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  1. I loaded into the beta server today to check out the new power set. After that, everything (the loader, logging in, and the game itself) was excruciatingly slow, both on beta and the live servers. No clue if the two things have anything to do with each other. My internet speed is 984 Mbps, according to Speedtest, so the problem isn't with the internet. Any clues? Thanks!
  2. I can't seem to find the maze entrance, but it is a really cool base!
  3. Would it ever be possible to add more incarnate pets? I'd love to add the devouring earth, for examples, for nature-based characters.
  4. I keep getting "unhandled exception" error anytime I try to add mods. What am I doing wrong?
  5. One thing I would absolutely love is new base NPCs, specifically guards. I have an area in my base where (story wise) no one is supposed to enter. I'd love to have a couple of guards standing watch.
  6. Now I want a clown Mastermind set!
  7. I'd love to see some quiver choices other than the Tech Knight Quiver.
  8. I'd love to see some quiver choices other than the Tech Knight Quiver.
  9. Thank you! I don't remember ever creating quickchat.mnu, but apparently I did (or an add-on I used did, or something) and now that I've deleted it, I can access the fireworks through Actions>Holiday!
  10. Sadly, still not for me.
  11. As shown in the screencap, I don't seem to have Fireworks in my Actions>Holiday. I've asked in Help on the game, but no one seems to know why, so I'm asking here. Thanks in advance! I CAN do /em fireworkbloom but fireworkrocket and firework sparkle don't work
  12. Weird. I shut down and restarted, and immediately found him.
  13. I'm really enjoying the Dr. Stribbling mission so far, however I'm on the "Talk to Frostfire" part of the "Recover the Mutant" mission and I can't find Frostfire anywhere. I've searched the entire map. No NPCs at all, let alone Frostfire. Where is he?
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