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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Yes you can form a league and have characters on the other teams sitting in the proper locations and use incan to teleport the league around while 1 team is doing a task force.  I know someone that commonly does it on market crash to teleport us to the train for the board transit mission

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  2. The unusual monster activity announcement only refers to the 'war' up north part of the zone.  Its possible to have jack and eochai already in the zone and have the war start to then go kill each of them twice.  The individual spawns for jack and eochai dont have hero zone event messages like 'the kraken was spotted in perez park'.  It would be nice if they did have messages for the solo spawns

  3. They should be acting like every other non-MM combat pet.  If they are close enough to an enemy and not trying to follow you then they should attack.  Sometimes taking a hit to yourself or the pet gets them to start attacking sooner but they shouldnt stop unless they get controlled.   If the enemies werent mezzing them,  then there may be some sort of bug there.  Especially if the behavior is repeatable.

  4. although i cant say what causes the enemies to spawn much lower lvl then the mission,  it has been a thing for a very long time.  even more rare is when the enemy spawns several levels higher - causing a mission to be nearly impossible.  the biggest difference i have seen was a lvl 21 in a 40something council mission.  we made some jokes about him being lost and then proceeded to stomp him.  if the cause can be tracked down a fix would be great but given how old this is,  but i would expect this to be low priority given the amount of time to track it down versus the infrequency of its occurrence. 

  5. Map progress seems to be stored locally since i have different areas lit on different computers.  If your file got corrupted for that character in the crash, that could be why its getting reset.  Ill try and track it down.  Deleting it would reset it 1 more time but hopefully be the last time you would have to deal with it


    Edit:  im not sure if the file path is the same for each launcher but with the tequila launcher if you go to CityOfHeroes > 'account name'  > maps

    there will be a file for each characters map progress in there.  fire up the game and only log on that character and open some new map progress then exit.  Whatever one of those files has the date modified from your computers current date and time is the one for that character.  move it to a backup location or delete it then log back in.  your map will be reset again but fingers crossed it will be the last time.


  6. The volunteer team does read all these posts even though they dont all get responses.  I imagine this is on 'the list' but not everything gets fixed every time.  Hopefully this can be resolved in an upcoming patch but it needs to be heroes killing heroes in an atlas park costume contest to be hotfix worthy.

  7. Im not at my computer right now but it is possible for individual zones to go down while the rest of the game is up.  If nobody is in atlas at all then that would be why.  Usually they come back fairly quickly and its rare to begin with.  If other people are in atlas then you might want to verify your game files.

  8. This wont be particularly helpful for you, but this does happen.  Some things spawn out of bounds and theres nothing the player can do but ask for assistance or autocomplete.  Theres even a lady getting her purse stolen in atlas park - the mobs fall into the abyss and she is left floating there forever fighting with the nothing to get her purse back.

  9. It hasnt been an issue for me but im still on board with this suggestion.  Also extend it to cover the exit door in trials and itrials where i have seen someone click the door.  Going to LFG and choosing rejoin last event is nice for a secondary method but it shouldnt be the primary way to stay in your group.  

  10. 23 hours ago, tidge said:

    You can only have 1 of them, even if you can get the power to recharge faster than the pet expires <- not verified, but I assume the power behaves like spiderling pets

    I have recast the power before the pet expired and the result was the power went on cooldown, no new pet was summoned, and the original pet expired shortly after.

  11. The 5 ticks of fire damage should be the only one that requires fiery embrace.  If the rest of the effects actually require fiery embrace,  then the ability is bugged.


    And there is absolutely no way that a mob has 15 seconds of 'queued' movement so as not to notice that immobilize.  I always notice immediate immobilize with my controller.  They dont get to continue any movement.

  12. I was reffering to making the text huge and red.  Text is already horribly inefficient at conveying emotion.  Such an edit takes 'normal speech' and conveys yelling or anger.  I wouldnt consider it a quote anymore.  


    But for something more on topic, i dont think current content should be altered to accommodate IO sets.  If more endgame content is added i would like to see some harder options.  Or possibly adding a level shift for enemies under notoriety so they can be 54+4 or +6 or whatever it takes. 

  13. There have been several archtypes suggested previously but this looks like a closer fit to something that could exist in the game and not feel out of place.  


    If it were to be adopted im sure the numbers would be tested and rebalanced as necessary so ill hang on to my opinions on that.  


    Perhaps something to consider would be having less pets - possibly not the weakest 3 or strongest 1 - in favor of keeping the lower upgrade power and to leave the mastermind on top in pet count and make the 2 classes even more distinct.

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  14. I can only partially agree about anatomy not being censored.  I play with the filter on even though its rarely triggered mainly because i dont use vulgar speech meself.  But I've had no instances of seeing someone using anatomy in anything but the vulgar sense.  I also prefer to teach my kids on my schedule and not have them come to me and ask what a certain 'new' word is.

  15. After all the waves are clear, jack and eochai both spawn and run at each other for a final battle.  This is the event from live.  If taking on 2 giant monsters at the same time isnt something players should get involved in,  im not sure what would be.  


    I should have been more clear in my original post.  The event ends with both giant monsters duking it out.  You dont go elsewhere in the zone to battle them for this one.  Someone in the group asked what one to kill first and I answered both.  It was fun tanking them both at the same time and dropping within a few seconds of each other. 


    Battling all the early waves could probably be just as fun too, but having to find a lvl 30 something to lead the team seems kinda the opposite of the reason why giant monsters had their lvl removed in the first place.  The mini events in brickstown, st martial, and praetoria all use leveless enemies.  It doesnt make the events hard, especially for a lvl 50,  but at least they arent trivially easy facerolls.

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  16. I finally made it to the monster war in Croatoa shortly after it started,  and while it was fun, it was also slightly underwhelming.  The mobs were low 30s so our group of mostly lvl 50 had no problem decimating the waves.


    If the encounter was the exact same but the waves were like the other zone event mobs that dont have a lvl so they are white or stronger to every player would make the entire encounter more meaningful.  I would also support a way of triggering the event in a fashion similar to goliath war walker in boomtown.  But with extra reward merits to be had,  the cooldown should be longer as well.

  17. I would have to check the numbers when i get home, but its the magnitude, duration and recharge of the hold that matters.  A dominator in domination mode with 1 hold is doing double magnitude or 6 mag every cast cycle with only 1 animation and a recharge that isnt much longer.  Even if that blaster has 3 mag on each of those holds,  by the time all 3 are cast for a total of 9 mag, the dominator would be at 12 from their second cast.  Throw in the fact that the dominator holds are also lasting 50% longer at their normal magnitude,  the dominator is still stacking holds while the blaster is in 'maintain mode' while the holds are dropping off.

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  18. I dont have the numbers in front of me but i think it takes 36 mag hold or 50 mag stun to drop the protection on a green mito.  League buffed, your recharge from 2 holds should be pretty close to the animation times so you can alternate between the 2.  A dominator in domination mode with control hybrid would be the most magnitude hold you can stack with one character.  


    Theres ways to speed up the green mitos a bit more but i found out ingame that raid changes are fairly heavily resisted so ill let someone else offer up that information.

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  19. I skip the single target immob.  The main reasons i see that people take it for are single target damage and for not irritating your team with the AoE immob.


    For me there's just too many better choices through pool and epic powers to need it for single target damage and its too easy to not press my AoE immobilize or place that epic in its spot on the bar while on a team.  But i haven't had anyone complain about my controller controlling the enemies either, so there's that to consider.

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