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Everything posted by Sneakers

  1. I manage large groups of various people every day. I'm not as upset as you might think. I just recently started using the forums. But I've always been around silently doing my thing in COH. Most people feel the need to puff themselves up by insulting others because they disagree with them. Making a post on a video game forum isn't a big deal to me, it's fun.
  2. Your posts are preety cool. I don't want to argue with you I really don't. Nothing about you makes me want to reply in a negative or hostile way. I get your point that changes in things will "affect" AE I guess And I was going to explain to you why it is entirely possible to simply not tamper with those certain mechanics. Let me try to explain why I personally right now am so into this topic.... Part of why I play on HC is because it seemed to remain very true to what Live was. The recent updates just gave me the feeling that it moved slightly away from Live and in the wrong direction in my opinion but not entirely in the wrong direction. Firstly, and very notably was the removal of the AE building in the presence of Atlas. Then the removal of the buff in AE. And then the tampering of the mechanics. Now let me explain why the removal of the building and addition of the new building is such a really big deal. That thing isn't just a new building. It's a central hub where almost all TF's can be initiated from. It has everything a SG base can have that is useful. So that one building will override the entire game. IT is the most OP building I've ever seen. I see the vision there. I would just be careful how far away from Live we stride. And I realize that maybe my posts just sound like nagging to some of you at this point.
  3. Thanks for your and others, elaborate explanations of what three words which need no further explanation "really" means to you. I welcome what others post. Freedom of speech means you are free to say what you want. There is no need to further complicate it. If for the purpose of the forum or if the moderators feel like it they will delete a post just as I described. Thanks for letting me know I am entitled to my own opinions. In my opinion, it is wrong to try and intimidate or misguide a person from speaking their mind.
  4. I'm glad you all kept my post alive while I was gone. While I didn't read the entirety of all your posts. I did at least glance at them. Thumbs up for the haters who were less hateful this time. I thought it was really funny the people who decided to break down what freedom of speech means to them. Some of you stopped short of saying that I don't have freedom of speech. Just barely.
  5. So, in other words, it's a gimmick. Don't get me wrong I like you and your posts don't mistake this for hostility 🙂 I would suggest that people becoming bored faster is not the only outcome of insta 50s. Rather it would open up almost all of the opportunities the game has to offer instantly. At which point people would be driven to press onward more rapidly. And in turn the server would fill more abundantly with proficient players. But then again maybe not. Maybe it's only we who do, who will ever do, no matter how much help was given. I think it's a cool idea personally, but I also really enjoy vanilla gaming. The experience of earning what I have. It's just really hard to enjoy vanilla COH after experiencing a stacked toon so getting to 50 fast would be cool also. I think the idea of one insta 50 a month is a good one. It allows only 1 a month so it will limit how it tampers with the overall experience of the game for both masters and players.
  6. If I call you a clown in a spiteful way I am abiding by the code of conduct? Or if I call you other spiteful names after posting insulting graphics directed toward you, I am abiding by the code of conduct? Thanks, Thanks for helping me understand that I was the one who was out of line.
  7. I already dipped into this. I was outright insulted about it multiple times. I don't think it's funny. We do have freedom of speech still. Unless someone wants to delete my posts. I will post what I want.
  8. Ah so that's the best you could do with what I presented? I knew you wouldn't resist the temptation to insult me. Luminara! Care to jump in ?
  9. I agree! However, I also think that the beta thing sounds useful if you just want to try out characters until you find the powerset that you inevitably want to play. I'm finding a happy medium in both sides of this argument 🙂
  10. Yes you can. Just make a goal to defeat a boss. Then choose your unique boss as the one and then set its placement front middle or back.
  11. Power leveling was always a fun part of mmorpgs. Once you have a maxed-out toon. Time to put your effort to great use and power level people. I don't see anything wrong with it.
  12. Sorry you can delete this post if you want. I know it's really not funny. I just found it funny, because there are clearly some people here who are against fire farming the way it was, but they are pretending that they aren't. Whether or not the changes which nerf'ed AE farming were intentional or not is no longer the point. The point is that fire farming the way it was, was indeed nerfed, whether directly or indirectly. I'm sure as the days go by there will be less and less fire farmers who care. But the relentless distain for them will remain. The consecutive flow of insults against them will remain. Pretty sad to watch. Hard not to notice. Excuse me for pointing it out.
  13. Your insane. I don't want to reply to you. You can insult me all you want.
  14. Thanks, you're clearly interested in this topic. You're here to shoot down and insult anyone who thinks for themselves. Good job. Thanks for insulting me.
  15. Of course not! Fire farmers were enjoying the extra buff and that's the point. They changed it, it effects fire farmers, they don't like it. Do you understand the point or not? Clearly some of you don't care at all about fire farmers. So why don't you start caring instead?
  16. Yea except for the toxicity against fire farming. Which you do find in game. People who claim that by fire farming your somehow taking away from the "real" experience. Fire farmers enjoy the game. The fire farmers aren't enjoying the changes. Thats why this topic is here. What's not to understand?
  17. I tested it out and it did work elevated. I think maybe my problem with the shard was that I maybe had the approach path blocked. Not sure but it is working elevated now on its own. I also tested out the distance thing and there is a max distance. It's around 8 squares if you're looking at the plot size. I use a massive secure complex 24x28 and it stopped linking outside of around 8 or 10 squares away from the beacon. Hiding them away was useful for me because I removed the lowest level of floor from my base so there is no floor essentially. So I used that method to make portals which stand on their own with nothing around them.
  18. I got them working now just fine. They work fine with the beacons clear across the base. I like them closer to the ground now and I placed other items to make it look like a warp platform. But I might test it out because they look cool elevated also.
  19. In my experience it didn't matter the distance of the beacon, or if it did then it was a very long distance. Thats my only point. I don't know when they patched the interdimensional shards. But I recently made portals with them and they would not work with the shard elevated from what I'm calling the ground but is really just the lowest level floor possible in a room. They only linked to the beacons when I lowered them a little closer to the floor. But they worked cool with the approach animation once I did.
  20. But adding a button that sells the lot seems like it wouldn't be that difficult. bottom line it's a good idea. But you don't agree with that. Because then you think people would be up in arms about accidently clicking it. So we need to do what's best for those idiots instead.
  21. Thanks to this topic I picked phase shift instead of WOC . Another cool and almost useless power 90% of the time 🙂
  22. Right, removing AE from atlas is a coincidence. Changing the fire armor set around is a coincidence. Changing how fire melee enemies work is a coincidence. Removing the extra exp buff in AE is a coincidence. Sorry I wasn't drinking your coolaid.
  23. I think most of us are silent on this because we enjoy playing COH for free. Also that many are silently thinking wtf. While I'm not overly concerned about the topic, I do find it interesting. I don't believe for a second it's a coincidence.
  24. Are you sure? My experience has been that the beacon will select the closest portal to link to, no matter the distance. I usually hide my beacons way away from my portals on the edge of the map in a straight line from the portal source.
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