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Everything posted by LKN-351

  1. Hmm, I wonder why any coder would use an apostrophe in a file name in the first place. I'll take a look and see what the file names look like on my machine.
  2. Once you gave me the tools I needed I accidentally figured out what the original issue was and then I happened upon the other two older versions of his packs and it was on like donkey kong. Although some of the alignment issues where inherent to the game, I had to shift the IO rings a bit cause they where off compared to all the other rings. I think I fixed anything that anyone could possibly rant about but wonders never cease yeah? lol Naw man, it's super easy to install. Hardest part would be figuring out which version you might want. I uploaded them so you just gotta paste it into the HC folder once its downloaded. There's even a preview folder and a few other alts in each pack.
  3. A whole bunch of views and a single like. Hmmm, well.
  4. You'd at least need to have a stable .pigg viewer. They exist, but YMMV. I couldn't get one to work on my PC but others have. Do a search on the forums for stable pigglet. I have no idea if you've looked through any .piggs already but they are a mess. You'd have to find every single file that is associated with the thing you want to modify (lets call it A) and then every single file that's associated with what you want to sub in (lets call it B) and replace A with B. BUT B is REQUIRED to use the EXACT SAME file headers, file names, file dimensions as A, as well as if A has 6 files (for example) then B must have the same number of files, some times you can get away with the odd 'empty' file but if you don't it'll default to the coded file from A. THAT part is coded in as far as I'm aware. I know what you can do with .texture files, but I'm not sure what you can do with .GEO files as a player. I'd say there's a 50/50 chance you can swap .geo files around but the .texture files can definitely be swapped within the requirements. Here's a link to a guide on OuroDev and there's a couple different guides here. Search the forums for DeTexturizer and read the directions, I'm sure you'll need that one. This is just from my experience, I'm not a coder or a pro at anything related to this. I learned through trial and error. Good luck. lol Finish all quests before you proceed...
  5. I've used Corvus' enhancement pack since he first dropped it right after Ultra mode was released. I love it, it makes all the enhancements so you can tell what they are even with just a quick glance. I applaud him for the work he put into creating it originally. That being said, there where a couple of issues he never figured out and now there are quite a few new IO enhancements that didn't work with his most recent version from before sunset. I'd been trying to fix some of those issues he couldn't figure out for as long as I can remember and in the process of finding the cause of and also how to fix them I stumbled across the tools and files to fix the set and also bring it up to date. So... I did. I uploaded four different versions. Maybe some people find what I fixed from one version to the next version to be too far from the original so I uploaded variations. First version, it was posted under the name Basilisk. I think that was Corvus' original forum handle but it could possibly be where Corvus got the idea to do his. Hard to say, not that important. This pack only changes the background POG to Basilisks/Corvus' shiny domed version. It still uses the games ICON overlays, which means that the standard IO, TO, SO, and DO use the original design from the game. V1; Corvus pack Second version, I didn't change anything in this version aside from fixing the glaring issue that Corvus had when he originally uploaded it. I did add the newer IO sets that released since he last updated the pack so it is completely up to date as of when I posted this. It's the same concept as the first version but the pack uses much more files that Corvus modified. The TOs, SOs, and DOs all use the same ICONs as the standard IOs which makes them much easier to identify by sight, IMO. V2; Corvus pack updated Third version, I fixed the ICON color inconsistencies from enhancement to enhancement and as many image alignment issues that I was capable of that crept up due to the way the game 'builds' enhancements. The whites and the blacks always seemed a bit dingy so I fixed that. V3; Corvus pack, updated & fixed Fourth version, This was the pack that I fixed anything and everything that I didn't like about the enhancements since I first started playing CoH back in the day. As I dug through the retired enhancements I realized the reasons some of them look as they do was due to enhancements that are not even used in the game any more. I'd be willing to bet that some people weren't even aware of the old retired enhancements, so why not remove the design elements of the current ones that are only there due to the retired ones? For example; there used to be a Heal, a Buff Heal, and a Debuff Heal. The up arrow on Heal is unnecessary so I removed it. V4; Corvus pack, updated, fixed & standardized NOTES: There exists somewhere out there on the internet a Corvus/Basilisk pack that uses a different color for Damage Resist. I know I used to have it, but I can't find it. I know the color in the packs is different from what the base game uses but there was originally three different resistance enhancements and Basilisk/Corvus decided to make one of both... one of which got lost in the ether somewhere. I'm still looking for it. I like how To-hit Buff looks, but I can't get the Debuff version to look the same. I tried and wasn't happy with the results. I also tried to make a variant of both of them for the fourth iteration but I didn't like the way they turned out either. If I imagine a solution to this I'll post it up when I'm done with it. The special enhancements (D-sync, Hami, Hydra, and Titan origin) have a different image file setup so they couldn't be modified without creating new image files. That's not really in my wheelhouse lol KNOWN ISSUES Stagger. The OG Devs made that file different than the rest. I tried to align it as best I could but it was either perfect for the enhancement or perfect for the recipe, both was not an option. I chose the enhancement. I think this is the same case in the standard game as well. I found that IO sets could be aligned for your management screen and the SG storage racks but they' be misaligned at the Auction House window. I didn't test this on the first or second iterations, but it's definitely the case with the third and fourth iterations. Attuned enhancements are slightly misaligned, if I fix that issue they'd be misaligned as the IO set. Sorry lol I did what I could. I didn't test this on the first or second iterations, but it's definitely the case with the third and fourth iterations. Talisman enhancements share icons with the SO/DO enhancements, when I made icons that worked for them they also jacked up a ton of SO/DO enhancements. Unfortunately all the Talismans use the IO Damage POG. This only effects the second, third, and fourth iterations. IMPORTANT When you download these from Google drive it renames four files, two of which will cause the game to not load. I put a .txt file into the offending versions with instructions on how to fix it. None of this is completely my creation, I took Basilisk/Corvus images and combined them with the images from the game. If you have comments or suggestions or find some issues don't hesitate to let me know. If I decide to change anything in the future I'll definitely post in this thread and update the links.
  6. I was trying to figure out exactly what these retired enhancements looked like but I don't think I've crossed paths with anyone that knows for sure. I'm not a big fan of guessing, but I still wanted to do what I had intended. Again, I'll say this is just educated guessing... just like the weathermen but probably more accurate 🤣🤣 These are the totally retired ones. Buff Damage Buff Heal Cone Range Debuff Damage Debuff Damage Resistance Debuff Heal Endurance Drain Intangibility Duration Leap Height Radius They're similar to some we still have, but the file name is separate. For example, there is a Heal, Buff Heal, and Debuff Heal. Heal is the one still used, but not the others. The downward arrow on Debuff heal is totally a guess, but it makes sense due to the fact that the Heal we still use has the up arrow. Even so, it's odd to me that the Heal we currently have still even has the arrow. It does buff but the file name isn't specifically called a buff. I wonder if when the Buff/Debuff was phased out they just used the graphics that where already created instead of making a new one... it wouldn't have been that hard, I've actually done it lol I actually edited the arrows in all of these listed below as I would guess they may have been originally, I could be wrong though. Heal Buff Heal Debuff Heal There's a Damage, a Buff Damage, and a Debuff Damage but Damage is the one still used. The white "blast" icon is the only one I had access to, so if those Buff/Debuffs should have the half circle from the Defence pieces or the arrows used on the Heals it's a mystery to me. Damage Buff Damage Debuff Damage Radius was a total guess, I doubt that ones correct though cause the graphics I used had the file name GEN_CONE but it was the only file I could think of to use. Deduff Damage Resistance was another total guess, but it makes sense. Again, I've no idea if it should have an arrow or half circle. Oddly enough there are three seperate Resistance pog files (POG is the background color file) and only one icon for any Resistance. Damage Resist Buff Damage Resist Debuff Damage Resist Even more strange, I found that there are double file entry's for interrupt (POG_INTERRUPT and POG_INTERRUPT_TIMES) as well as Recharge (POG_RECHARGE and POG_RECHARGE_TIME) that the one that's not used now has a slightly different color from what we use and a slightly different opacity to the icon that overlays it. Couldn't really tell you what the difference is. If I had the OG files for those I would post them, but currently I only have them as modified files that tell me the files did exist but I don't have them. If I had a pigg explorer/extractor I might go dig, but I don't lol To be honest, the only reason I posted any of this information is cause maybe someone else would find it as interesting as I do or maybe someone else has still more factual information to add or even possibly some speculation. Either way, here you go LOL
  7. Theres another thread about this same thing that gives a decent workaround for this issue.
  8. lol they're in alphabetical order, that is organization I have seen that thread and it's a lot of work to get them where he did. My end goal is to revamp/update/"fix" Corvus' old enhancement packs and put them out there so new people will discover them and people that lost them can have them again. I've used these enhancement mods since he first made them back in the day, it's odd to me when I see the standard enhancements that the game uses.
  9. Here's the things I "fixed" or further modified today. Still not having a lot of luck with To-hit Debuff... but I'll share what I attempted anyways. The first attempt has more of the bevelled effect but its not as clearly visible. The second is less bevelled but the icon is much more clearly defined. I want to take the faded lines and put them inside of the arrow next time I mess with it. I think honestly the only thing left to do here is get the To-hits finished then I'll upload all the files for the players. Granted this thread is probably going to become an echo chamber of just me posting stuff with little to no feedback.
  10. Yeah the image that FinalCyclopedia posted was the same PDF manual I looked through last night. The files for Jump height are still in the game, background and icon. The icon was used for Double Jump so you if you used Super Jump you see it fairly often. These are the icons for Cone, Drain end, and Jump Height... in that order. These are the pogs for Buff damage, Cone range, Debuff damage, Debuff damage resist, Debuff heal, and End drain. Now that I looked at the OG pogs, I guess since I hadn't been actively messing with those I'd never noticed Debuff heal and Debuff damage resist. Interesting.
  11. That's not a bad idea actually and not hard to accomplish either. To-hit Debuff is still worse off than it was originally. I thought putting the white more like how the To-hit is would help it show more of the depth behind the icon but unfortunately it looks flat either way. It doesn't help that I don't have the file the original creator used to change it so I had to make due. I think I decided to further tweak the end discount inlay as well, the way its made originally makes it flatten out the candy coated pog behind it. For reference, here's what they looked like before I started messing with them.
  12. LOL WTF? I'm gunna go out on a limb that the statement I made seems odd how I worded it.... I don't know if you know how the enhancement files are setup but it's origin ring L and R, background colour pog, and icon. I can clearly see in the game files which pogs go where but the icons aren't labelled precisely enough to know exactly where they're used. I see the background pog but I've no idea what icon goes on top of that. Zag, is there an older manual than what I found online maybe?
  13. I found an online PDF of the manual but the only ones it listed was the Cone enhancement.... but it was odd to see that End mod used the downward arrow at that time. on a side note, I wonder why they quit using the little number frame on the bottom of enhancements? I remembered those from when I started playing but I just recently noticed they disappeared.
  14. The End drain and Intangibility icons where present in the files but I didn't see any files alluding to an End boost. They must have taken out the pog and icon for that one then. So my educated guess on cone range was correct then lol I forget that Intangibility was retired lol I have the original instruction manual but it may have changed by the time COV released, I might see if I can find that tomorrow then. I didn't think about the manual, I may have came across a pdf version when I did a bit of digging last night.
  15. I'm working on 'updating' and fixing things that always bugged me on something that some players might recognize, I think I'm at a point now where I could use some QC lol I want to know if these seem consistent and proper at this stage. I will say I'm not happy with how To-hit debuff came out compared to To-hit buff and definitely will rework it and I'm thinking about removing the up arrow from Heal. I also just noticed there's a bit of weirdness with the recharge enh. I'll fix that too lol
  16. I know what background pogs they used, but I didn't get to join the game early enough to see what they looked like. I have a feeling I may not find the answers I want here but I suppose I'm gunna ask anyways lol I'm betting they used the same sort of setup like the SO/DOs use now... but then there where TOs that now use the same images as the IOs. Sorry lol kind of a ramble on situation there, but I think it may get my thought across What'd those retired enhancements look like? I know what Jump height and End drain looked like but I'm only guessing that Cone range used a taller version of the Range increase icon. Specifically I want to know about Buff damage, Debuff damage, and Radius. If there's any other info to add in, have at it.
  17. I was about to zone out of Ouro one day and happened to notice a character that reminded me of Snarkys forum pic... so I went to check the name... oh, wow... it is Snarky LOL you zoned out before I got a chance to make the comment though
  18. I ran mission teams on my Ice Dom all night and after the post from earlier I didn't see it again at all. We where doing Night Ward missions at one point vs the weird obs/swords/gates group and we where very clearly being slowed by them but I didn't see the GFX on myself there. Kinetics causes slow, we did have one on the team before my last post that might account for the sighting earlier. The other day I was playing as my Brute vs Tsoo in Dark Astoria and I was under the effects of slow and I could see the GFX. So it seems like it must still work with Kinetics but not WS powers or ice.
  19. Thanks Bill, I went to the wiki as soon as I finished posting that and bound that toggle. I just ran my Ice Dom for a good two hours or so and I saw the GFX show up but I don't think it was from me and when I did think it was from me it definitely wasn't consistent. That does confirm that I CAN see it, so it's not a setting. I got some screenshots, but with the way the team was steamrolling I couldn't take the time to hit the power analyzer while I took the screenshot lol I've been watching for the GFX to show up on my WS for a few months now, and I can 100% say I very very rarely see the GFX. Something is going on with this lol
  20. I'm gunna try to get on a team once again with one of my two characters that cause slow effects and hopefully this time I'll find a team that knows what the effect actually looks like to see if they see it or not. I got in a duo the other day with my Ice Dom but he didn't know what the GFX looked like so I'd say the results are somewhat inconclusive. I think it'd be tough to get screenshots while in the middle of a fight though. I've got to figure out how to change the settings ingame to show the UI in the shots. I know tehres a settings I just have to remember where it is. I want those 'cool' looking slow effects back!
  21. I figured out what the issue was and apparently it has been there for quite some time. It was in the mod pack itself. The resist pog was using the OG pog instead of the modified one. I'm still mildly confused as to how this happened cause I've redone that specific file numerous times. I guess the why is lost to the aether cause it's definitely working as intended. I also figured out the alignment issues and the worst one was due to the game file of the IO ring. It was created slightly out of alignment so I had to mod that file too, it's not perfect yet but I've nearly got it there. I've also got everything I need to Corvus style the newer IOs the HC Devs have added.
  22. It is slowing the recharge and the travel speeds, but it's not showing the particle effects. I couldn't find anyone willing to follow me around and look to make sure they didn't see it but I did use the power analyser and it shows that they are being slowed. I also double checked my settings before I tried the PA and 'suppress when close' was enabled so I disabled it. No change, still can't see the green rings. I also tested this out on my Ice Dom but I didn't have the PA but the particle effects still didn't show up. I do wonder if I should move this post to the bugs sections since it's not just with the WS like I had thought. lol normal people may not care about this but personally I always thought the green rings where a cool looking effect.
  23. Is that the only way? There isn't a combat log that shows any of that information? I'll give it a try either way, just wondered.
  24. I recall back on live I could see that they where running in slower-mo but I couldn't see that at all while I was playing my WS most of the time. The VFX is still in the game cause I saw it last night while I was doing 22:07 on my brute. I know for sure I don't have suppress close VFX turned on with my WS cause I already checked that idea and I play at near ultra settings so it's not disabled through particle counts being too low. I'm going to investigate further on my Ice dom like I mentioned and I may mess with some GFX settings and run a couple missions with my WS. Any suggested settings to try messing with or an info channel or ingame power monitors that will tell me if the target is under the effect of slow?
  25. The majority of the Warshades attack powers have the secondary effect of slowing the target. Yeah anyone that plays them likely knows this. It lists this effect on the power and you can slot the power to enhance the slow effect. With that being stated, why don't I see the effects of slow any more? Not in the targets movement or as the particle effect of the green rings around the wrists/ankles? I hear Khelds got revamped but I haven't personally dug into it past the inherent travel powers. I kind of doubt it since I see the PBs still get the defence debuff as well as the particle effects that go with them. Did I miss a patch note that nerfed slow on WS? Is this a known bug? I recently rolled an Ice Dom, did the particle effects disappear from him too? Did I unintentionally suppress this FX somehow? I do see it sometimes IIRC but it's when I'm on a team and I'm not sure it's from my WS.
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