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Posts posted by ArchVileTerror

  1. I kind of wanted that -Range Proc to be a small chance for Provoke to work a bit like Taunt, without really impeding on the -75% that Taunt does.  And, slotting it in to a Tanker's Taunt would give a small chance of absolutely decimating a target's Range.

    But, yeah.  Maybe it's a little too powerful.  I'm okay with dropping the Proc entirely from that Set and just having it be another stat boost Enhancement.  Maybe Threat/Range.


    Similarly, I'm also okay with Alluring Excuse's Set Bonuses being dropped to "Tiny, Tiny, Small, Moderate," "Tiny, Small, Small, Small," or even "Tiny, Tiny, Small, Small," since it's an Uncommon.

  2. Charming Rebuff Threat Duration Set, Levels 10 to 30, Rare
    Chance for -Confuse (Mag 3 Confuse for 4 Seconds, 2 PPM)
    2 Slot Bonus:  3.75% Recharge Time (Small)
    3 Slot Bonus:  7% Accuracy (Moderate)
    4 Slot Bonus:  1.8% Endurance (Moderate)
    5 Slot Bonus:  2.5% Damage (Large)

  3. Alluring Excuse Threat Duration Set, Levels 10 to 30, Uncommon
    Chance for -Range (-45% Range for 4 Seconds, 3.5 PPM)
    2 Slot Bonus:  2.5% Recharge Time (Tiny)
    3 Slot Bonus:  1.875% Pos/Neg Def & 0.9375% Ranged Def (Small)
    4 Slot Bonus:  1.75% Endurance Discount (Small)
    5 Slot Bonus:  8% Regeneration (Moderate)

  4. With the change to Taunt Sets becoming Threat Duration Sets, the names of those existing Sets seem thematically inappropriate for Placate Powers (specifically:  Annoyance, Triumphant Insult, Mocking Beratement, Perfect Zinger).

    But I do like the change from a purely gameplay stance, so I don't want to see it reverted.


    So, to try and bring a little more thematic balance to affairs, I propose these two Sets to be added to the Threat Duration category:


    Alluring Excuse  -  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/33321-new-threat-duration-set-ideas/#comment-428267


    Charming Rebuff  -  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/33321-new-threat-duration-set-ideas/#comment-428268


  5. I vaguely recall there being an Anti-AFK-bypass rule when Homecoming first started, but I can't seem to find it any longer.

    With the use of Task-locked AFK billboard characters on Everlasting for various clubs and events, and given our player population hasn't returned to those same numbers from the early days, I think it's plenty fine as-is for now.

    Mayhaps if the Devs added a dedicated in-game billboard message system then it -might- be worthwhile re-examining the AFK bypass regulations.

  6. Quick question to @Snarky and @Solarverse (and everyone else in the shared camp of "what's with the Devs' hard-on for Knockback?):

    If the Homecoming Team had also added another set without any Knockback, fixed the issue with Knockdown converting to Knockback on lower-level targets, and/or provided more available options to gather up scattered targets (like Fold Space) ... would any of that been sufficient mitigation to the problem in your views?


    I solidly support any and all of those, but mostly the middle one.  Longest-standing pain in the ass related to Knock, as far as I'm personally concerned.


  7. Snagging some screenshots will help explain what you're referring to, @Dar_of_Kiban.

    If you're using Windows, hit the Print Screen ("Prt Scr" or some variation thereof) key on your keyboard, then open MSPaint and select Paste from the Edit menu (or hit Ctrl+V).

    You can then crop the image and copy and paste it directly in to these forums to share.

  8. I still think that Scirocco should always strive toward but -never- actually get redemption, only to cement him in that position of cursed tragedy.  His struggle is what defines him.  Take that away, and he would need to become a totally different character to continue to be interesting.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. I've seen a couple of threads crop up asking players to suggest which acting professionals they'd want to see or hear represent their own characters, but what about the non-player characters of City?


    What prompted this for me was the realization that Jenkins of Arachnos could be voiced by Stephen Merchant.  

    Stephen Merchant | Modern Family Wiki | Fandom

    While that would easily conjure images of Wheatley in most players' heads, I think that is totally on-brand for Jenkins.  Appropriate as a bumbling idiot agent of Arachnos.


    So . . . how about the rest of you?

    Any top-picks for certain NPCs?

    (Feel free to select acting professionals who are still alive or already deceased.)

  10. I tend to feel that the game lore serves best as a "Set Dressing" for personal player narratives, and much prefer content that's written with a mindfulness for the diversity of the player-base AND setting, rather than as a single-player linear arc.  

    In other words:  Build outward and expand, rather than bulldoze and change.


    Granted, there is room for both.  I'm stating a preference.  Although I feel the current Devs seem far more focused on the latter rather than my preference.

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