobs in view and you want to swap between certain targets, this command will find a new target each time you click it. For example, "targetcustomnext immunes" might be the ideal targeting tool for the ITF, because you may want to choose from among several immunes surgeons and immunes engineers in sight. Only problem: it will show dead targets and living targets. "Targetcustomnear enemy alive" This is the best tool to avoid targeting a dead enemy, but it will not swap to a new target if you re-click it. You can target a new enemy by adjusting your line of sight, then re-clicking. NOT SO USEFUL commands: "Targetcustomnear" with no modifiers will not swap and will show dead targets. "Targetcustomnext enemy alive" does not resolve the problem of showing dead targets. It seems like it should, but it doesn't. "Target_name enemy alive" won't work at all.
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Neutron Decay's kindness and grace made this world better in a lasting way. It was always a pleasure to join his league. /em holdtorch
As I recall, it was several months of weekly tfs before you put me on your team. 😘 But you did say no one would give me trouble for bringing a pb, and no one did. Those Tuesday and Saturday task forces were the best. You all had fun every time.
What to do when you're online and you feel like doing a casual BAF and no one is running one? Start a BAF! It's easy! How easy? Pretty easy. This is not intended to be a detailed guide to BAFs -- for that, there is an amazing set of posts by BlackSpectre, link to PART 1 below. Suggestions for running casual BAFs: 1) You can run it fine with 12 people, but if most of the league is 50/51 and unfamiliar with BAF, keep recruiting until you have a solid group of 53s (5 or 6 of them, ideally some with good dps). It's a very good idea to have at least one tank or a tanky brute with taunt, although we've succeeded without (thanks Kabuki for scrapper-tanking!). Otherwise anything goes. 2) When queuing, leave the league open (don't click the button to "lock event for this group') and queue before you finish the instructions so the league doesn't have to wait too long. That helps to keep teams together and also, you might get a few extra from LFG. 3) The league will probably run fine without any instructions, but it's nice to give basic instructions. Especially, mention where you want to fight NS/Siege, doors vs block points, and the rings of shame. 4) I find it easiest to fight NS/Siege on the tennis courts in a casual run, but have seen other spots that worked fine too. 5) When dividing teams for south and north paths, go with 2/3 on south path and 1/3 on north path, roughly. Most of the 53s on the league should be on south path for the lore pets, but north needs at least one lvl 53 dps or 53 mastermind in case of stragglers. 6) We get the no-prisoner badge regularly using block points (I call them block points instead of choke points b/c reasons) and I find doors to be leaky, but on casual runs I don't force anyone to do one or the other unless we start losing multiple prisoners early (like, 2-3). If you're going to use block points, decide where those will be and tell the teams where to stand. You can drop lore pets on one and stand at the other, or put a ground effect at one and stand at the other. Or have a friend at the other spot, or just identify someone who happens to be standing in the right spot. 7) While we're waiting for the Siege pull, I like to remind everyone to watch both health bars when battling both Siege and NS. 8 ) I use this reminder for rings: 1 RING = OK. 2 RINGS = BACK AWAY from the league 9) If Siege and NS rez because you miss the 10-second window, no worries you have plenty of time on the trial clock. Reassure the league and focus everyone on watching BOTH health bars. 10) Great job on your successful BAF! League formation stuff: 1) Form in a coop zone like Ouros, Pocket D, DA, RWZ. If your shard has a preferred spot for itrial formation, use that because you will form up more quickly. Be a changemaker later. 2) When you send an invitation, check your global chat to be sure it went through. If it won't go because the person is villain/hero and you're the opposite, they have to be in zone before you can invite. Let them know. 3) Praetorians are a challenge. If you have any trouble getting them on the league, ask them to join through LFG or invite them once you're inside the trial. 4) If someone is locked, it means they have an active tf/mission. They need to leave the league, exit their mission/tf, and get reinvited. 5) If you are in the queue and someone else wants to join, you can ask them to join through LFG or wait and you can invite them once you're in the trial. You can invite to league from your chat window. 6) The command /i invites to team, so if your team is full and you like to use /i, move people to other teams in the league. 7) Teams will be messed up on entry so adjust teams once you're in the trial. I usually do this during the Nightstar battle.
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And this.
So this comment is how I learned that we lost Todogut. Rest in peace.
Today at 5pm Eastern time. Going forward, they will be Saturdays at 5pm Eastern, and the next official run is tentatively scheduled for 5pm Saturday, August 15.
Came to the forums looking for info about the MoM incarnate trial today. Did not see a guide so here are my notes and my burning question. Burning question first! Does any part of the MoM NOT scale down for smaller leagues? Guide now! This guide is designed for leading casual runs with PuG groups who are unfamiliar with the trial. For specific information about the story and content of MoM, Paragon Wiki has a trial summary. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Minds_of_Mayhem_Trial League formation is key. Form a league of 53s who are ready to focus and read and follow instructions for 40 minutes. Somewhere on the league there should be heals, a taunting tank, and plenty of DPS. Having everyone at lvl 53 is not required to succeed but it sure helps. Warn the league in advance about not accepting Des's rez. Accepting her rez takes time off the clock and can lead to a failed trial. I've started to kick for accepting Des's rez, to weed out folks who don't/won't follow instructions. ROUND 1: Defeat Malaise (twice) and three nightmares. This is a basic battle. The only parts to watch out for are the groups of psychics and the pink circles. It's good if players who have adequate dps and status defense/resistance clear out the psychic mobs occasionally. It's also good if the tank keeps moving the AV/nightmare out of the pink circles. When Malaise comes up again after the 3 nightmares, he will have a jade spider with him. The spider can be ignored. ROUND 2: Defeat Penelope Mayhem. This one is difficult mainly because everyone in the league has to know all about all of their powers. Can't use any uncontrollable pets, knockback, knockdown, aoe, cones, or damaging auras. Everything has to be single-target. If someone has a pet with KB or if someone has a KB proc in a power, that can cause failure here. A smooth run involves the entire league huggling Penny constantly. A tank using a single nondamaging taunt pulls a storm void to Penny. Once the void is at Penny (melee range), the league defeats that void and then Penny will take damage. If the storm voids will not come to her at all, someone in the league is probably using a kb aura or power on Penny. If the storm voids come but then leave, it could be a proc or a kb power that someone is using only occasionally, OR I discovered today it can be a tempest gyro that is too close to Penny. If it's a tempest gyro, defeat it to get rid of the KB. ROUND 3: Defeat Mother Mayhem without letting Aurora die. For this, send a team of 2 or 3 to help Aurora. Masterminds are great, just circle her with pets. A kin can stand at Aurora, turn on repel, and use transfusion to heal her while killing clones. An emp defender is great but likely will need a friend with dps to help defeat the clones. The rest of the league should huggle Mother Mayhem constantly so you don't have to call out the blue circles. If anyone on the league gets a red circle, that one person should leave. Focusing only on the red is nice to reduce instructions and yelling. ROUND 4: Stop Shalice from getting to the center of the map. Confusion can be a big problem in this battle, so clarion is helpful. Taunt the nightmares to Shalice and defeat them at melee range to stop her. Each nightmare stops her for a period of time. If you need more time, you can also stop/slow her with a high-mag hold, or by standing between her and the center and using repel or a kb power to push her back toward her starting point. ROUND 5: If the league is new to MoM, get everyone ready for this in advance. The entire league needs their destinies and tier 9 powers fully charged. As soon as the league zones into Mother Malaise's mind, drop lore pets and buff. Warn squishies to stay out of melee range to avoid the worst damage. I've seen people call for lore pets at the end of the last Malaise battle in Round 4, but I think the game allows enough time for dropping pets after zoning into Mother Malaise's mind. Personally I would worry about losing pets to the World of Anguish (pink circles) that happen in Round 4.
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