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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. I'll bring Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin CTRL.
  2. I'll bring Lanthanum Lethe - Illusion/Earth Dominator
  3. I'll bring Norn Embla - Plant/Nature CTRL, tender of Yggdrasil.
  4. Since we're leaning hard into Rare-Earth Elements, I'm now bringing Lanthanum Lethe - Illusion/Earth Dominator. (Vaguely Greek for 'hidden oblivion'.)
  5. I've just rolled Golden Glitter - Illusion/Earth Dominator. (And already level 25, just from 2 DFB runs and Posi 1+2.)
  6. I'll switch to my alt account's farm toon: Radi-Flame - Rad/Fire Brute. I had a server transfer fail with all the activity following the announcement, and now a whole bunch of characters (including my main) are trapped on Excel until the next server restart.
  7. I'll bring Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin CTRL Radi-Flame - Rad/Fire Brute.
  8. I'll bring Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin CTRL.
  9. Yep, that's the sci-fi skirt!
  10. It seems like a Microfilament Exposure would be wasted in Hurdle, but I get your point. I think it is a bug that your Synthetic Microfilament Exposure enhances Fly but not Run in Swift. My (non-Synthetic) one does both, and I think that's why they're so expensive on AH.
  11. It's her own repel aura, trying to get players to not hang around her so much. 😎
  12. I'll be on as well. Where shall we meet? It's re/treespec week.
  13. I will miss next week but should be back for holiday events.
  14. I tried EVE Online, but just couldn't get into it. You almost have to get into a guild to survive, and much as they tout the offline training the game is still like a second job...and I had a PhD dissertation to write. 🙂 I had lifetime subs to Champions Online and Star Trek Online. Played CO long enough to get my main to max level and then quit. Eventually got into a STO guild and was playing that pretty regularly; loved the starship system but hated the ground combat system. Tried DCUO a couple of times and hated the UI and the WoW-like "costume loot" system. For that matter, played WoW for a while but hit a wall at Northrend (level 60-ish?). Tried Rift and Secret World but never got very far. I did play the Marvel Heroes MMO game quite a bit until I got back into SWTOR. Played SWTOR at launch long enough to grind a Jedi Sage to 50 (and it was a grind). Went back to it later and played it until Homecoming launched.
  15. The chalet is open year-round...useful for spending all those Candy Canes. I mostly use them on Light of Renewal (20 Canes per 8 days from the Candy Keeper), which has a separate cooldown from Renewal of Light / Return to Battle (from the P2W Vendor). It occasionally comes in handy with a squishy character. After the revamp to Hover, I was able to get all the ski badges with just Flight + Hover (or Mystic Flight + Hover) after a few practice runs on each course.
  16. I'll bring Jean-Luc Wick - Beam Rifle / Willpower Sentinel.
  17. I'll bring Cranberry Doctor - Rad/Rad Corruptor.
  18. There seems to be no option to change the interior tail color on the Female > Upper Body > Jackets > Wedding Tux costume piece. I was able to change it in a roundabout manner by linking the costume colors to the new color, then unlinking and manually changing the parts I wanted to be other colors. FM Magician.costume
  19. Finally, a challenge for all those AV-solo experts! 😎
  20. That looks to be either Psionic Dart or Telekinetic Thrust, though I could have sworn that occasionally Psionic Lance uses this pose (maybe the in-combat quickshot?). Most of the other Psionic Assault powers seem to pose with some variant of hands to head.
  21. Scotland spells it without the 'e', most bourbon uses the 'e' (though Maker's Mark omits it). I hadn't kept up with Canadian as much. Bourbon doesn't have to be from Kentucky, though around 95% is, just American.
  22. Those are typically too peppery for my taste (lots of rye in the mash bill), which can come off as astringent, but they can be good in a cocktail like an Old Fashioned (where the sugar balances out the rye). You might try something with less rye and/or more corn (maybe even some wheat). Maker's Mark is my go-to, but Rabbit Hole, Evan Williams, Knob Creek, and Wild Turkey might work. Anything with an age statement might be old enough to mellow out the taste. I love Scotch as well, but it's been a lot more expensive since the tariffs increased 5-ish years ago, and inflation hasn't helped. Macallan used to be my benchmark for 12-year whiskies, though I'm also a fan of Bowmore and Lagavulin when I can get them.
  23. I did go to Angel's Envy this trip as well. It seems like a good example of a new/modern distillery. I did the "bottle your own" experience last time I was there, in 2019, but they've definitely remodeled since then. Their bourbon selection is pretty limited, though, and a lot of the expressions they list on their website were limited runs that they don't make/sell any more. (The gift shop only offered their flagship bourbon/port cask, the rye/rum cask, and they're pushing pretty hard with the single barrel version.) Last time I was at Buffalo Trace (2019), I got a bottle of Blanton's for $60. I haven't seen it for under $150 recently, it's rarely under $200, and the two bottles I saw at Justin's House of Bourbon were marked at $250 each. (But Justin's is overpriced, more of a place to experience than a place to buy from.)
  24. I do love my Rad/Rad Stalker for PBAoE fun. Or yeah, Ice Patch helps my Ice/Ice Blaster work interestingly well as an off-tank.
  25. Kentucky. Mostly Louisville, except for a nice long country drive out to the Maker's Mark distillery, about 1.5 hours from there. It's my favorite bourbon distillery, but it's very out of the way and a bit of an adventure even with GPS. (Or especially with GPS, which never gets it quite right.)
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