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Everything posted by Ideon

  1. Just visited Penelope Yin in IP and discovered she wasn't quite what I remembered so did a little digging and discovered: Was this change done for homecoming or an i23/i24/i25 beta? To be brutally honest, I wasn't really a fan of her old face because it looked so different from her Faultline face, haha
  2. Weren't Kheldians (both PB and WS) blocked from taking Flight and Teleport pools anyway, or was this changed for homecoming thus your change? Thanks for the update. :D Not sure if it's possible, but is there a way to apply individual booster effects on enhancements without boostering the entire planned build in one go?
  3. Perma-PA is always the end goal of illusion controllers especially since it's their bread and butter for doing damage, tanking, AV fighting, etc. :D As a happy side effect, your goal to perma-PA will also involve perma-Accelerate Metabolism and perma-Hasten. I normally skip Choking Cloud and Fallout as they don't fit my playstyle on my ill/rad. I normally don't bother with softcapping on my ill/rad as the Phantom Army will be the ones tanking for me, with Phantasm as the backup (very backup, his goal is to basically use his decoy which is immune to damage to tank for me in the event for some reason I can't summon PA in time). If you can achieve perma-PA before incarnate alpha, then musculature radial paragon is a good way to go, as it will add damage to your ST hold, along with your attacks and pets, and give you more -tohit and -def on RI toggle. I took Psionic Mastery on my ill/rad to give me Psi Tornado (which has the force feedback proc) along with a mez protection clicky. Here's my build if you want to get some ideas. If you don't like Arcane Bolt, you can always shuffle powers and replace with Mental Blast if you choose to pick Psionic Mastery. 25th_Pirea_2019_-_Controller_Illusion_Control.mxd
  4. Back in the days on live, I had a Spines/Dark brute who was able to afk and still kill mobs and keep himself alive. He was called Bio Break. :D
  5. Lots of interesting thoughts here which means I gotta rebuild some of my builds, haha. The Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb one, how much extra HP barrier is applied over your normal HP? Wondering if my squishies should try to work this in, or if Panacea is overall better for them...
  6. Back in the day for unique IOs in Health, it used to be: Endurance: Miracle Regen: Regenerative Tissue Both: Numina There's been quite a few new ones since that train of thought. Does anyone know the current recommended uniques to put into Health?
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