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Everything posted by Ejlertson

  1. When I go into Nove or Dwarf form, a fourth tab will pop up above the 3 tabs I already have open. I find it both anoying and distracting, so is there a way to prevent this from happening all the time by disabling this feature?
  2. I recently stumbled over this revival project of COH. Having played the orignal CoH/V back in the day (Stopped before architect, but not entirely sure on excatly when) I actually like to just play noramlly. Ive made a Warshade Im trying to play Triform style (Lots of faceplants involved) and has only played ShadowStars missions, TaskForces as they become available (Am done with Synapse, Positron and Yin) Its taken me to lvl 26 with no power leveling or other sheniagans. Its fun ediscovering a lot of things and becomming contronted with how much i have forgotten and how much new stuff was instated in the time from -I left till the game closed down. My only regret is not having all theinfluende my original Blaster had on Virtue, that dough would have made bying stuff so much easier 🙂
  3. Im sure there isnt just one perfect slotting for it, so please give me an excample or two on how you would slot it. Thanks 🙂
  4. Well whoever it is he or she, they are more than welcome to dump some on me in Reunion on my Banshee of Wight toon 😉 Starting the game up again I entirely forgot how absolute horribly expensive stuff is in Inf when you start from scratch
  5. Hi I just stumbled over this so many years later and lost my cool. Im installing it now and cant wait to show my daughter the game I told her dad used to play, when she showed me the ropes of Roblox. Just wondering if anyone remember my 2 main charachters: 1. Snowman Frost Ice/Ice Blaster. http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Snowman_Frost 2. Banshee Bride Sonic/Dark corrupter http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Banshee_Bride If you do, give me a shoutout 🙂
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