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Everything posted by Grey-Ghost

  1. Calls spades as trumps, throws down ace of spades and takes the trick
  2. To address Blackshear, it really is a bit hit or miss. I wandered for quite a bit before joining in with the banter at MSRs and just sort of grafted onto a group. Now within that wide range of players there are many subgroups of which several people belong to many, but I've found my niche amongst them. There is also a good RP class which Crystal Dragon & McSpazz have going and which often attracts people getting into RP as well as people just wanting to help out. I've gone to The Cape Radio shows, especially One-Hit-Wonder's show on Thursday nights at Lyricks-10861. That club also hosts a once-a-month karaoke, which has been fun to attend if you're into that sort of thing (people pick songs which we listen to on Watch2Gether, while the character who chose the song pretends to sing, often with emotes and lyrics sung in local. Atlas Park often has people gathering under the statue, and there are various times that people will advertise LFGs with RP themes. Now all of these can be hit-or-miss regarding your personal playstyle, and trust me, my natural shyness made it difficult for me to start doing any of these, but eventually I found some great people. I hope some of these ideas might help. My advice is keep trying and see what happens.
  3. Pulls out donut for Becky as well
  4. Sad to see donut go...pulls fresh donut out of his coat...eats donut...enjoys movie.
  5. Enjoys the Pixar Film "A Hug's Life"
  6. And back to summer vacation for everyone
  7. Produces a bucket for the nice pup
  8. Watches cartoons, pulls out bucket of popcorn and some root beer
  9. Brings fresh pizza and cheesecake
  10. Starts clapping when 'LAUGH' sign comes on and laughing when 'CLAP' sign comes on. Wonders at the wisdom of having the signs in Welsh.
  11. Claps when 'CLAP' sign comes on. Claps for kitty! Claps for sleeping kitty. "This is quality programing"
  12. I will happily play the washboard. Where do I plug it in?
  13. I do love listening to people's stories, and mostly the low-powered ones. I know we can all run 50-level characters with all our incarnates, and that's fine. But I'm more interested in your dealings with everyday problems and/or adventures than I am hearing how much more powerful than Statesman you are. ie. I prefer RP with people whose powers don't define them, but are instead supplemental to who they are.
  14. I do thank all of those that came out for One-Hit Wonder's Cape Radio show at Lyricks and wished my character Robert Forrester (Grey-Ghost) a happy pre-wedding bachelor party. Robert is shy and wanted something nice and low-key and was somewhat surprised to see his friends dance around in harem-girl outfits. It was great fun and unexpected.
  15. It should be noted that the key to hacking is simple use of the control, windows, and shift key followed by typing in what you want the hack to do. Note this only works on a windows-based system. To hack on an Apple-system simply click on the hacking icon to initiate the hack. Literally anyone could do this, it's just that simple.
  16. I always tend to ignore the influence = cash conundrum. Yes I'm capped on influence with some characters with more in email to withdraw if needed, but the characters are mostly working class. People keep offering to 'buy them things' and with a few exceptions the character will just flat-out refuse. The lack of a real money currency in the game makes this one easier to ignore for me. But yep, it is a problem. I don't know how many multi-billionaire Tony Starks we have running around, but it seems to be a lot.
  17. "I come and I go, I'm always watching out for you all. You make me smile"
  18. Drops of Dr. Pepper Zero for Fedor. Also donuts for multiplication ray. Takes a donut for himself. Also brings out some root beer and has one. Slips into the shadows and watches the antics
  19. Drops by, hands out Nutter Butters and Root Beer
  20. Grey-Ghost (Robert) would be ecstatic. He would probably use some of the money to buy a nice house with his girlfriend. He would also put money aside for eventually buying an engagement ring and for planning a wedding. He would use any extra money to start a home security business and invest money in research to help his girlfriend. Brick.Wall (Richard) He'd move out of the postage stamp of an apartment he's currently living in. He'd use some of the money to provide some good equipment for the average police officer in King's Row to use against high powered individuals. He'd donate a lot of the money to helping Praetorian refugees and he would also donate a large chunk of the money to help fund a community center in King's Row (the precinct where he works), so that the kids of the neighborhood could avoid getting involved in gangs like the Skulls.
  21. I also tend to play characters that are more working class and have jobs, which provides a bit of a disconnect between the whole wealth = influence thing, because I have tons of influence for my characters (not hitting cap or anything, but a good chunk because I play a lot and haven't maxxed out a lot of alts). The other thing my characters have in common is, although I love my own storylines, I tend to enjoy playing support in other people's until it's time for me to shine. (Often I just get caught up in other's creative narratives and forget about mine for a bit until I figure out which way I want my story to go). So often my characters serve as helpers. Oh and puns. My characters, like me, love puns.
  22. Grey-Ghost, (Robert) although he was married before back in Praetoria, it was to his childhood sweetheart, so he literally had never really dated before. After she died and he came to Paragon, his life changed quite a bit. He is quite clueless romantically and had to clued in by his friend Elowynn that ladies were interested in him. Eventually he got the nerve to ask his, now girlfriend, Misty if she was flirting with him. Once she said she was, they began dating. Now they've moved in together and he's very happy. She is warm, honest, and kind and has helped him through a lot of trauma. He's still pretty clueless sometimes, but she is patient with him. He makes her breakfast in the morning before they go to work and always checks in on her to make sure she is well. Some day he hopes to marry her, but remains clueless on how to ask. Brick.Wall (Richard) never had a long term relationship until he fell in love with a former Seer from Praetoria. Unfortunately that ended badly, because she did not love him back. Heartbroken Richard had a long talk with his friend Risa who helped straighten him out emotionally and kept him from riding off into the sunset. This was fortunate, because not a week later, a beautiful woman named Trixie came into his life. She was a legend among heroes and he had heard a lot about her but didn't really approach her. Fortunately for Richard, she approached, and began flirting with him. He flirted back in a friendly matter, not expecting anything, but inadvertently asked her to dinner, which she accepted. Although their first two dates were chaperoned by her best friend, eventually, on their third date, they got some alone time and had a fun time at a jazz club. Richard became smitten and fell in love with Trixie. They are currently dating. Peanut-Butter (Peter) He's 11, so girls can be friends, but kissing is weird. So Yuck! Though some girls are pretty.
  23. I pulled Rikti into the bowl for all 13 raids on my tank Brick.Wall. I had only 1 faceplant, 1 mapserve, and 3 times I accidently leapt off the back of the ship. It was fun and exhausting. I do thank everyone that showed up.
  24. Grey-Ghost: Goes home and snuggles on the couch or in the love seat watching movies with his girlfriend Misty, or relaxing in the hot tub or sauna. Otherwise you will find him reading a book of some type or writing poetry (he's actually quite good) Brick.Wall: If his girlfriend Trixie is available, he spends time with her, if not he practices playing his acoustic guitar (recently purchased from a pawn shop) Peanut-Butter is a homeless 11-year old, so he spends a lot of his spare time trying to find a safe place to sleep, places to scrounge food, and places to shower. He will also look for things he can sell so he can make money to buy clothes when his wear out. All while trying to avoid adults finding him and trying to put him back in an orphanage.
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