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Everything posted by Sneakers

  1. Depends on your character needs. In general, the more recharge the better and since that enhancement also buffs the defense of the power its a win win. Most have at least one skill that does amazing damage that has a long recharge time. Personally, the only reason I wouldn't slot it would be if I were using another set that also had increase recharge in the set bonuses with better buffs than luck of the gambler.
  2. You're not wrong. The game is basically the same from the first punch to the last. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Just remember the speed runs are only fun if you're into that. If you're not into speed runs, you won't have any fun so avoid them or just enjoy the ride. And if you get built completely out and your thunderous blast hits first, it will be you doing the annihilation. The core of the game is still awesome *making your personal superhero. Unfortunately, the game doesn't really change that much along the way. Your job is to punch enemies, collect things or escort someone out of a building and make quirky comments along the way.
  3. Well I never used it but I'm about to because it was available from the epic pools so I'm going to try and figure it out. Nice to know it's just another power that doesn't really help at all.
  4. Yes while side kicked. That is if they can even hit their target. The damage they do is usually negligible. Sure its a real number but usually doesn't even scratch the surface. Those characters would spend a hour trying to defeat a ancient mummy were it not for the 50 incarnates. And to the OP. If your so upset about it then why not stop participating in the TOT FARMS. Because that's what you're talking about. You're not talking about toting. You're talking about the tot leagues that click the same doors over and over never leaving the area. Once you get the badges the only purpose is farming inf and exp.
  5. Only takes two or three strong toons to take out the enemies anyways. What difference does it make if the low-level characters click buttons or not? They can't even do any real damage anyways.
  6. They sometimes have quirks. For example I've noticed that if your using a interdimensional shard for a teleport it must remain close to the ground because your character will actually step into it once selected. If you raise it from the ground a little it will no longer work. Also, I noticed that some portals simply didn't work. So experiment with the different portals would be my advise.
  7. AE is ready to go. You guys can create your own story arcs there.
  8. I like the Agility Radial one because it gives recharge, defense, endurance reduction and run speed boost. It just seems like way more bang for my buck. However, I usually build for a high endurance recovery rate to keep up with all the recharge and have some decent defense powers that could use a boost. If your build can't handle the endurance use that comes with more recharge or you don't have any defense powers, you might be better off boosting the damage with Musculature or using some other unique alpha.
  9. Good idea. I agree with Rudra though would probably make the other healing power sets obsolete.
  10. Yea take science for example you earned your powers through the benefits of science. So what ? the power is not the origin. The power was something gained from the origin. You could be a natural scholar who studied magic. Once you obtained the magic you could use magic. You could of been imbune with magic origin then you could use magic. The origin didn't make a difference.
  11. I actually somewhat agree with this because usually the original is the best. The sequel is just a remake with the fixtures changed about. Sometimes they can give the original a run for its money. But in the end they just don't feel as genuine. Its just to much fun to tinker though, so tweak on.
  12. Funny I got this far into someone else's suggestion... I'm glad you finally found the time to go through my post line by line. Magic is magic. The things magic produces are not magic but things. In my opinion arcane damage is magic. Does that make any sense to you ? If a magician uses magic to turn a stone into a pearl, there was no physical thing tied to the magic. The magic did its job regardless of the stone or the pearl. And the magic was not in the stone nor the pearl it was the magic only and nothing else. Does that make sense to you ? Arcane damage is the raw form of magic not formed into a fireball or a lightning bolt or a physical form. Arcane damage is arcane damage or magic damage. It is not energy damage. I only suggested energy damage because someone else suggested there isn't the push to add entirely new damage types. I think people are confusing the origin thing also. You can be any origin because the origin is simply how you stumbled upon your powers or what changed you into having powers. The powers themselves can be separate from the origin.
  13. Well in my mind, one difference between an arcane spell and an elemental spell or physical force is that the arcane spell is not affected by resistance. It could still miss because that is dependent on the ability of the caster. I would describe it as a spectral source of damage. It doesn't actually make contact with anything. It's a magic spell that causes a predictable effect, but it has no real physical form. For the sake of the video game, it could have a colorful appearance and a dmg source type. While you could describe "arcane" or "arcana" as the source of all magic whether it was duplication, conjuration, alteration, telekinesis ect ect. Those types of magic spells would be considered tricks compared to a spell that produced arcane damage. It is more potent because it is pure magic power, not limited by or tied to the physical world. Difference. One way to make it distinct I think would be to give them a basic spell as a channeled damage spell. Or to be more in line with COH a single target ranged damage spell that the character channels and can channel forever or at least for a exceptionally long time, 10 seconds or more. I'm not sure such a power exists yet ? However, I've surely not tried every single one. The effect would be similar to a dmg aura except a little more powerful and single target ranged channel. Another way would be to use animations that make the appearance of spell casting rather then extending your arms out to expel power. The animation for Ki Push for example has that sort of appearance. I'm just thinking that going through all of that is a lot of work though. So hats off to you out there who are actually producing new archetypes.
  14. Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing more archtypes. Thats cool that you thought out those power sets like that.
  15. I think your limiting yourself a bit by not applying your imagination to your character. You can be whatever you want. It just appeared to me that energy blast is similar to a arcane blaster. Do you think its possible that they actually had that in mind when they added energy blaster set to the game ?
  16. I think that is a good idea. Having a level 50 is basically the same as having a level 1 except you have more buttons to push. If you don't know how to advance beyond that with sets and incarnates, in a level 50 team you could of been level 1 and it wouldn't of mattered much. The fact is you can run the same content regardless minus TF's. So having more level 50's means being able to fill those TF's quicker.
  17. I don't necessarily agree with you. Traditionally the little hidden things in video games were some of the coolest parts of them. Even the original Mario had secret and very profitable areas which you wouldn't know about unless you found them by accident. When Diablo 2 first arrived you could cast bone walls outside of town. Return to town and talk to Akara then wait for the bone walls to break. When they did they would drop loot like you defeated Daiblo x2. Clearly this was not just a bug. Once enough players found out about it they patched the trick and it was gone. They continued to patch these kinds of things until you couldn't produce items anymore. At that point people began selling them instead for real money. Why? Because they were not easily obtained and readily available. The value of them went up and suddenly people were jumping at the chance to buy them for real money.
  18. Yea if I farm now a days I just do that huge outdoor map with council. Why not ?
  19. I agree with you. From the fire farmers perspective.... There was a aspect of the game that players were enjoying very much and the recent changes are seemingly destroying it. I don't know all the details why they are changing it so I can't really speak on it much ?
  20. I've made a few. I experimented quite a bit with different powersets trying obviously to make the easiest mobs possible with maximum exp. I ended up using regeneration powers as a way to boost their exp without increasing their defense or resistance. Have no idea how well it worked since I didn't do extensive testing but have mobs with no ranged attack but still have 100% exp bar at level 50. Not sure if the changes they have made would affect those settings in AE creator or not, haven't created anything recently
  21. Yea I was using old maps. I have alot of alts now. I enjoy playing my tank the most. Don't really have the need to farm anymore. I do enjoy farming with brutes though. Having a group of brutes setup with fire secondary in a farm was always good fun. Especially the outdoor maps.
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