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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. Hey all.

    While this convo isn't rule-breaking (or anything bad really), posts in these feedback threads should be directed at the developers, and not conversations amongst ourselves.

    Per GM Widower's post pinned at the top of the forum:

    5. DON'T GIVE FEEDBACK ON OTHER PEOPLE'S FEEDBACK. You're here to discuss and debate the changes with the devs, not each other. The devs are big people (Huge, even) and can stand up for themselves.

    Thank you!

  2. 27 minutes ago, Shocktacular said:

    Okay, I've been going through the thread again and again and ... I don't get it.  Please explain?


    It's a WITCH hat... in a NON-STICK frying pan.

    Maybe you're lucky enough that it's never happened to you, but there's a certain NPC escort in a TF who just LOVES getting stuck in geometry. There's a fix in this patch for that 😃

  3. 2 hours ago, The Caretaker said:

    I was involved in some of these, and even I can't figure out what Impervium means by some of them.


    Someone else had to point out the hat in the pan's solution above, AND NOW I GET IT, AND I MADE THAT CHANGE MYSELF.


    It's what I'm most thankful for in this patch 😃 (at least in my capacity as GM!)

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  4. Hi

    Please submit a ticket using the support option at the top of the page (if you're on desktop, that is; if you're on mobile, hit the three lines in the upper right to bring up the menu that shows the support link); please include as many details as you can for the other account(s), including account name, the e-mail those accounts were associated with, global name, and names of characters on those accounts. I'm not promising anything, but the more info you can provide (EXCEPT passwords, though if you knew those, you wouldn't have this issue), the better.

    Incidentally, if you were to log out of the forums and try logging back in, does the log-in widget not try to autofill info for the other accounts? Or had you played on a separate device?

  5. Okay fellas, let's keep it friendly.

    On one hand, yes, those defense numbers aren't ones you'd see in combat. Unsupressed Stealth is adding about 11% defense. While in Mids, if you go into Options -> Configuration -> Effects & Maths tab, you will see on the right checkboxes with various effects, such as attacking or being attacked. So checking off "hit by foe" will lower Stealth's defense bonus from 11 to 3.85, which is what you'd see while in combat. Therefore, boasting a "50% s/l def" rating is kinda disingenuous.

    On the other hand, it's doubtful many people know about that option in Mids, so it would be better to educate people on the specifics, instead of just saying "look in options". Also, that's a program setting, and isn't saved on a per-build basis.

    With that out of the way, let's keep sharing builds, hmm? 😃

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  6. Okay folks, rein it in a bit. No sense bringing up real-life economic issues when we're all here to ignore that sort of thing for a while.

    If one takes an exceptionally BROAD meaning of "manipulating the market", then, that's something we're all guilty of.

    Every time you bid for something, you're increasing demand. When you bid low, you're trying to reduce it's going price. When you bid high, you increase it's going price. When you sell items, you're increasing supply, and doing so at a price point you desire. Or, if you vendor things, you're denying other players access to those specific goods (well, not specifically, since, you know, everything's bucketed... but still).


    But, that's a cheeky way of looking at it, I'll admit. The good news is that this sort of thing will likely be self-correcting in time. Just wait it out until whoever is doing this gets bored?


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  7. 45 minutes ago, TraumaTrain said:

    Huh. I thought it was infants in Praetoria.


    30 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    That's cuisine, not currency.

    Part of me is morbidly curious to see how far this goes... but my better judgement disagrees.

    So, back on topic, folks!

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  8. Alright everyone, take it easy.

    Whenever a suggestion like this comes up, I like to inform/remind folks that not only is it not "easy" to just plug and play stuff from other servers, but that we wouldn't do so without signed permission. Just because it's "out there" doesn't mean that Homecoming considers it "up for grabs". If/when we ever do get MM customization, we'll do it our own way.

    Also this thread had turned into crap, so, locking it up.


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