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Everything posted by Ghidorah

  1. Was interested as well but soloing this is not. Full team in the mish, most likely all 3 MM's Bots are engaging(there are 3 Long Bow Lore bosses) the blasters endurance is utilized a lot which would indicate they are well...blasting. Now if he can post a 3min time really truly solo would love to see it.
  2. Unkillable...checks defense, nothing even capped. Toss build
  3. For my EM/EA I went the MU Epic. My single target chain is just crazy DPS and doesn't need a snipe thrown in. So I went MU for Ball Lightning and Fences to take care of my lacking AOE and still have zapp for any runners i dont feel like running down.
  4. Oldskool gave a great write up to the comparison between the 2 sets...found the thread myself as I often debate between the 2. The way I have picked between the 2 is based on my secondary and how end heavy they are. I just made a Dark/Staff and end was never a problem because staff can mitigate the costs with body stance...so dark had the dmg aura and uber heal which I wanted. Now at max I dont even use Cloak of fear with everything max and a 10sec full heal who needs another layer. For TW/Mace I would def go Rad because the end use on both is much higher, but I will miss my damage aura and trade uber heal/for uber absorb.
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