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Everything posted by Akalabeth

  1. When I see people basically spamming every 20 seconds they want to sit on a farm, I usually just put them on ignore for a while. I do my own powerleveling on two accounts whenever I want. However, sometimes I ask why they don't do that and I get the response(s) "Net won't run two accounts." "Computer can't run two accounts." I don't believe them. Because I ran two accounts and farmed myself on LIVE even as far back as around 2008 on a Dual Core Calista and Three Core Barton and an obviously slower internet speed. I'd like people to at least be honest when they answer the question and just say they are too stoned or too busy watching hentai. I've seen at least one person who got questioned admit that. Thank you. :)
  2. @Luminara So it's the complaining that bugs you? There's a lot of different viewpoints and reasons people have for hating/liking farming in the last couple pages of this thread it seems. I think I'm gonna leave this thread be.
  3. That's... exactly the reason why I started farming for inf. 😞 It's hard not to want to slot my characters with the important ones like the uniques and some sets as I level them so I feel like I'm doing well on a team in those. 😕 PuGs are hit and miss and often crank up the diff to Super Hardcore mode.
  4. Yeah I can see your point @Astralock . With the amount of inflation in the game and how much the enhancements costs, what do you think would fix it though? Stopping additional influence? I'm not sure this is gonna make prices drop. They've had super packs on sale. It just made rich people richer and did not reduce the price of the event enhancements even though there's more of them.
  5. So basically... you're upset because you aren't rich like some farmers and want to stop them from having a lot influence cause you don't? You want everyone else to grind like you to make it "fair" instead of doing what they do? Also... it's kinda odd that anyone would think merchers don't have significant economic power. I don't get it. 😞
  6. I actually laughed out loud when I saw this reply. XD Thanks. 🙂
  7. Is it honestly the farming that people do that bugs the non-farmers? Or is it the messages in LFG like "lf ae farm pls" all day long? Because I'm quiet and don't bother or say anything when I log onto my farmer and go in so I'm not sure why anyone cares. If it's the economy people are upset about, well... take a look at the gougers/resellers/hoarders etc too then.
  8. I love super things and need one. 😮
  9. Oh. Well I guess I have seen people recruit for all level 50s synapse, posi, etc. teams and such.
  10. What's so important about collecting "50s"? Uhm... besides saying things like. "I have maxed out the server slots with 50s". Is the incarnate stuff the most satisfying for everyone? Or is it that y'all like to slot your characters fully?
  11. I have to disagree about SWTOR having the better story. I did scoundrel when I played and quit the class story in Chapter 3 because "my" character was an idiot and nothing like what I expected and it doesn't let you skip past parts or choose not to do them. In CoH you don't really have to do any particular missions you don't want to.
  12. Oh, and I have a bovine too. A battleaxe wielding bull named Cattleaxe. 🙂
  13. Made a gravity/sonic named Taylor Lift. 🙂
  14. That's a good suggestion. If it won't work for programming reasons on a trainer, how about the p2w vendors? 🙂
  15. Yeah, I guess he might not have much creative leeway in WoW.
  16. Why? They make their own groups. "ALL MM ____"
  17. How about an option not to let masterminds join? 🙂 While group fly is in the MM's best interest, no MMs in a group is in everyone's. 🙂
  18. I like it the least out of the 3 sides. 😞 I just sometimes try to make progress on badges doing flashbacks. It's got the betrayal and "evil" like villain side only there's politics. 😛
  19. I like reading quest text. I like reading books, too. 🙂 Sometimes I mix it up and read quest books. 😛
  20. I didn't read the whole thread, sorry. It seemed to be mostly pics and taunting. I adjusted my builds and changed which maps I do and still have fun and with the aggro range now, I am faster than before. That said, I would have even faster results that I wanted if they hadn't reduced xp gains.
  21. Farming was nerfed on live too. 😛 First they removed the xp from Regen critters who rezzed and then they significantly reduced the amount of tickets you could get in a map before reset.
  22. Hi. 🙂 I do not enjoy most villain side story arcs, at least when I read them. It's like... "Oh... I'm being betrayed... AGAIN." I very mush dislike Dr. Graves compared to Twinshot's story. Y_Y
  23. I'm not sure exactly what he wrote in WoW, but I muted the cutscenes in BFA and remember feeling aggravated by a lot of the changes from the previous expansion. If he's responsible for a lot of ambush missions in CoH they always normal to me, but I only played the last 2-3 years of CoH on live. I appreciate a lot of the stuff he must've worked on though. 🙂
  24. Wow... what happened to him? I saw his profile on a site and he did "over 300 missions" for CoH and then... later... WoW Battle For Azeroth and Shadowlands? 😧 >_< 😞 Those uhm.. are not the best expacks they've had. 😕
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