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Everything posted by LKN-351
Can you create, save, and load custom UIs for different screen sizes?
LKN-351 replied to Curveball's topic in Help & Support
If you need any help, I'm more than happy to assist. -
Can you create, save, and load custom UIs for different screen sizes?
LKN-351 replied to Curveball's topic in Help & Support
@Curveball You hadn't commented back about whether you'd prefer macros or binds. I also wasn't sure if you used the scaling functions or not either, otherwise that could be incorporated into the binds as well. So I'll just post up the binds I use modified to what you need. /bind CTRL+F11 "wdwloadfile Laptop.txt" /bind CTRL+F12 "wdw_load_file Desktop.txt" You can change it from control+F## key if you want, it just happens to be the keys I use for loading files. You add those binds into the chat line ingame and then test it out by going to the 'system' chat view and it'll either say window file loaded or give you the error. After you add both binds find the option for saving keybinds to default file so that for every other character you can just load the default keybind and those two binds will be there. Not to mention if you save them to the default keybind file any time you make a new character they'll already be set. EDIT: There may actually be a super simple solution to this as well by adding those bind commands into the launcher command line, but I haven't tested that idea yet. -
Can you create, save, and load custom UIs for different screen sizes?
LKN-351 replied to Curveball's topic in Help & Support
I'd say your best bet would be take the suggestions these guys made and put it into a macro or a persistant bind. Which one just depends on your preferences. It'd take a few steps to set it all up but then you wouldn't have to do it again. Whether you'd prefer a macro or a bind the first thing you'd have to do is create the window settings file, running the command in game on the corresponding computer you're using /wdwsavefile Laptop.txt /wdwsavefile Desktop.txt Those commands will save everything you've placed on the screen in a file on the PC you're using. If you run the laptop one on the laptop it'll only save those screens to the laptop and vice versa you'd have to run the other command on the desktop for the desktop. Once you've saved that file any character you are playing can load that specific file. To load the file you'd set up two macros that you'd have to copy to each character. If you do a bind you'd just have to save the commands to the default bind file and load the keybind to any character you already have but then any character you make in the future would have the bind to change the window settings to whichever one you needed at the time. Personally I think the persistant bind command would be the simplest solution with less hassle in the future but I'm gunna go eat and I'll check back on this and hopefully you'll let me know which direction you'd prefer and I'll type out the commands to get what you want. I personally have a different wdw save file for each of my alts. They're mostly the same but I color code the UI to each alt and some have some minor differences in the placement of certain ingame windows. There's also a few missions here and there that move windows when you load in so I stuck the load command on a bind so I can just hit a keystroke and reset those windows automatically instead of having to move them around manually. -
Neat-O! I didn't know that was an option with the parameters. That's a game changer... literally😆😆
Not that I've ever been aware of. I've always used this bind to set the distance when I first log in or if I accidentally bump the scroll wheel on the mouse. /bind END "camdist 25" that changes the END key from its default 'zoomout' to a set camera distance, 25 in this case. You can change the distance or the key you bind it to whatever suits you. Personally, I add it to the bindfile for each of my characters so I always know where it is.
I read a post from a Dev or GM a few weeks ago saying that they would not be returning. EDIT: it was a Dev, post number 6 and 9 from Cobalt Arachne
I don't have any map files converted so I'm not sure the resolution of the citymap the game uses but this exists so it's doable with client side mods. I thought Vidiotmaps changed the file for the citymap in the trams but I just checked ingame and that's not the case any more. ATC is busy at the moment with IRL issues, I could take a crack at it but it'll be a couple weeks.
or alternatively the character with a name you had on Live shares a name with someone who passes on and gets their character put into the game for all the great things they did back in the day. It's like sad2 cause the person passed and cause I wont ever be able to use the name. At least it's for a good reason.
How do I install Mids on my Mac?
LKN-351 replied to shmurtypants's topic in Tools, Utilities & Downloads
You ever get this figured out? -
How to make a macro that does 2 things
LKN-351 replied to The Mighty Paladin's topic in Help & Support
Try this: powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_name Fly It turns on sprint and will activate fly and then turn it back off again when you want to land. -
How do I install Mids on my Mac?
LKN-351 replied to shmurtypants's topic in Tools, Utilities & Downloads
The first thing that comes to mind is this here: I suspect its on 'power only' and all you gotta do is click it and it'll change to 'power/slot' and you should be good to go. I tested some other things real quickly and thats the only thing I could find that would stop you from placing slots. -
I'll post a link to mine. It's fairly up to date, aside from maybe one or two characters on the incarnates tab. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A038P0CY3PF4KrQB-sSe6i_Ue6jfB_0VYwJzZGaCA8E/edit?usp=sharing For someone that doesn't professionally need to use Excel (or just spreadsheets in general) I've put a lot of effort into past sheets. My Borderlands gun spreadsheets were a blast to make lol
One of the GMs said it wasnt a "gen'd" thing on a previous page in this thread (page 2 I think). The name just has a number added on, much like if you where to transfer a toon to a different server and someone already had the name lol or you forgot that you had one with the same name on that server. In case anyone else wonders, I'm 90% sure if I transfered my main (LKN-351) to a server that I had a toon with that name it would end up being LKN-352 (or LKN-353 if I had already taken LKN-352) but if the toons name was Superdude and the name release hit him it would be Superdude1 NOT Generic### You get gen'd for violating the name policy, you get a number appended if it's a name release.
Spooky Season Approaches! Homecoming's Halloween Event 2024!
LKN-351 replied to The Curator's topic in Events & Contests
Client side mod mayhaps? -
Possibly. Depends on the layout of the texture files. Adding the shapes gets into GEOs, which I don't personally have any experience with. I had started to mess with opacity though. The different Night Vision Goggles were built so that they fit with certain other pieces, they fit with some of the other helms in varying degrees though as well. They don't currently accept custom colors but the MM pet version is available in the Icon CC as an NPC only piece. I don't remember if the Artemis version was or not.
That honestly shouldn't be too difficult. I'd suspect it'd probably be similar to what I did with the Council Ascendant where I took the blue out of the baked in colors. The lower part, probably not. The chest part is a reskin of the Terra Robe option so converting it wouldn't take much. The shoulder/neck pieces are in the Titan Icon CC but marked as NPC only, so I've tested that piece and it clips with a lot of stuff just due to the 'necklace' part. I had planned to go through all the NPC groups and convert some things to be utilized by players, if I gain some traction with any of this I'll pick it back up. It'll go slowly though.
Apparently there isn't very much interest in costumes that are already in the game and nearly ready to go. I've finally got some time to spare to post up the work I've done on some costume pieces though and I'd like to show them off at least. All of these are still WIP and unfortunately I'm running out of steam due to apparent lack of interest. I mentioned the Champion Helm, Champion Facemask, and Mage Cap Collar previously and how difficult they where to work with due to the unfinished state of the files. I did add dual colors to the helm(<---I didn't get a screenshot of this) and a metallic reflection to all three as well as transparency to the Mage Cope Collar. The transparency is hard to see really in the pics but it's kind of like frosted glass with this cool facet effect as you rotate the character. Red is primary color, yellow is secondary. This is what originally made me decide to mess with texture modding in the first place. I converted this years ago during the dark times just cause I wanted to mess around with textures. I wasn't completely satisfied with how it came out back then so I thought I'd take another stab at it now that I've learned a lot more and have way better programs to use for the file conversions. As I do, red is primary and yellow is secondary. Council Ascendants It always bugged me that we had access to Chaos Leather chest and pants for the players but the gloves and boots were locked for only the Vahzilok. The OCD in me wanted the full matching costume instead of the close enough Heavy Buckle gloves and boots. So, since I was at a crossroad with the Council Ascendants set I set it aside to work to convert the Vahzilok pieces to match the way that they were implemented to the players, with the lack of the white 'skin' section. I actually kept seperate files for both the NPC version and the one that matched the player version, just because. I did run into an odd issue with this though, I had the belts reflect just the same way the player version did but at some point while I was completing them that reflective area changed and I never could figure out why. I did some thorough testing and it points to the bump alpha so I scrapped the altered bump then reverted back to the unmodded bump but nothing changed, so I did the same thing with the reflect texture and again nothing changed... so I'm completely stumped. Other than the reflect issues, it came out really good. Last up, some things I did in the past. I have the files for most of these, but a couple I need to convert again. They take player selected color. Anyways, I was making all these in hopes that they might be added for player use as opposed to just client side mods but with little to no interest that seems unlikely. Hey, it doesn't hurt to suggest though.
If all you need to do is change the game account password then you can go here to do that https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/ Granted, the forum account and the game account are tied together so as long as the one you're posting from is the same one linked to the game account you're trying to access the link I provided should do what you need.
Specifically mentioning the clipping on Wyvern, Rulu-Shin, IDF Commanders, and absolutely especially the PPD Hardsuits. Now, the Wyvern, Praetorian Police and Rulu-shin parts that are available I'd just think those where too unique. Those are actually accessable in Icon, but in the wrong catergories. The Wyvern, IDF and Hardsuit is kind of wonky as well as in the wrong catergories. The Praetorian police stuff is viable and looks great but it's fairly unique... we can hope lol As far as the Mooks and Luddites... I'm workin on reskinning some things from each villain group but I haven't gotten to those two specifically. I think the revolutionary robe from my first post is used by the Luddites.
I will add some posts to this in the near future. I mentioned in the first post that I had found some things in Icon that were incomplete player pieces. I thought I'd post them up just for inquiring minds. Champion helm and face cover; Hockey mask; Samurai Maedate Yon; and Skull plate The mage cape and the full set of Imperial Scholar There was also Pratorian T.E.S.T. gloves which I suspect was for Dev use of the villain group.... but I actually placed a texture onto this cause it used the same GEO just for whatever reason it didn't get finished. I suspect that this one actually wasn't used due to the fact it only shows up in one catergory and the textured one was in a better catergory with more parts from this villain group. I attempted for a month or so to texture the Mage Cape upper peice and Champion pieces. Unfortunately all those pieces use sections of the same texture file. The pic below, green is unused, white is helm, black is face cover and the teeny tiny bit in the upper right is for the top section (collar?) of the mage cape. Its really hard to work with lol Yes, the black section that goes onto the face cover ends up being just randomly in the side of the helmet. I could texture each one individually but I decided not to go that route for now. I'd post up my progress pictures but I can't find them right now. I'll post those later on when I have more time. That's all for now, I have more things to post of work I've done that I'd hope to be added to the game at some point but it took so long to post this I ran out of time.
One of the biggest draws to this game for a lot of people has always been the plethora of options in the costume creator. Through the years we've gotten tons of new options but now, understandably, with the volunteer DEVs we haven't gotten near as much. I feel that "new to us" content is still viable to be new content. I had some ideas on how to expand on the costumes with things that already exist ingame and also slightly modifying things that are already available. We've never used it before in live content so that does make it new. Back in the dark times someone put together a offline costume creator. Titan Icon for those that werent aware. It also had an interesting thing you could do, NPC edit mode. What it did was add some (not all) of the NPC costume parts to the CC that, I'm guessing, was how Devs started creating NPCs with at some point in time but the players couldn't see them. There's some interesting things opened up in there, mostly from NPCs obviously, but even some of it was unfinished unreleased player stuff. I've been messing around with Icon a lot in the last few months and I just keep seeing these parts that could be added to the current game and some of them work well with other pieces at least following the guidelines that the OG Devs had. I recall the live Devs had a few different reasons they wouldn't just give the players access to the NPC parts. One reason that came up a lot was clipping and the other was to keep the NPCs unique. The most important reason was that NPCs used to be created a lot differently than the player characters so the parts just don't work the same. I found out that theres the fact that a lot of the older NPCs are much lower resolution than players. These are some of the things that I've found that I think could work in the CC that are already there, just not coded in a way that players can see them. I saved them all with red being primary and yellow being secondary just to show that they do accept custome color inputs from the CC. These are the very low effort parts that AFAIA just need a tag changed from "NPC only" These screenshots where all taken in HC costume file load screen. I have done some testing to see how much they clip and these are the things that I found that didn't clip with pre-existing parts and are also in the correct menus that you would logically think they should be in. Not to mention I have tested to see if they still show up in HC as they did in Icon and they all show up just as well but of course with costume part errors due to the fact that they are still coded as "NPC only". I don't know what the current Devs guidlines are for adding or not adding NPC parts for player use but if they are anything similar to the OG Devs then I'd hope these could be added in the future. Also, thanks to @Alchemystic for letting me recycle the title of his thread 🙂😀 PS, I'm not the greatest at getting ideas out of my head and putting them out for others to read in word format, so if you have some constructive criticism or a better way to word something than I have please don't hesitate to PM me and help out. I've been putting off posting this for a few months partly due to not being so sure what to say.
Could these costume items be implemented
LKN-351 replied to Nightmarer's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Hmmmm, I wonder how well that peace sign fits with the one baked into the shirt lol -
Could these costume items be implemented
LKN-351 replied to Nightmarer's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The Tie Dyed T-shirt is uploaded to CityModder now. -
Could these costume items be implemented
LKN-351 replied to Nightmarer's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I'm guessing you're talking about the hippie vibe NPCs that are wandering around the various zones. Some of those textures would be a pain to use since the GEOs are not even in the realm of similarities with things we have in the CC. The patterns can give ideas, but trying to give them depth and details would be outside of the scope of things I'm capable of so far if I'm picturing the same things you're thinking about. -
Could these costume items be implemented
LKN-351 replied to Nightmarer's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I agree that'd be a perfect base if it wasn't long sleeve. I'll mess with it some more though and see what I can come up with. If I have time today or tomorrow I'll go ahead and put the Tie Dyed shirt on the CityModder.