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  1. Body does not have to disappear. I imagined it like a shot down airplane going down in fire.
  2. -> title I think...for all the fans of the costume maker and making very expressive personalized characters it would be a nice addition to the game, if we could choose a death animation like we already can choose a costume change animation. For example a radiation style based character makes a mushroom cloud, when put to 0 hit points in the game. Or a dark mystic alt disperse in a murder of crows. And so on and so on...
  3. ...I do everything appropriate, give it a token and end up with the message, that the transfer can take time. Click ok and wait.....aaand nothing, even after 20 minutes or more. When I do it again, I see the token spend, but after some time it reappears. Anyone having an idea, what has happened?
  4. Thanks. Will look for black fangs... 😛 Reunion is quite sleepy at the other hand and also suffers from the same illness of the other servers: people refuse to team, if you are low level and have no other people in the team. But the moment I take out a lvl 50+ and announce teaming at highest diff.... I don´t dig people, everyone here is responsible too for the success and enjoyment of this project...instead they literally force indirectly singeplayer gameplay on other players by refusing any teaming other then full squad, 50+, highest diff. And that despite the charme a small team of toons on beginner levels can have... 😞
  5. ...since my own red side supergroup only got members of the american continent on Excelsior server and so "died out" after some time. I have alot of lvl 50 toons, which I will keep in my own supergroup, so I will join only with one toon and hopefully link my supergroup with yours. Dedicated base builder here with my own supergroup base as a proof. You ask, why I like to play red side only? I just can´t adapt to the hero thing and all my toons are not hero themed. But I am ok with supergroups, that play both sides, as long as the red side is active.
  6. I did not know that about Reunion. I will have a look on it. Thanks.
  7. ...since my own red side supergroup only got members of the american continent and so "died out" after some time. I have alot of lvl 50 toons, which I will keep in my own supergroup, so I will join only with one toon and hopefully link my supergroup with yours. Dedicated base builder here with my own supergroup base as a proof. You ask, why I like to play red side only? I just can´t adapt to the hero thing and all my toons are not hero themed. But I am ok with suprgroups, that play both sides, as long as the red side is active. Quote
  8. "do they all have to be left handed or do you want to keep your options open? " As long as the red side branch of the supergroup is active at european time, I am ok with that. I just want to stay in the rogue isles playwise, like I did in the past of this game. I just don´t want to play alone. "You might also ask in the Excelsior forum: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/39-excelsior/" Thanks, will try that.
  9. ...since my own red side supergroup only got members of the american continent and so "died out" after some time. I have alot of lvl 50 toons, which I will keep in my own supergroup, so I will join only with one toon and hopefully link my supergroup with yours. Dedicated base builder here with my own supergroup base as a proof. You ask, why red side only? I just can´t adapt to the hero thing, you know?
  10. Just another idea I had brushing my teeth.... ^^ We have many throwing animations in game. Add to it the "bomb laying" animation of poison trap and we have a combat pioneer style blaster /corrupter set. All kinds of grenades/charges/bombs.....molotov, smoke, flash, grenade, "geballte Ladung" aka several grenades fixed to be one charge.....land mines/explosives with several types of game damage? to make the set very flexible.
  11. I recently had the idea about a "disgusting" powerset for controllers and dominators....related to everything that makes you choke,vomit and gag. The animations and sounds for that are already in the game. I imagine skills from stink bombs over digestion fluids to mold sprays.....animations from plant and poison powersets could be recycled to create this one. Edit: I see, it was already mentioned. Count this as another thumbs up for a "disgusting" powerset. :))
  12. How about making the flying disc, jet board and the flying carpet a costume option if you choose flying as travelpower?
  13. The thing about the assault rifle powerset is that...since the first days of the game I observed players trying to make the powerset a real "machined gun" thing by ignoring most of the single shots or even more completly ignoring the flamethrowers + slotting as much reload speed up as possible into fire burst and full auto. I am trying that at the moment too, which is the reason I wrote about it here. So yes, macskull showed another easy solution for this by making fire burst and full auto reload faster. Players will do everything else needed in the game itself then and the powerset in it´s composition can stay as it is.
  14. Just my two cents.... As the title says, I myself was always dissatisfied by the content of the assault rifle powerset. It was more of a "swiss army knife" powerset with all the flamethrowing, single shots and grenade then just that...an automatic firearm with it´s effects in comparison for example beam rifle. If I would have the power to change it, I would take out one of the flamethrower attacks and one single shot attack and put in bursts in growing number....like one burst single target, two bursts in narrow cone, three bursts in a wide cone and finally full auto. For a better assault rifle feeling...^^ Aaand secondary I always thought, that the game itself has already the animations, sounds and effects for a controller/dominator powerset based on nauseating attacks. Everything that makes targets choke, vomit and gasp. Stink bombs, mold sprays, digestion fluids, decay flavors.....stuff like that to give players the option to create disgusting characters. Maybe that sounds like a nice idea to the devs.... Have fun!
  15. Done. Now it got even more fucked up. Despite having tertiar ninja power set no more, I can choose ninja swords in the costume maker. And the graphic bug is still there. 😞
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