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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. HC's operation philosophy is one of careful consideration and getting things right. We had a few things lined up for the last page that weren't 100% done, and getting them there would have delayed the update past New Years, so they were tabled for the moment (hopefully to be done on the next update).


    Which is why we keep things close to the vest and have shied away from making announcements until something is pretty much good to go.


    Similarly, we've had ideas for additional community involvement/contests/etc, but nothing that's far enough along to make any promises on, let alone discuss.


    That said, I'll see if I can get an answer as to whether we're planning any announcements or updates in the near future 😃

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  2. Hoo-boy.

    So, it's okay to be angry. And swearing isn't the worst thing here (general rule: don't swear at or to someone specifically, and try to keep it clean when possible. Saying "Ah fuck" is okay; saying "Fuck you" is not. Ultimately, what is or is not okay is up to Moderator discretion). Anyway...

    At the top of your screen here on the forums, just below our logo, are several buttons, (unless you're on mobile). They read Activity, Browse, Account, etc.

    Click "Account", then in the little window it makes, hit "Game Account".

    You'll be able to make a log-in name, and a password. Note that once you create a log-in name, IT'S PERMANENT, and can NOT be changed. So make sure it's a good one. Also make sure that the e-mail you used to make a forum account is active and not a burner e-mail, as this is how we'll communicate with you if you have issues in the future.

    If you need any more help, post your question in the Help and Support sub-forum (where I'll be moving this thread), or in our Discord.

    Thank you.

    Also, closing this topic before it gets meme'd.

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  3. This is what happens when I take a day off?


    AHEM, I mean...

    While the idea of a "default color" can certainly be problematic, this kind of discussion is almost impossible to have without real-life race politics coming into play, and that's the kind of thing that we'd like to avoid here. While I normally like to keep threads open after a warning, I'm gonna err on the side of caution here.

    Thank you for the suggestion, but I'm locking the thread now.

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  4. This seems to be more of a suggestion thread than a bug report, so, moved to Suggestions.

    Personal Opinion time: I agree this power is awful. However, if it were better in any meaningful way (duration, magnitude, etc), it would probably be overpowered. But I'll leave that up to the Devs to figure out 😃

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  5. 13 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I have a couple of alts in Amazon Army and I have no intention of closing the doors on the group.  The base he built will remain untouched so long as I am around.  I will try to put together some nice screen captures into a thread for the base.  He had the passcodes in his forum signature, so they are all open to the public to visit and enjoy. 


    I am all for having Heraclea as a permanent NPC in the base as well, however that seems a lot more work for the team here. 


    From what I recall from a similar convo, a base NPC wouldn't be permanent, as they'd get wiped every server restart (or whenever the base was empty, and then reloaded when someone else came through).

    So, there's a technical hurdle, but one we're aware of, and iirc there's some interest in doing something about it (NOT making any promises here, the devs are pretty tight-lipped about anything they intend to do). All we can do is hope.

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  6. 18 minutes ago, StriderIV said:

    On that not Impervium… what is your favorite/what do you think some of the strongest scrapper combos are? =]

    Anything I have to say on that would be coming from an... uneducated place, I'm sorry to admit! I only played a small number of scrappers on Live, and even less here on HC (I'm mostly a support/utility player on my game account). I'll leave the theory-crafting to the experts 😃

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  7. Hey folks, I know saying something like "keep it kind" sounds like a platitude at this point, but a thread like this is really NOT the place for an argument or petty bickering. So, I hid a few posts.

    That said, this sort of thing clearly has precedent, but it's ultimately up to the Devs and HC leads.

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