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Posts posted by TheZag


    8 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    Ah.  Fair enough.  Been a while since I managed to experience that bug.

    You going to make a report in the Bugs board, @TheZag?


    it immediately disconnected me from the zone and teleported me to mercy island so i think the bug is already fixed.  i never even got to move and the ingame screenshot was all black.  i had to paste that into paint.

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  2. Yes this has been suggested before.  A new body type is a massive undertaking to line up costume pieces and scale everything.  And to re-do or repair all the costume pieces that dont line up.


    Adding the female heads to the huge body type would be much easier but still requires a significant amount of work.  Several female hair styles (pretty much everything below neck height) would severely clip into the huge body shoulders meaning they would need to be reworked or not included.  Several players have said they wouldnt mind if there is clipping but the response is the team isnt trying to release a sloppy product,  which i agree with.


    I dont know if this is on the to-do list or not but even if it is,  i wouldnt expect it soon or to have all the female head/hair options.

  3. the auction house is linked across all the servers.  post something on excel and someone can buy it on torch.


    also salvage of the same rarity are all combined.  if i post one rare for 600k and you bid 600k on a different rare,  that item is changed to what you bid on and i made a sale.  the same goes for different levels on recipies and attuned or not on enhancements.


    so nobody on a single server is manipulating prices on a single server,  its all combined across all servers.

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  4. People are focused on -1x1 is low enough but what about -1x3 or -1x4?  


    I occasionally manage to get my kids to login and team with them and while my son is a gamer in training,  my daughter just likes kitties.  Playing on -1x3 is no problem for myself and my son but my daughter often feels she isnt being useful.  Then i try and focus on letting her battle more while i tank/buff/heal her.  A -2x3 would probably be a better fit for her skill level.


    Im not saying change the game for my daughter who logs in like once a month,  but there is more to it then just saying that soloing -1x1 is enough.

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  5. They put out some content recently that was more difficult and players complained that it was too hard so they made it easier.  Next time some difficult stuff is added, the players looking for a challenge need to speak up that they like it.


    And for something more specific for added difficulty,  having +5 or +6, 7, 8 just makes it take longer.  Maybe leave +1 and +2 alone but give enemies on +3 and +4 access to additional abilities, especially buffs and debuffs and increase their hit chance.

    • Like 3
  6. I had it happen to just myself and nobody else.


    I was moving with fly turned on when a time freeze happened.  Because i was held i kept drifting into an obliteration beam (i was outside the beam when time freeze started).  I was hit by the obliteration beam and perma held at that point.  Hopefully that can help track down the cause or for finding a solution.

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  7. Yes you can redeem it.  Please bring your pass and 500 million inf to the top of the atlas statue at exactly thirty nine o'clock P.M.  there will be someone waiting for you.  Give them the inf and walk away.  Do not ask any questions.  Take your pass with you, it has been redeemed.

  8. 4 hours ago, Blackbird71 said:

    So what on earth makes you think things would be "better" now with Disney in charge of Marvel?  If anything, Disney has shown themselves more likely to sue and less caring about bad press.


    Ok im not trying to derail the thread so last response here. We can make another thread if we want to continue. 


    That was over 30 years ago.  A more recent example they sued a school fundraiser for showing a disney movie to the kids and withdrew it over the bad press they were receiving. They might have even made a donation but im not sure on that point since i didnt look it up again.


    And homecoming isnt earning a profit.  So suing 30 years ago to protect your trademark from a company that was using it and making a profit isnt quite the same as disney going after homecoming because they bought marvel and there is the possibility that someone might break the terms of service and create a character in the likeness of a trademarked character and then use it to make a profit.


    All that said,  we are still walking a tightrope here and shouldnt do anything to mess it up.

  9. I couldnt find this on a search so my apologies if its already suggested or already available.


    Is it possible for a macro icon to shrink when the ability it uses is on cooldown?  Or to add a line into a macro to the effect of 'use cooldown of power'  or 'set cooldown #'


    I rarely use macros and the main reason is because i still have to put the ability in my tray so i can see its cooldown.  I tend to avoid mouse targeted abilities for this reason with my ice/storm corruptor being the exception.  But instead of using macros,  i click to drop all the rains and storm abilities.


    If its not possible or too difficult to implement then i understand,  but if its doable i would be grateful if it was added to the to-do list.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Blackbird71 said:


    Do you mean the same Disney that sued a preschool for having some of their characters painted on their walls?  Yeah, no; they're not exactly afraid of bad press over a lawsuit.


    Yes, unauthorized commercial use of a trademark must be contested in order for those trademarks to remain intact.


    26 minutes ago, Vulpoid said:

    To be honest, I would just have them sit beside you and make a character.


    Ya getting them on the game even if its just for a few minutes would be the best way.  Its free,  tell them to give it a shot.


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  11. Id almost say its better that disney owns marvel now since they want to avoid the bad publicity like when they sued the school fundraiser for showing a disney movie.  'Disney sues not for profit volunteer organization for playing video games'.


    Id say go with the funny or music video ones.  Even if its not 'actual gameplay'  its still more memorable and if they ever log in they will recognize things from the video as opposed to a screen exploding with power effects.



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