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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. Talk to the contact that gave you the mission, there's an option to auto complete. Though it's timed so you can on do one every few days?
  2. The unknown twin to Lady Isabeau d'Anjou, Lady Anabeau was unfortunate enough to be affected by the terrible curse that struck her sister. However instead of turning into an elegant hawk, Anabeau turned into an unruly goose. And she didn't have a dashing warrior to guard her during the day so she had to rely on her wits to avoid he cook pot. I give you LadyHonk
  3. Felis Mortis. With aura of flies. Inspiration came from a card game, Hecatomb. Sister Dawnchaser. Tauren Monk anyone? Nuba. Someone mis-typed Mina in CoV beta...BAM a villian was born. Microcurrie. Short and radioactive Hammer Time. Can't Touch This!
  4. Oooh, supergroup of hydra characters!
  5. I imagine him grinning every time someone mentions him
  6. I gave up my spot in the que on Torch. I'm tired and going to bed early... so I can get up early and play in the morning :D
  7. I followed my new boyfriend to the pre-beta boards, then beta... CoH was my first MMO ever. I stopped playing when the requirements exceeded what my sad computer could provide. I dabbled a bit with CoV and managed to log in for the shutdown. CoH has a very special place in my heart. My husband and I have very fond memories of the game and it's people. We look forward to getting to know the game again. And this 4 yr old laptop is plenty good enough to run it :D
  8. Oh I plan on trying them ALL. Rise my Alt Army!! *twitch*
  9. Pirate Hollis here. And alts too numerous to list. So. Many. Alts.
  10. you do not need to delete the Tequila directory. Create a folder you want to put the game in. I created c:\COX. I copied EVERYTHING that downloaded/installed from original installations, including the folders structure, into the COX folder. I opened tequila and there's an options button. Opening options button there's a section that says "Install path" and a browse button. I used the brows button and pointed to the COX folder. Clicked okay. Restarted tequila and it worked fine. I then deleted the original download after I got in the game and played. Thank You, this helped!
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