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Posts posted by Aeroprism

  1. 58 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:


    Oh, but you can ...



    A "+left$$powexecauto Hasten$$powexecauto Active Defense"
    D "+right$$powexecauto Active Defense$$powexecauto Hasten"
    S "+backward$$powexecauto Active Defense$$powexecauto Hasten"
    W "+forward$$powexecauto Hasten$$powexecauto Active Defense"



    Replace Active Defense with whatever the /Nin clicky is called. Green Ring will swap between them as you move around. Easy to manage such that it is where you want it when you want it.



    You are such a beautiful person. ❤️

    • Thanks 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Triumphant said:

    Try these:


    /bind lshift+lbutton powexecname combat teleport

    /macro Bamf! "powexec_location target Combat Teleport"

    /macro Back! "powexec_location back:max Combat Teleport"

    /macro Up! "powexec_location up:max Combat Teleport"


    Combine with tab-targetting nearest enemy and/or specific enemy target macro's, this will change your life as a melee combatant.  😎




  3. 48 minutes ago, Triumphant said:

    About 90% of my characters utilize Combat Teleport (along with the macros needed to properly leverage it in battle).  This is one of the most effective movement powers in the game, and once you get used to having it, it can be (IMO) almost painful to do without, most especially if you're playing a melee toon.


    It really is one of my favorite powers in the game and you can get everything you need out of it by only slotting a single enhancement in it (though I often put a set of 2 Winters in there, to get the slow resistance and a bit of fire/cold resist).


    I have Combat Teleport on my NRG/NRG scrapper but never learned to use it properly.


    Would you impart us that juicy macro wisdom please?  🙂

  4. So many good answers!!


    13 hours ago, biostem said:

    Try a titan weapon/ninjitsu scrapper - it takes a bit to get past the momentum mechanic, but once you do, it's an off the wall combo!




    Ninjitsu... never tried it.  Partly because I'm allergic to everything ninja/medieval japanese but mostly because .. I dunno.  It does look cool on paper, I ought to give it a try.  That 8-sec Invis-WHAM-BAM gimmick looks fun, I have to admit. I'm not a fan of clickable mez protection but then again, I love doing builds without hasten. I hate cookie-cutter builds.


    14 hours ago, Azari said:

    Spines/Bio/Mu Mastery is another good AOE combo. 


    13 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    Spines/Ice - Probably my favorite.  Big AoEs, everything slowed to a crawl, immune to slows myself and surprisingly survivable.  Animations take long however and my alpha defenses aren't top tier resulting in having to rely on Icy Bastion and Hibernate in a lot of scenarios.  Still this is probably my recommendation if you want to try something new and want to torment your foe with extra needles.



    Now THOSE are sexy.  Spines/Bio looks like a real fun powerhouse but Spines/Ice looks like an orgy of orange numbers with soft control. It would also give me an excuse to start Goldside and play a Praetorian/vilain version of my Ice/Ice tank.


    I'm now off to read @Yomo Kimyata's extensive Scrapper topic and I look forward to all your future suggestions and I'm surprised nobody mentionned Fire melee yet, I thought it was a big crowd pleaser.


  5. I feel the itch for a new scrapper and I was just curious to ask: what are your hidden gems out there?

    I already have an Energy/Energy and a Rad/Rad to 50 (the single target monster and the AoE machine, respectively).

    I have already done Claws and Katana to 50 on live, so I'm looking for something else.

    I'm asking here because the other day, someone mentioned a tanker powerset combo (Elec Armor/DM if you're curious) and my first thought was "Huh, that's weird." but I tried it and by Statesman well-shaved chin, this was one of the most fun characters EVER.

    So I'm fishing for ideas.  What's that secret scrapper that I'm just not seeing?



  6. Hello!  Not really an archetype question so I figured I should ask here.


    Does the Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control: Chance for Build Up proc give a visual indication when it does proc?  Like "PREVENTIVE MEDICINE" that pops up every now and then?


    I had it slotted in Dark Consumption for a good while now and I'm not sure it really does anything.

    Thank you!

  7. On 5/23/2024 at 6:01 PM, cranebump said:



    Have you ever actually stolen a purse? If so, leadership over our entire organization is now yours!


    I'm glad this topic for a few good responses but I'll admit, this one takes the cake, I choked on my coffee.  A+

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. Most of us have been here, playing this game forever.  We're so used to seeing the various enemy groups, we know them by heart. 


    First Hellions and Skulls, then Clockwork and Lost, Family, Warriors, all the way to The Rikti and Praetorian.

    Now, I was doing my Nth Striga mission today when I had this funny (and by funny, I mean useless and pointless) idea of "What kind of question would a civilian be asked before being allowed to join this or that enemy group."


    The questions would of course be based on our own player perception of the enemy group.

    I'll start:  

    So you want to be a SKY RAIDER


    • How do you feel about fighting in pajamas with a bicycle seat on your head?
    • Are you comfortable with the idea of being a Captain and a Lieutenant AT THE SAME TIME?
    • Do you like Jetpacks? 
    • Do you feel like "Running in a completely random direction as soon as the fighting starts" is a winning strategy?
    • Do you like the idea of being bossed by jumpbots that never actually do any jumping?



    Your turn!

    • Haha 9
  9. 33 minutes ago, tidge said:

    IMO, no Patron shield is redundant or useless.

    1. It's a no-pre-requisite required (other than Patron unlock) power that allows slotting of Defense (or Resistance) sets (*1) for bonuses or globals/uniques.
    2. The higher the Defenses (also Resistances, but that is somewhat secondary) on a Mastermind, the better

    /Dark is always going to be a decent secondary choice for MMs: It gets several powers very early that make things surprisingly easy: the -Res slow in Tar Patch and a PBAoE heal in Twilight Grasp. By the time the MM has added Shadow Fall, a /Dark MM can start to feel like it can handle anything; it is time to start counting down the levels until Dark Servant.

    The only personal concern *I* have about /Dark (on MMs) is my belief that, because of the PBAoE heals and defense buffs, it can lull a player into a sense of security about certain tactics that don't work in all circumstances. This is true about most MMs, but since Dark gets those PBAoE tricks so early, especially the heal... it often appears to me that /Dark MMs aren't always focused on debuffing or controlling enemies.


    Setting aside my minor personal issue, I think /Dark is one of the top choices of secondaries. IMO, the most important power for a level 50+ /Dark Mastermind is Tar Patch, and you probably can get by with only 2x50(+5) IO Recharge pieces in it.


    (*1) I do try to add the fighting pool to MMs, but as a practical matter I never toggle on Tough and almost never toggle on Weave... unless I don't bring out the henchmen.


    I agree that /Dark is a fantastic MM secondary.


    Thank you for the hindsight Tidge, I always enjoy reading your posts!

  10. As is tradition, I resurrect this topic once a year.


    I was playing with my friend's tank today with my Corruptor and I felt I wanted a second duo option that was not another direct damager like my legions of tanks, scrappers and sentinels.  


    So I remembered my happy little Beast/Dark MM which has been shelved for... quite a while.


    Then I look at her build.  I know for a fact that I'm fairly more competent with builds now but not so much with MM builds, and this build here looks wrong.  For instance, the Scorpion Shield power looks utterly redundant and useless.


    An inf for your thoughts?


    (Edit: I plugged in a few holes and removed a few whoops.  I know that the Dark Miasma part is really well slotted because of Force Redux's fantastic topic up there.  But the Beast part could be improved on I'm sure.)


    Thank you guys!

    Build, updated.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I haven't read each and every post of this topic (a serious crime, I know), but my take on this is that there is no need for all tanks to be one and the same.


    I have a Rad/Claw tank that is a damage powerhouse. Good with teams and can solo pretty much anything I tried so far.


    I have an Ice/Ice tank that feels like a controller-tank. The damage is not as explosive but it is nice. Hardly ever seen it faceplant.


    I have a few more but they're not fully grown yet so I can't really comment. I have yet to create a Tanky-tank but as it was mentioned above, Invul and Stone fit the bill quite nicely.


    Tanks are versatile and when well built, they can be quite hard to put down.

  12. Interesting take on the Detonator power.  Really shows MMs were made as villains.  I try to imagine my blue side Beast MM exploding one of her lions and... nope.  😄


    But yeah, I've tried trip mine, it's powerful but it such a rhythm breaker...

  13. 30 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    They'll affect other pets, so useful as a mule on a mastermind so they can invest more productive slots in their minions.

     Makes sense!


    But on a corruptor, not so much.

    I chose to 6-slot Dampened Spirits (to hit debuff) in there. Since it's not really a damage power to begin with.  The set bonus are very good, tons of resist for levelling to 50 and it's dirt cheap.

  14. 1 minute ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    Ah, one of the set normalizations from the last page then. Mids is missing a lot of stuff related until the next update.


    I wonder if the one I still have slotted will still work. I know set bonuses don't, but am guessing the proc would.


    Speaking of Procs, the Pet set procs seem to affect pets only.  Not very useful for suicide pets that aren't meant to stay on the field.

  15. 19 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    I think Seekers doesn't get nearly enough credit in general.


    Its -tohit is a bit higher than mids suggests. Corruptors get -5 per seeker, which is enhanceable to ~9%. This may not seem amazing, but it stacks per seeker! ~18% -tohit is pretty hefty, and the 15 foot radius is good enough to get strong overlap, not to mention the stacking -20% damage debuff.


    They also take the Decimation buildup proc, which doesn't sound useful at first. However, It actually procs the effect on the caster, and does so with more reliability than pretty much anything else that could take it! 90% chance with no recharge slotted. This means a great opener also buffs your damage, giving you even better followup on that opener. Especially good on a Corruptor.






    Fun fact: Seeker Drones no longer seem to accept Range Damage (Decimation) Sets.  Mids Reborn also says they do, but they don't.


    They take pet sets now.  Let's see what we can get for them...

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. So much awesome in those replies!  I'll revisit my build tonight!

    I'll most likely spec Triage Beacon out but I don't know what for.  I didn't take the fighting pool for this guy, the Defense bonus of Weave doesn't justify 3 powers for someone who comes with a portable Force Field and the 15% S/L on Tough is more than compensated by the epic pool.  I just wanted to make a character that was not forced to follow the ever-boring cookie-cutter.

  17. This guy was a random idea I had this weekend.  While I couldn't sleep. You know.  Perfect time to come up with whacky characters.


    I love this guy so hard.  He's level 19 now, mostly from story arc teams, a few solo missions at 18.




    AÜ-NÔWZ comes from ... well it can't really be spelt with your alphabet.  It's another place. Another planet. Another multiverse thing.


    It happens.


    In his home tribe of AÜ-GGEEMEE-ÂBRÂYK, AÜ-NÔWZ used to be some sort of respected thinker.  Tinker. Whatever. He thinked and tinked a lot. And his people respected him for that. He was proud of his lustrous yellow coat and his powerful, wide hawk-wings.


    Then the multiverse happened. Completely, totally the multiverse. Blaming it on that device AÜ-NÔWZ was experimenting with would be ludicrous. Yup.


    Now AÜ-NÔWZ ends up in Paragon city, where everyone has weird heads and skin color.



    Poor AÜ-NÔWZ.

    The transfer took his right arm in the process.  He had to improvise.

    The transfer also changed his wings.  But don't ask about his "new" wings.  Just don't. 


    You see, AÜ-NÔWZ is a REALLY precise shot.


    So at first, AÜ-NÔWZ tried to dress like the people of this strange city. 




    If didn't go well.


    Frustration and anger led him in to fights and eventually, members of a Super Group called "Rise or Fall" approached him and showed him how to use that frustration to further a nobler goal.


    Now, AÜ-NÔWZ proudly wears the colors of his people and fights evil in Paragon City, hoping to achieve the technological means to go home some day.




    Now, if only the humans could learn to pronounce his name properly and NOT laugh each time they try.




    (I can't seem to do a proper export from MidsReborn so, here's a data chunk!)






    • Like 2
  18. I wanted to have people's opinion on the /Traps powerset.  I currently use it on a DP/Trap Corruptor but I understand it doesn't change much from one AT to the next.  I know that the rage is all about that Trip Mine, but what about the rest?  Which powers are mandatory and which are skippable?


    I'm particularly interested in knowing about Poison Trap, Acid Mortar and Triage Beacon.


    Thank you!


    (Spoiler: It was not a trap)

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