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Posts posted by Aeroprism

  1. Weird.  I always play with the sound on.  When I play, I play.  I can't multitask.  I do have friends who play games while they watch shows while they listen to audiobooks.


    I just can't.  I'm ADHD so, either entirely, completely focused on something, or not at all.

  2. I'm in a mission, fighting Shivans.


    When they get hit or explode, they all go "uh oh"  "hwaaaah"  "huuuh"


    Has it always been like this?  Maybe it's the covid-vaccine induced fever talking but, I just can't stop laughing!

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I would 50 on live (and here) pretty organically.  I like to try new things.  To me this does not equal doorsitting.  So.... 4 DFBs, A Posi 1, 2. Synapse, Yin, etc.  preferably in order and including as many Redside SF PUGs as I could.  Then at 35+ ITF and anything that let me use my toon and not doorsit.  I also prefer the ITF for opening Incarnate Powers up fast.  I usually 50 that way in a few days and then play a week or two with the built out 50 to see if I like it.  


    This is why I am so bitchy on the boards about PUGs.  Why the F are you running a POSI at +anything?  I've done this a million times.  You think you are getting more experience.  you are, at a MUCH SLOWER RATE.  I'm freaking trying to level here.  It's like people doing 50 in the fast lane.  What are you doing?  "going fast!"  You're doing 50....  "But I'm in the FAST lane!"  *facepalm


    I think I did a POSI once. Dunno which one.  I did a Striga TF too back on live, and the Terra Volta respec.  That's it. 


    I have hundreds and thousands of hours of CoH/V behind me and I don't think I've seen 10% of the game. I have no idea what an ITF is. I have never seen a Cimerroan (sp?). AV?  That's Dr Vahz and the Clockwork King. Right?  Waddya mean there's more?? 


    I need to make more friends.

  4. I understand where the OP is going with this but I also agree with @wjrasmussen


    If you want to do other things, do them.  There is no need for a reward but the reward of doing it. 


    [old man] I remember, playing Everquest. Mobs didn't stop chasing you unless you changed zones and the more you fled, the more aggroed. This is what we called a "train". I used to hang out in low level zones, managing trains and buffing new characters.  The reward?  Itself.  [/old man]


    You want to do things even if they don't give XP or merits?  Do them.  It's already easy enough to break this game, let's not break it further.

  5. 9 hours ago, Snarky said:

    it will happen...just not for months and months lol.  We are finishing the red and blue crawls now.  at over 40 it is one level approx per session, once a week....


    You know, I joined Homecoming almost a year ago and with the only exception of my two farmer builds that were powerleveled (I don't even use them anymore), I have yet to reach a single 50. 


    My highest as of now is 41.


    A healthy mix of taking my sweet time with everything and "OH I GOTTA TRY THIS ALT IDEA!"

    • Haha 1
  6. I never got the +4x8.   I'm not a group, I'm a person.


    I agree that +1x1 is boring because it does not feel very heroic to dispatch groups of 2-3 even-con minions at a time, but my EN/EN scrapper (level 41) plays at +2x3 and it's quite fun. 


    Ok so I'm a small group.  It's the voices. 


    So back on topic, Thanks to some unexpected yet incredible outsourced help (thanks @oldskool!!) I will definitely keep my Rad/Regen.  And I will NOT go for the Psy epic and roll my face on the two same powers forever.  The character has a full bio and background and it involved using radiations to steal the life of people.  So that's that.


    You guys rock.  The voices agree.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. On 5/8/2021 at 4:59 PM, Sovera said:



    Now that's a page turner.  Is the last build you posted there still viable considering the latest updates?  I think I want to try this combo, been wanting to try sonic blast, which I have never tried on any character!


    Edit: Well, not an expert but it feels a little old.  I wonder what could be done to bring it to 2021.  Hm hm hmmm....

  8. I tried Fire Blast on live.  I tried it here as well, got a 35 or 36 Fire/fire blaster.  The playstyle just doesn't appeal to me.  I dunno.


    I wanna stick to my Rad/Regen but it's clearly demonstrated here that even for casual play, it just sucks.


    Meh.  Sometimes knowledge is a burden.

    • Sad 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Rathulfr said:

    This is why I play Sentinels for fun, not performance.


    Basically how I play the game.


    I just like to understand what meshes well with what.


    Edit: I'm also going to comment on what @Rathulfr said.  in order to use those two Epic Psy powers with any efficiency, I assume you need to be at least well in your 40s.  Well, there's a whole game I like to play before I get there.

    • Like 2
  10. Nice topic, I rolled the same sentinel three days ago except that I level her at a slow pace to see how she does and while she is quite functional and Regen is extremely forgiving at low level, she doesn't look like she'll be vastly impressive any time soon.


    I was looking to reroll her Psy/Regen (I really want a regen Sentinel) but after reading @oldskool's post on Psychic in the thread where every primary/secondary is analysed, I'm no longer sure it's a good match for regen. Though Psy does look like insane fun, but Oldskool makes me want to lean on a Widow instead. I dunno.  Too many choices.


    What WOULD be a good match for regen?

  11. I built my solo super-base (I sadly don't have any friends) with all my neatly labeled containers and I discovered that unslotters are my best friends: my alts recycle everything they no longer need,


    I store and store and store like a packrat and my purchase needs plummet as I store even more.

    I am an ecological, influence-friendly happy player.  Yay.


    (Hey it's your fault, you encouraged me to brag)

    • Like 2
  12. Poor guy says his whole speech twice.  


    Stayed too long in a completely vacant tutorial, he just lost it.


    Poor Sakai.





    Edit: Closed his window, clicked again, he seems to feel a lot better now. Must be my glowing presence.





  13. On 7/9/2019 at 12:09 PM, Rathulfr said:

    I like Fire/Regen because ... FIRE!  Heh heh heh heh heh ...  It's wicked fast and has good AoE damage.  I play him ranged, usually hovering above the battlefield, raining down fire.  While not as durable as my Energy/WP, he's definitely more durable than my blasters.  If I take significant damage, I just fly away for a few seconds for my insane +regen to refill the green bar, and then fly back in for more destruction.


    Now I want to try just that, but with a Rad/Regen.   /Regen was my first CoH character ever and the itch to make a new one is real.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Sentinel's regen is full of different goodies!

    • Like 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I think the fact that different people (who all know their way around the AH, let me tell you) have different pricing philosophies is a good thing.


    I'd pontificate that how you price an item depends on many factors, but that's pretty obvious to most, I would think.  Some of those factors include your rate of production, the rate of consumption (end demand), how often you want to check in, etc., etc.


    For the most part, I price to sell towards the low end for anything that I have an assembly line for, even if prices slump on a day to day basis.  If I'm used to producing and selling 50 units a day and prices are low for 4 days, that now means I have 200 units to go.  Maybe that demand will ramp up on high price days, but I'm not going to keep finished inventory on hand.  Work-in-progress inventory, sure, but finished inventory is for someone other than me to spend their market slots and base storage on.


    But if it's a small market and I have a short- or long-term grip on supply?  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!


    The verb To Squeeze immediately triggers this response in my brain.

    Warning: This video contains slightly disgusting behavior.  And redheads.



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