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Akalabeth last won the day on November 7 2024

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  1. I was in General Chat (since the community is good that should be good right?) Half a dozen people complaining about how the game isn't what they want and how they want to change a lot but have played for many years. -_- There's a whole suggestions subforum because a lot of people want to change things to better suit them. It's like this all over. If only we could ____. If they added/changed _____. Then there is the snark and especially the RAGE about how America is hell. When did everyone get so old and grumpy? As far as I know, most people turn off general chat. Listen to it to hear what the community is like. Or you know... make it a nicer place.
  2. Gosh, that's good. I have a Super Nacho on the servers, but Nacho by itself isn't allowable for reasons I don't understand. 😕 Nacho was my dog's name.
  3. Is that an RP SG? Can I join the global channel without joining the group on a bunch of characters?
  4. There's a bug in the game that lets people bring up and complain about politics several times a day.
  5. I had friends on Live I spoke with everyday. I have no friends now. 😞 I've changed over the years and I'm sure some other people have changed too. I only restarted about 2 weeks ago after a 2 year hiatus. 95% of the time I'm too anxious/nervous/worried to join groups, but everything's been ok in the ones I've been in.
  6. In every multiplayer game I've played, there's always been some people saying things like "Game is dead."
  7. I like fire farmin' but I only use one character to do it. It's relaxing and I like checking out different ones people make. I level alts in it but don't take anyone else. I can't say I've played all content, but I've done enough on live and on HC/Rebirth that I don't think I'm "missing" much by leveling my alts and getting INF. The endless people who say things like "LF ae farm have room?" should be nerfed. There's no reason for chronic sitters not to power level themselves and if you look at globals a lot of them ask on different characters throughout the week. Yeah, I have a memory at times. Pls stop running farms for these people. -_-
  8. Didn't they launch GW2 at the time of shutting it down? I always thought they just wanted to concentrate more on that because CoH wasn't making enough.
  9. Are you mostly playing DPS like blasters or something that you feel need no defenses? I don't think you can get defense "capped" on ATs without set bonuses. I also don't think you can get things like perma hasten and such without set bonuses. You miss out on the special enhancements like panacea +hp +end and shield wall +res.
  10. "even more so an IO from a Set which has even lower bonuses but the only benefit being really minor bonuses if you have more of that set slotted?" Oh dear... minor bonuses add up... that's all I will say.
  11. There's an all illusion ITF forming atm. I'm offended. 😛
  12. https://youtu.be/kRKHZhTkRq8?si=DNe-8xRbBjQBERrP "Superhero" themed! 🙂 P.S. I don't understand how to make a preview for a song. 😞
  13. Uhh, the band members from Iron Maiden *are* "old" now hehe. 🙂
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