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Everything posted by Bazooka

  1. I didn't want to get close enough to invite getting "generic'd", but I'd consider these Thematically Similar. At the very least It can be a jumping off point for you to change to your liking. Added masked and no-mask versions. PurplePantherMask.costume PurplePantherNoMask.costume
  2. You certainly do take a costume contest in a 20 year old volunteer-driven game Very Seriously. Here are a few options to choose from if the people who donate their time and (in-game) money for a fun contest every week aren't updating as quickly as you would like them to. Check their Discord channel. Ask in chat while you are in game. Check the end of Runt The Orc's Twitch stream. It is usually announced at the end of every streamed CC. Friday's theme is Valentines.
  3. Over the past 2 days I've freed up the following names on Everlasting Bazooka Auntie Nuke Gutsmash Spirit of '76 Electric Johnny Darkstreet
  4. I have an armored demon costume that might work for you, or at least give you a few ideas to add to something else. ArmoredDemon1.costume
  5. Based on what you already created and the concept art, I put together 2 costumes. Since your character is Kheldian, you probably won't need the glowing eyes aura. Feel free to use them or take just an idea or two from them! Moth Concept.costume moth concept 2.costume
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