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Everything posted by LKN-351

  1. Thats seems like a good suggestion but I'm going about it the opposite way. I'm not quite capped but I'm looking at the enemy type that specifically did damage to me and trying my best to add that in. Storm kick and confusion is a pain right now, so I'm trying to add what i can so that those aren't any more, which in hindsight I should have already had more melee def lethal. Theres a reason why i see those higher on most builds I've looked at.
  2. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I put two Oblits in Golden Dragonfly, I do need the S/L and mez from the two slot. You're right, that Achilles proc would do better in those AoE powers, but to get to where I want I don't really see much of a solution. I think i'll take that slot from haste and put it into Lotus Drops for just the Achilles proc though. I added the Gladiators Armor global for more def and instead of 4x 3 slot of Reactive Armor I did 2x 3 slot of both Aegis and Reactive Armor.
  3. Thanks, I wanted a cheap build since I new I'd have to change things around here and there. I just ran it on a Manti and I need more mez resist and those crane kicks are still noticeable so I need more S/L. So far I only have one of the two LotG. I may have to move another slot into MoG for a third, but I'm hoping i don't have to. We'll see how it goes when that second is slotted.
  4. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I'm definitely trying not to use Hamis, purples, and ATOs. It's already going to take me a while to get the LotGs and the Achilles. I'll have to DL that and take a bit of a deeper look at it tomorrow. I'm not sure what eps stable is but I'd hope with 5 LotGs it should be pretty close to perma dull pain but I'm not really sure.
  5. I've had fun with this build, but could it use anything else
  6. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I thought about adding more regen into combat tp but i wasn't sure if it was necessary. I couldn't find any more def to put into Golden Dragonfly either so I never decided on anything. Hasten should lose a slot and I may go for something besides Achiles Heel in those first two attacks.
  7. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I can't get mids to export a forum post so I'll just use this. I haven't completed the build in game yet so I have no idea how it plays so far. I thought about going to beta and trying it but there's usually not enough people to make a team and run things so it doesn't seem like its a good option.
  8. Honestly I don't like pure defense sets either, I ran an SR scrap for a while and I just didn't like it at all. My fav used to WP but something happened to it between when I rolled my first one in 08 and now. I like Bio, Dark, and inv out of the box a lot so far but I've yet to have any experience with any of the other sets. Regens fun now that I've put some IOs into it. I think I may post the two builds I've actually done so far in seperate posts. If anyone has anything else to add for general numbers to shoot for I'll definitely take them.
  9. Hyperstrikes builds gave me some ideas to use but I'm still stuck with the same question... How much is enough? (without softcapping) Granted that question is really better answered by playing the build, but I'm trying to figure out a number goal (in mids) to work towards. For example with confuse, thats simple to test. I'll try my 50% in a manti and see what happens and then add to it if i need to. I think it needs to be a more specific question per powerset and I was really hoping I could find a more generalized answer that would work across the board that may not exist when it comes to def and resist on each set.
  10. I've got 7 brutes and a scrapper I'm going to build, but currently i'm working on a claws/regen scrap and a kat/inv brute. I forget that that one is a scrapper lol I figure if I know where I'm going on these two then I'll know where to go on the rest when I get to them. Confuse and taunt were on my mind cause i had done a manti TF shortly before I posted this. I'm glad tactics was specifically mention cause I thought about adding it to power choices and now I'm glad i didn't. Confuse though, the regen and inv toons tend to be susceptible to it. Inv I got up to 50% and /regen i got to 51.25%. Honestly I don't know how much to shoot for but i'd guess 100% I understand the gist of "add to what you've got" but for example with /regen it seems like it needs some def and resist cause I tried just adding recharge and regen and that wasn't enough. He was much more fun to play once I added IOs with more status and more def/res. Hes sitting at 11ish def but resist is all over the board with a min of 21.05 and a max of 39.55. What I'm getting at with the regen (and the other toons I'm going to build) is I like the idea of having a bit of def/resist/regen/end/rechrg added in, but I'm not sure how much I'd add to make it worth the time/effort/influence.
  11. I've never really put much effort into building characters with IOs/set bonus'/procs but I have interest in doing so. I thought about just posting each individual build but I've got 8 different brutes with different powersets I'm messing with at the moment and I'm kind of just trying to find a rule of thumb. as I'm messing with this I just keep asking myself the same question over and over... How much is plenty? I'm not looking to cap things out, just enough so it makes a difference. I'd like some direction lol Specifically, How much Def do I actually need? Should I focus on s/l/e/n/c/f/t/p? Or positional? Should I not worry about certain defenses? Resistance, should I focus on certain aspects there? which should I ignore? I keep getting confused and taunted. How much confuse resistance do I need? Is assault the only thing to do about being taunted in PVE? What about the other mez resistances? KB is covered on /fire and /dark but where should my other mez resist numbers be? I've got a claws/regen, psi/dark, em/wp, kat/inv, wm/inv, fire/fire, db/elec, and a bs/bio.
  12. That sucks that yours didn't work. Are you wanting to troubleshoot or what?
  13. I've been exactly where you are Mystoc and that's a good suggestion. Back on live I used City Info Tracker but when I came to HC that no longer existed. I couldn't figure out what to do for the longest time but after a couple months I came across a forum post about leaving an Email from yourself in your ingame inbox so you could just hit reply. So I came up with the idea of leaving the larger sum of money with one character and all the rest keep 50,000ish on hand. That one character with all the money is also the main one that keeps things in the AH, so I didn't have to swap around and figure out who was selling what. I have a hard time rememebering to do things too. Instead of selling things on each toon, just email them all to one character you choose and sell them from there. While you're emailing the items you can also send that toons influence to the same toon with the items. If any ot her toon needs something, you log into the main one and email it back to the other one. See if you can turn that into a habit for yourself it, really worked well for me and I still do it.
  14. Yeah, I couldn't use recall on anyone that was greyed out, I forgot to mention that... but I suppose it doesn't matter since our top theory was correct lol I knew phasing existed but I never really dug into the specifics on it and always thought the phase would be the same for the whole team based on the leader. Interesting. It's not a bug it's a feature lol
  15. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but it's definitely strange. We had some theories but neithe rof us where still completely sure what was going on. So we finished a Task Force and the last mission was in Atlas Park. When we came out the door I noticed two people on the team had grey health bars instead of green so I asked about it as people where dropping from the team but no one responded. One of the two people that greyed out stuck around and we tossed ideas back and fourth as to what it could be and tested some ideas. The only consistent thing we could find was that in a certain area in AP one of us would disappear from the others map as well as their health bar greying. If we were both in that area it was fine, or if we where both outside of that area it was fine but one in and one out the other would vanish. The thing that made the most sense was maybe one of us made different choices in some of the early missions that change things in the zone... but neither one of us thought that should do anything cause we were on the same team. Thats the health bar. The area inside the yellow box was the area we found made the difference. The red dot is where the TF ended and where the teammate was standing. From where my marker is on the map if i had taken a few steps into the yellow box his marker would have appeared on my map and his health bar would have went back to green. Anyone else know whats going on here?
  16. LKN-351

    Gamma issue

    In some windows the red isnt so bad, like the missing salvage from recipes... but that one has a different gradient behind it than the options menu which is definitely hard to read. The targeting window is hard to read with certain targets also depending on what colour the character name is. Wow, adding the image here, it doesn't look as bad but its still not great.
  17. LKN-351

    Gamma issue

    It's not just you. I was going to take some screen shots and make a post about this in a little while and I already messaged a couple people asking if there was a way to use commands to adjust the gamma for UI windows specifically. As of yesterday I have a really hard time reading gold or purple recipes and the UI windows are definitely much darker than they used to be. I've always had a tough time reading anything in the windows in red fonts and now that red may as well be black cause I can't see it due to how dark the background is. Which is odd to say cause red is supposed to be a bright colour.
  18. PUGs tend to race to the blue button at the end and I unsuccessfully try to find an opening to hit the trainer before the end of task forces and forget how many times I've dinged. Sometimes I don't want to go over a certain level. As far as seeing your current level after a ding I don't recall there's any way aside from when you hit the trainer. @biostem that was rude for absolutely no reason. It seems to me that we're close to the same age from what you posted.
  19. I'm pretty sure it shows the level you're running not the level you will be when you hit the trainer after a ding or two. I could be wrong though.
  20. Not to thread jack, but in relation to this... is there some way to keep track of the actual level you are? Like if you've dinged and haven't trained yet you can see what level you would be if you trained? I was hoping that was in the attribute screen but I didn't see it. It'd be cool if it was in attributes and showed your current level with level shifts also.
  21. I've been reluctant to make a post about this cause I'm really not sure how to articulate a proper explanation but overall I think you kind of get it. I don't want to be that guy that's spamming the same comment but even though theres 14 files and no quote is used twice in the bind my opening attack ends up using the same three quotes 90% of the time. I've been using the X key to make it more randomized and the T key (activates Haste, so only pressed as often as haste is up) was supposed to help that function as well but I may have to add in a blank bindloadfile on one of the low teir powers as well. I'll see if that gives me moreso what I'm looking for. I had a pretty good feeling that the bind was set up right.... lol I did figure out how to do it from one of your posts a few years ago 😁
  22. So I made a character that I wanted him to spout somewhat random funny quotes during skirmishes. I set it up with 14 txt files with 6 different keys that would speak and then change all the comments at the same time when I click certain powers. I had hoped that with that many files it wouldnt seem to say the same things near as often but running through a few TFs with him it seemed like it says the same lines way too often but I'm not sure how to fix it. heres how the files are currently set up, the file change pattern continues through all 14 files just the same way. X is for when I die and Z is for when something dies. ...and so on and so fourth.... I need some ideas how to make it more random and less repititious. I thought about just adding more quotes on the same keys I'm currently using but I feel like I'd run into the same issue. I also thought about having the non-contextual quotes not be stuck to an invidual key (like quote 1 currently only goes on slot 6) but instead have the quotes be able to show up on any key.... but I have no idea how to set that up lol Anyways, I hope someone can give me a better idea than what I've currently got cause I'm not satisfied and I'm hopefully not annoying my team mates with repeats.
  23. Gunner really didn't go much into detail on the visscale part so I left it alone. I have a feeling I could probably run everything else from the first bind he listed but lower the visscale. I'll play with it now that I know a bit more and see what I come up with. Thanks guys.
  24. I tried this bind and I was surprisingly dissatisfied. I took a pretty big FPS hit and moving through a zone is horrible now and I'm still having the shader issue which is why I tried the bind in the first place. I changed it around a bit based off your last post describing the functions and it didnt help any. "visscale 15$$dofweight 0.2$$fsaa 4$$lodbias 1$$texaniso 8$$usedof 1" since my stab at it didnt do any good, what else can I change? I usually run at about 60fps and I was getting down into the 20s even after I changed it.
  25. 2004-2024 NC Interactive LLC also I noticed Chewsday after a tiny patch.
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