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Everything posted by Khrystina

  1. I'm doing the Aaron Walker arc, and after defeating Experiment 203, I got the following in my chat window: A placeholder that didn't get updated, maybe?
  2. I just re-ran that arc and saw the same behavior.
  3. I just finished Bobcat's arc "Best Friends Forever", and after turning in the final mission she still has a green indicator over her, but she won't talk to me now (the not talking makes sense - I'm a 50, doing flashbacks). Below is a screenshot showing the behavior. I logged out to the Character Select screen, and when I logged back in the green indicator was gone.
  4. This is from the "Best Friends Forever" arc, from Bobcat. My toon was in "female" body type when I ran this mission. Other places have gender-specific dialogs, so I assume this was just an oversight.
  5. I would suggest revising the date lookup list in column S to be the initial date, and then each new date is (previous date + 91). There were some dates missing in the cycle on the Google Sheet linked in the initial post.
  6. The link you included goes on to say that "smitten" is the more commonly used past participle form, and that's how it's being used in the context from the original post: "And lo! The evil technology was smote!" The players smote the evil technology. The evil technology was smitten. Man, we are a bunch of grammar wonks in here, aren't we 😄
  7. *nods* I've seen that a lot. It just seems to me that it should be simple to add a snip of code on those triggers that says (pseudocode): If (target.IsPet == true) Set target := target.Owner EndIf
  8. Related - during the mission, I got this NPC dialog: I'm a Bots/EA Mastermind, so it appears that the logic for this dialog generation is looking just at the NPC's target, and not checking to see if it's a pet and grabbing the name of the "owning player" instead. Most of the ambush members addressed my character by name, not the bots.
  9. I think that the next to last sentence in the first paragraph should read "If I do not, then the balance she and I HAVE will be shattered and become unpredictable." (emphasis mine). Could also be "have built", "maintain", "enjoy", "endure", etc.
  10. Allow me to add my heartfelt "thank you" to the list here. Your leadership was second to none, and it was a privilege to assist in my small way. I wish you much success and joy in your upcoming adventures. You will be missed. Be well.
  11. Thank you for the reply. I can only speak for myself, but I'm happy to help with the troubleshooting to the limits of my ability. I've been doing SQL Server software development for quite a while, so I understand how tedious that process can be. Feel free to contact me directly if I can assist.
  12. I've encountered the same issue. The influence sink isn't a huge issue, but it has rendered some of my costumes unusable - the "click to try to fix" button fails to fix the issue even to the point of putting the legacy rifle in place so that I can then go fix it (again).
  13. Perhaps. I'm going to test it a bit first, just to make sure it wasn't some fluke. Software developer IRL, so I kinda have to 😄
  14. Perhaps, but the first time we attempted that flashback mission, I was the leader, and I was the one who didn't meet the prerequisites. So, even if the game can't check the whole team, this check would still have prevented that frustration.
  15. Apologies if this has been suggested before. The Crystals in Ouroboros should only make available missions for which all players on the team are eligible. Last night I tried to do Reason To Fight in a two-man team, but I was missing a pre-requisite. The Crystal gave me the mission and sent me to the contact, and once we started our team got broken. There was no indication that this would happen, no warning, no nothing. Just "Poof - no more team for you!" If the game can detect that I'm not eligible to be in the mission once I'm there, it can detect that I'm not eligible for the mission ahead of time.
  16. What an interesting discussion this has been Very educational.
  17. Not everyone is comfortable taking that approach. "Open to walk-ups" is the opposite of "Do Not Disturb", but the absence of a "Do Not Disturb" tag on a toon is not the equivalent of the presence of an "Open to walk-ups" tag on a toon. There is a middle ground. If you don't see the need for this feature, fine - don't use it (if it gets implemented). What I don't get is people looking at this request and arguing that it should not be done because they wouldn't use it, even though (obviously) there are some who would.
  18. I'm not surprised.
  19. Thank you for your input, @arcane. Rest assured that your comments have been forwarded to the appropriate departments, where they shall receive all the attention they so richly deserve.
  20. Not sure what my chosen server has to do with the suggestion, to be honest...
  21. [edit] I saw two possibilities here, @arcane: You're a friend from Everlasting, saying 'hi' playfully You're a troll I guessed "#1". I guessed wrong.
  22. All of those options are of the "Don't Bother Me" variety, and they assume that everyone will interpret a lack of "Don't Bother Me" as an invitation to contact. That assumption is incorrect. I know for a fact - having discussed it with them - that some of my in-game friends are reluctant to ping me if I'm teamed, or in an SG base. I have told them "If I'm on, ping me - if I'm busy, I'll say so", but still. I'm suggesting the ability to make a more affirmative declaration of "Feel free to contact me, even though I look busy." THAT is "what is accomplished by the OP that isn’t accomplished by hide options".
  23. It would be cool to be able to set a status for the friends list, like "do not disturb" or "available" or so on and so forth, so that shy friends know that it's okay to ping you, even if you're in an SG base and/ore in a team.
  24. Sounds like you're saying that an Elec/Elec tank is gonna be Energy-Resist capped, and there's not much to do about it - do I understand you correctly, @stealthnight?
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