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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. Normally the sign-up sheet is posted on this thread later in the weekend (Saturday afternoon or Sunday) for the following Saturday's theme. You can reply to it or just chime in saying who you're bringing (character name, AT, powersets). This is an unusual case--likely only a casual run with no organized theme today (23 Nov), and no organized theme for next weekend (30 Nov). I may just go ahead and post the December themes and the sign-up sheet for 7 Dec.
  2. It's looking pretty light for this Saturday (23 Nov), insufficient for a badge run. We might just run it off-theme this week.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm probably out 30 Nov as well.
  4. Signups for 23 Nov - “Disco Forever” - The Fire and the Flames (Mortimer Kal, Level 20-40) - Disco/dancing costumes, Skittle ATs (Variety Act badge run) I'll give you a chance to pick ATs first, since we're limiting to all having different ATs. I'll pick Thursday evening, so I have time for costuming and getting the required SF unlock. @FrauleinMental TBD @Burnt Umber Gelida - Ice/Time Corruptor @Purple Enchantress Brittany Kane - Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker The Variety Act badge requires a team that satisfies Role Diversity: EDIT: Theme Team is off for Thanksgiving weekend (30 Nov). Since we're coming up on holiday travel season, here are themes for December: 7 Dec - “A Tangled Mirror” - A Tangled Plot (Katie Hannon, Level 30-34) - All Controllers (Mirror Image badge run) 14 Dec - “Flight of the Super(wo)men” - Return of the Reichsman (Dr. Kahn, Level 45-50) - All Tankers (Mirror Image badge run) Note: I will miss 14 Dec and will need someone to lead. 21 Dec - “TV on Blast” - Terra Volta Respec #3 (Richard Flagg, Level 44-50) - All Blasters (Does not qualify for Mirror Image badge) 28 Dec - “New Year’s Eve Party” - Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20) - Any AT, dress to dance the night away!
  5. That should be fine.
  6. Thanks! I don't play Cosmique enough, but on Live she was my second character as soon as I unlocked EATs. (On Live she was human form only, but here she's triform.) It'll be sad to have you missing from Theme Teams!
  7. Signups for 16 Nov - “Tricorn Triforms” - Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25) - All Peacebringers, pirate costumes @FrauleinMental Cosmique @Midnyte Sunshine @Purple Enchantress Star Gal @Bananiac Miss Barbarella @Burnt Umber Vim Vorator @Jaxman100 Jax White
  8. Probably close enough. The theme is a little vague, I suppose.
  9. Signups for 9 Nov - “Snow Crash” - Citadel's Children (Citadel, Level 25-30) - tech-based powers (e.g., Devices, Traps, Bots) - Bring your dystopian cyber/tech costumes! @FrauleinMental Project Isabelle - Bots/Rad MM @TygerDarkstorm Dr. Eliza Downing - Bots/Cold MM @Bananiac M. Kusanagi - Arachnos Bane Spider @Purple Enchantress Double Blaster - Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster @Midnyte Bionica - Bots/Traps MM
  10. A great Arachnos Shardtober to all who conquered the Shadow Shard with me! Here are our themes for November: 2 Nov - “House of Illusions” - Dr. Kane’s House of Horror (4-person teams, 15+, meet in Pocket D) - Illusion powers, Halloween costumes This is a short one, so we could potentially run it a couple extra times or run ToT or something after. 9 Nov - “Snow Crash” - Citadel's Children (Citadel, Level 25-30) - tech-based powers (e.g., Devices, Traps, Bots) - Bring your dystopian cyber/tech costumes! 16 Nov - “Tricorn Triforms” - Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25) - All Peacebringers, pirate costumes 23 Nov - “Disco Forever” - The Fire and the Flames (Mortimer Kal, Level 20-40) (Note: Unlock required for leader) - Disco/dancing costumes, Skittle ATs (Variety Act) 30 Nov (Thanksgiving weekend) - no theme, since a lot of us end up with family obligations. For those who want to roll anyway, the WSTs are Market Crash (Ada Wellington, Level 40-50), The Kheldian War (Moonfire, Level 23-28), and Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30), in rotation order. Signups for 2 Nov: @FrauleinMental Lanthanum Lethe - Illusion/Earth Dominator @Midnyte Winter Mirage - Illusion/Cold Controller @Bananiac Colonel Mindbender - Ill/Kin Controller @Purple Enchantress (maybe) Misterya - Illusion/Traps Controller @Burnt Umber Commenticia - Illusion/FF Controller
  11. It happens. The original intent was for people to use the geyser system to travel the zone. I've never fully learned it though, because most of my characters have some sort of flight.
  12. We're coming up on the Shardtober finale, and we have spots open for 2 more Arachnos at 44+! If you didn't park at Faathim, the easiest way to get there is the LFG teleporter. Concluding "An Arachnos Shardtober" (Faathim the Kind TF, 44+, all VEATs), part 4 of our 4-week event 5/12/19/26 October: @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier @Bananiac Reverend Mother - Fortunata @Midnyte Forever Midnight - Night Widow @Purple Enchantress Fortunata Fayte - Arachnos Widow @TrixieKixx Evil Goddess - Arachnos Widow
  13. We're halfway through Shardtober, and we have spots open for 2 more Arachnos at 44+! Justin Augustine stands right next to The Chantry portal (and the zone SG portal). Continuing "An Arachnos Shardtober" (Justin Augustine 44+, all VEATs), part 3 of our 4-week event 5/12/19/26 October: @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier @Bananiac Battle Priestess Vea - Arachnos Soldier @Midnyte Forever Midnight - Night Widow @Purple Enchantress Fortunata Fayte - Arachnos Widow @TrixieKixx Evil Goddess - Arachnos Widow
  14. I hope you're okay and got out of Milton's way. That looks scary!
  15. The longest TF in the game (Dr. Q) has been completed, and we have spots open for 2 more Arachnos at 40+! The Sara Moore TF begins on the Cascade Archipelago side of the Mole Point. (Back in the day the Mole Point was a really useful transport unlock in the Shadow Shard.) Continuing "An Arachnos Shardtober" (Sara Moore 40+, all VEATs), part 2 of our 4-week event 5/12/19/26 October: @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier @Bananiac Reverend Mother - Fortunata Widow @Midnyte Forever Midnight - Night Widow @Purple Enchantress Fortunata Fayte - Arachnos Widow @TrixieKixx Evil Goddess - Arachnos Widow
  16. Nice. I've had a Widow for quite a while, but I'd never played a Soldier before so I took this theme as impetus to try one out. Yes, the month-long theme is intended to follow the TFs as they pop up in the WST cycle: 5 Oct: Dr. Q (40+) 12 Oct: Sara Moore (40+) 19 Oct: Justin Augustine (44+) 26 Oct: Faathim the Kind (44+)
  17. Inspirations are optional content. You don't like them? Don't use them. Vendor your drops like you do other stuff. If you hate them so much you don't want them to drop at all, you can do that at the START vendor. If you only want small inspirations, you can do that at the START vendor too.
  18. Signups for "An Arachnos Shardtober" (Dr. Q and Sara Moore 40+, Justin Augustine and Faathim 44+, all VEATs), a 4-week event 5/12/19/26 October: @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier @Bananiac Battle Priestess Vea - Arachnos Soldier (may be swapping characters as we go) @Midnyte Forever Midnight - Night Widow @Purple Enchantress Fortunata Fayte - Arachnos Widow @TrixieKixx Evil Goddess - Arachnos Widow (maybe)
  19. Pics for 28 Sep - Positron 1+2 (Level 8+) - THEM! All insect motif (another of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!) @FrauleinMental Bug Sapper - Kin Melee / Electric Armor Brute @TraumaTrain Butterfly King - Electric/Electric Sentinel @TygerDarkstorm Bug Buddy - Empathy/Sonic Defender - with Positron for size reference @Burnt Umber Baryosynthesis - Rad/Regen. Sent @TrixieKixx Snow Flea - Ice/Ice Blaster @Purple Enchantress Killer Termite - Savage Melee / Super Reflexes Scrapper @Bananiac Micro Menacement - Claws / Fiery Aura Stalker - next to Valkyrie for size reference 'Before' picture Posi 1 completed - with a Snow Beast photobomb. 🙂 Donut Time! Posi 2 complete!
  20. Glad you're okay! The Southeastern US got pounded by Hurricane Helene. Most of it has missed me so far, thankfully.
  21. I do love Posi-week because it's low enough that one could roll a brand-new concept the morning of Theme Team, be in the level range...and be close to 20 by the end.
  22. 7 Sep - Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40) - NuMMina TF (one of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!) 14 Sep - Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, Level 12-15) [last Theme Sep 2022] (Note: Unlock required for leader) - “Pinball Wizard” - Kinetics or Kinetic Melee powerset 21 Sep - Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43) [never done in Theme Team] - Oktoberfest - Beer (Water) powers, Oktoberfest costumes 28 Sep - Positron 1+2 (Level 8+) - THEM! All insect motif (another of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!) Signups for 28 Sep: @FrauleinMental Bug Sapper - Kin Melee / Electric Armor Brute @TraumaTrain Butterfly King - Electric/Electric Sentinel @TygerDarkstorm Bug Buddy - Empathy/Sonic Defender @Burnt Umber Baryosynthesis - Rad/Regen. Sent @TrixieKixx Snow Flea - Ice/Ice Blaster @Purple Enchantress Killer Termite - Savage Melee / Super Reflexes Scrapper @Bananiac Micro Menacement - Claws / Fiery Aura Stalker ?? Since we're getting close, here's the signup for "An Arachnos Shardtober" (Dr. Q 40+, others 44+, all VEATs), a 4-week event 5/12/19/26 October: @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier @Bananiac TBD @Midnyte Forever Midnight - Night Widow @Purple Enchantress Fortunata Fayte - Arachnos Widow
  23. Since it's a trial and not a TF/SF, I don't think it qualifies for that badge.
  24. 7 Sep - Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40) - NuMMina TF (one of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!) 14 Sep - Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, Level 12-15) [last Theme Sep 2022] (Note: Unlock required for leader) - “Pinball Wizard” - Kinetics or Kinetic Melee powerset 21 Sep - Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43) [never done in Theme Team] - Oktoberfest - Beer (Water) powers, Oktoberfest costumes 28 Sep - Positron 1+2 (Level 8+) - THEM! All insect motif (another of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!) Signups for 21 Sep: @FrauleinMental Wake Monster - Beer/Kin Corruptor @TygerDarkstorm Captain Barkbeard - Arsenal/Beer Affinity Controller @TrixieKixx Kailani Bayou - Storm Summoning/Beer Blast Defender @Burnt Umber Oni - Ninja/Beer Affinity MM @Midnyte Ocean Goddess - Beer/Regen Sentinel @Purple Enchantress TBD - Marine/Water Def ?? ??
  25. That's what I ended up doing--I made a new toon for this month's themes, since I'd never played kin melee before and didn't have an insect toon.
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