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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. Hey all

    While I appreciate the need to vent (as well as not naming names), issues that one feels requires GM attention or intervention should be submitted via the Support link at the top of the forum (or in the little do-dad in the upper right corner if you're on mobile). If any members of the mentioned group, or their friends, see this thread (or one like it), things will probably go downhill quickly, so I'll be closing this up.

    EDIT: I MEANT to close this thread, but, guess i forgot to hit the button. Oops =/ Still, since everyone is being mature and polite -for the most part- I'll keep it open a bit longer.

    • Thanks 4
  2. 22 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Thread gonna turn in to who has the most depressing backstory and about how someone ruined the game.


    Something about jerk hackers and going to the Americans, I'm sure.

    But in any case, while I agree that people shouldn't be mistreated based on how they prefer to play, this entire thread is just more drama bait, so, I'm shutting it down now.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Excraft said:

    What's sad is that people making homages are being forced to remake characters even for the slightest whiff of pissing off the House of Mouse, yet a group named "The Marvels", which is an actual Marvel comic title, is allowed to continue on for years.  Like I said, I guess rules only apply to some people. 


    According to the link you posted, that series came out just LAST YEAR. Near as I can tell, the SG PRE-DATES that. And again, none of the toons there are copies of Marvel characters. And that's the title of the book, not the name of a team. There's a lot of grey here, and isn't as clear-cut a violation as someone trying to be "The Avongers".

    If anyone feels like we're making mistakes, we're all for listening and making improvements... but if you're arguing in bad faith just to try and make us look bad, because you have an axe to grind, or, more likely, you're simply trolling, then we're not as likely to take your criticisms seriously. Also, I would advise you to grind your axe and/or take your trolling elsewhere.

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  4. On 9/16/2022 at 2:01 PM, Excraft said:


    There are supergroups named after copyrighted Marvel/Disney properties allowed in game.  Marvel is releasing a film called "The Marvels".  No one seems to care about the SGs her with that name.  There's been bunches of themed costume contests with costumes that are blatant copies down to the name of other intellectual properties and none of the GMs bat an eye.  Just saying.  Seems like the rules only apply to some. 


    Near as I can tell, "The Marvels" as an SG pre-dates any known copyright filing of "The Marvels" as a movie. Also, none of those characters look like copies of Marvel properties (Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Marvel Girl, Marvelous Melvin... wait, was that last one a thing?). However, this is something that the GM team will have to discuss once the film is released.

    Otherwise, we are not omniscient. If you see any other examples of this, please let us know.

    EDIT: Where are my manners? Regarding the OP:

    If you make a base look like a generic sitcom house, fine. But if you literally name your SG "The Bewitched House" or "1164 Morning Glory Circle", that would be problematic (and uh, yeah, I totally had to google that. Totally).

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  5. So, Dacy was already linked to this, but, I was given the OK to put this here in case anyone else ever had the same question:


    Fill out that form, and as long as we have someone willing and able, we should be able to work something out!

    And while it says so on the form, I'm going to reiterate that we're all VOLUNTEERS, and won't be able to attend every possible event.

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  6. Hmm...

    Make sure you're typing the name EXACTLY when confirming the delete. Like, if you have, I dunno, Illusion man, make sure that it's actually an i and two Ls and not like, a lowercase L, an uppercase i, and a one, or any other tricky font choices you may have made to get the name if it had already been taken.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

     Why can't I make the pyromaster have a power from every fire related set, Paragon Studios?  I'll even trim to avoid the AI from derping too hard with attack chains. But, no, a master of flames must accept being stuck with a limited variety of powers. The team has certainly mitigated this with the ability to hard write in new powers, but it'd be nice if in the future we got broad themed powersets including things like Assault rifle getting SoA attacks tossed in.

    I mean, you CAN do that now, but, it involves editing the critter in notepad, and they won't be worth any XP.

    A bit past the halfway point.

    ...of all the preview images, why did it select a 30x30 icon and blow it up? *sigh*

    • Like 1
  8. Hey there

    I recall another user had an issue like this, though not as bad...

    in his case, Having "Ambient Occlusion" set to "No Blur" was causing stippling. Try playing with those settings in conjunction with the cel shader options.

    Though I'm not sure why it would start doing this all of a sudden =/

  9. Yeah, submit a ticket. Make sure to include the name and shard of the SG.

    It's probably too late for me to say so, but, don't touch anything until a dev has had a chance to look into this.

    EDIT: I just want to point out for the record that posting something like this here IS the proper course of action; however, with a ticket, we can get additional info and track the issue easier.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 55 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    If this is some sort of condition barring entry, you might want to specify that. Play the game much? Guess what happens when an ITF is forming? This isn't the Rikti War Zone where you can just whip off the Intro to Vanguard while the team is forming. No one is going to wait for a player to spend quality time with Montague Castanella and moreover, what reason would newer player have to draw their attention to him? The only toon I have that did the arc is my main, who did a bunch of stuff not knowing newer content existed. Everyone else, just went through that door. Monty's arc is fun, but not "do it on all 25 50s" fun.


    Well, this is what I'm trying to figure out. The Midnighter badge from Night Ward should do the trick just fine. But, if someone somehow got into Cim without it? Well, I don't know why some of the contacts would have a conditional flag if you can't even get into the zone without it, buuuuut I wouldn't be surprised, either.

    EDIT: So, I just tested this myself. Took my nearly badgeless GM toon into Cim, spoke to Valeria, did her first mission... and she offered to introduce me to a new contact. I had the option to decline this introduction and carry on. But yeah, doesn't seem tied to the Midnighter badge, then. Maybe the intro needs to be made mandatory so it can't be missed? Though doing the arc in Ouro would cause complications. OR, there's something else at play here.

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  11. Hey there @v Calibre

    Do you know if your laptop uses a hard-disk drive, or a solid-state drive? If it's the former, try defragging your hard drive.

    Once that's done (or you don't want to do it, or you have an SSD which doesn't need to be defragged), in HC Launcher, click the three little dots (...) under the play button, and then select "Verify".  You can also click Settings (The little gear icon in the upper right), select "Homecoming", and check "Reset graphics on next run", then start the game.

    Make sure you un-check this option if you end up changing anything, or else it'll get reverted next time you load it up.

    Also, generic advice, make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card and that you're working on a fresh restart.

    Let us know if you're still having issues!

  12. I actually asked the devs if it would be possible to put construction workers and engineers and freedom corps guys around the Atlas AE building prior to the update, but, they said they didn't have time for that (I think it's something they'd already thought about doing before I brought it up, but it got vetoed) =(

    Also, if you hang out near Dr. Aeon in Cap Au Daible, you'll hear one of his assistants praising him for taking out fire insurance policies on the AE buildings! =O

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  13. At @Marine X's request, merged his Game Tips thread with the existing one Miss had pinned here. Hopefully it doesn't cause confusion!

    As for a tip from me?  If you submit a petition in-game, specifically for an issue that needs immediate resolution (like a mission that won't end, missing glowie, stuck bad guy/escort, etc), please wait in the mission and be available for at least 5 minutes!

    Also, responses to your tickets go both to your account here on the forums (under Support), and sent to your e-mail that you signed up with. However, don't reply to that e-mail, we wont see it!


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  14. 1 and 2 star shouldn't be too tough on a well-built tank with IOs, incarnate powers, and a level shift. But 3 and 4 star is when you're going to need team buffs to counteract all the incoming damage and debuffs, as well as defeat the enemy before they can defeat you. And like with the ASF hard modes, there are some things where having the best built tank in the world isn't going to save you if you're not proactively being careful and avoiding danger.

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  15. Had a ticket from a user who, upon logging in, was spawned in behind the counter in the Steel Canyon Science Store (naturally, they were stuck, as you're not even supposed to get in there)

    There's a clickable door there, and I think the game considered it a valid access point (I know sometimes if you log out near a door, when you log back in, you'll be exiting that doorway). Not sure why the game chose THAT door instead of the one in the lobby right next to it, though.

    Loc coords: [-4031.6 -175.6 -2178.2]

  16. Hi

    If you submit a ticket, we can look into this further (Use "Support" at the top of the forum). But I'm going to echo other people's thoughts here: You've either got the wrong account, wrong shard, or the wrong server service. Also, it's not uncommon that people sometimes delete their toons before deciding they don't want to play any more, but wind up coming back anyway.

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