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  1. Merc/Marine, the reverse Aquaman, a fish that controls humans to do his bidding. The Country Fillet is born.
  2. Traps is boring to play because more than half the set uses the take a knee animation. Triage, Acid Mortar, Poison Trap, Trip Mine, and Temporal Bomb all use it. Granted you can skip Triage and Trip Mine, but it doesn’t change the fact that watching a character spend 2.77 seconds in the take a knee animation kills immersion. There’s plenty of things to do to maximize minimizing frequent setup, the fold space example is best, but ultimately the most boring aspect of traps is the animations.
  3. I've been selling those at 1 mil a pop and they've been moving. When it comes to +dmg that can potentially impact farming speeds, items will always move.
  4. Here comes a new challenger!
  5. Sounds like a job for Tempered Cojones and Glasses McShooter.
  6. One day soon, soonish I suppose. It reminds me of the days on live trying to get a toon fully i0d, when single purples went for 100 mil+.
  7. Tough choice. I've been messing with it on the test server on random alts. Leaning towards a visually hectic armor set to try and layer the visuals and colors. I do like the Shadow prismatic aura in conjunction with the undefined. I could see rolling up a Energy Aura stalker that uses Disrupt for the bonkers visual that thing gives. Who knows. PB sounds pretty dope, pure human gets some nice armor visuals.
  8. @Azari Hmm, I guess that is probably the most reasonable explanation. Thanks for throwing that out there for me to mull over. I do wish that the other 2 had the option for the aura, the green undefined has the minimal fx option yet silver and evil just default to minimal which seems crazy for the price point of the 1,500 aether's. I'm on the fence for saving up but I wish you good fortune on your road to landing the other half of the required aether's.
  9. Forgiveness if this has been asked and answered, but is there a reason for the silver and evil costume variants missing the storm elemental aura that the basic Undefined Mode has? It seems for 1,500 aether’s that all 3 should have access to aura effect, colored correctly for whichever is selected. Just seems unusual to me, thanks in advance for any and all answers.
  10. For tankers Parry, Divine Avalanche, and Storm Kick do not stack. Guarded Spin and Defensive Sweep do stack. It's misleading and I'm sure there's some balance reason for it.
  11. @BitCook Mids didn't update Scramble, It's an Aoe splash skill now that does dmg. I'd swap out that Purple Stun for the other ATO and fully capitalize on Psi's new found aoe potential.
  12. Going down the rabbit hole of potential t9 names I humbly submit a classic.
  13. Call me crazy but despite it's long animation, 1,000 cuts being a 90degree 10 target cone is pretty solid. Frankenslot that thing with acc/dmg x3, 2 procs, and a FF proc and you're sitting on a solid skill for what it is, just an aoe. Would this work in a single chain? Goodness no, but that's what Sweeping is for.
  14. You're certainly going to get a wide variety of suggestions for builds but going back to your initial "tanky" quandary that without a doubt goes to Ice manipulation. It's got the best sustain for merely surviving. Slow/-recharge so enemies attack less often, check. -Dmg so you can survive longer, check. 30 ft radius so you don't even have to be melee, even better. It also is an Absorb which just works better than any of the sets that have +regen from their sustain. Take a Primary with a heal; water, dark, stone(not as reliable as the previous 2 sets) and you're looking at "tanky" blaster. Not to mention that ice manipulation has Ice Patch for some CC and you're looking at a blaster that can run in and stand still in a mob without a care in the world.
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