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Everything posted by elfeanor

  1. Finally i found the group and it was pleasant to play together to defend the Terra Volta Reactor. Little group (4 or 5) but good valor 🙂
  2. Argh i am in front of King Rows wall but nobody 😞
  3. Thanks a lot Ronin and Zemx for your answers. I curently used my transfert but i guess i will be able to do it tomorow (it has been 3 days). Presently i only have a "just reached lvl 50" tank (FM/RA) on Reunion et several tanks on Exelsior (lvl 50 SR/DM, lvl 50 Stone/Spines, and many others less than 50). Will try to participate cause it will surely be super fun.
  4. Unfortunately, i check and Tueday 6 PM (PT)/ 9 PM (ET) will be Wednesday 3 AM for me (France). So i guess i won't join. HAve a godd time anyway
  5. Hello. Just wanting to know if anybody (tank i guess) can participate to the Tanker Tuesday and if everybody is welcome, is there a lvl (or incarnate lvl shift) you must have to participate ?
  6. Exactly. Finally i killed every others and first mission was finished. After that i succed the all 4 missions (even taking much time than what i read here). Thanks foryour help
  7. OK i tried 4 times the 1rst mission but when i kill the asssin with wings nothing happens : no Exit (and i tried to hit N in case of) as if the mission isn't done. Help please !!!!!
  8. Sorry for your yougest son and your dog. Gratz for the participation of your oldest son. I guess (as Tiresias said for him) i really should trying to train me to use Mid's Reborn to find set i need to improve my toons (cause of course that is true for any toon i build). Bonuses sets are not so easy to choose and also it can be useful to think of procs for the low damages power with big cooldown. Thanks anyway. I already have 2 regen brutes as i said to you (i wanted help for the Ice Melee one) but i guess i will make more brutes cause i am tired to be so weak (damages speaking) against Elite Boss or AV with my tanks (only one lvl 50 , Stone/spines)
  9. Hello Infinitum. Thanks for your SR/DM Tank build. It' s a little off topic but is it some post like yours, Infinitum, to build a brute and trying to go near the tank caps ?
  10. I don't know if we misunderstood again but what i wanted to say is at this moment (lvl31) i am fine with my build which is in vast majority compsed of IO invention (except the common unique that i use in almost all my characters). But all the post i about tough build made with set. By the way i tested your SR build (little modified as i wrote you on previous post) with first mission (not the ITF) on 4x8 on test server : was fine.
  11. Infinitum hi again, I changed 2 things in the super build you made for me : I slotted hoover with 2 winter's gift (one if the 20% res against recharge) I replace Fly (i don't really need it) with CrossPunch (slotted with a proc) What do you thing of that ? I am at home now so i will do the test you sugested. V2_Tanker DontTouchMeInfinitum (Super Reflexes - Dark Melee) Invention.mbd
  12. Thanks i don't know if there is enough people to group an ITF on test server but i will try
  13. Do you think i can try these missions or TF on test server ?
  14. Not at home now. Thanks a lot. I will try the build on test server. What mission should i try to test the build in hard content ?
  15. To Spaghetti Betty : i found this build and changed only a few power. What do you think of it, comparing to yours : it seemed not counting on Crosspunch and have more defense. Don't know also if it is cheaper or not. Brute IceMelee_regen.mbd
  16. Thanks a lot. I will try it on Test Server (perhap's i will try a 800.xx AE mission, it will my first time). What do you think if i change kick (not so much consequences on CrossPunch damage it seems) by : - enflamme (with a proc like Ragnarok : chance for knockdown or Annihilation : chance for -res debuff) even if i know proc isn't so good on toogle --> kind of damage aura and mitigeation (if chance to knockdown) or -weave (slotted with a LOTG for a little permanent defense without clicking and the +7,5% rech reduction on top of the already amazing recharge reduction you reached in this build)
  17. Infinitum, as i wrote you in a PM i can't download your build because it is written "unavailable". Infinitum and Spaghetti Bhetty, I "promised" to post the build i actually have (before changing with your builds). So here there are : DontTouchME - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Dark Melee).mbd SoColdHere - Brute (Ice Melee - Regeneration).mbd
  18. Which secondary do you have in mind : SS, stone, ?
  19. Certainly i was less clear than i thought. 😅
  20. For my SR tank i guess MOG can be also good if my def are useless (eg : auto hit damage) in conjonction with scalling resistance.
  21. The good part of Ice Patch is that it works with minion, ltn, boss, etc. Some give up ice patch when lvl 50. Not me.
  22. Thanks for the build. I see that there are only invention crafted IO, no sets at all. I have nothing against set (or at minimum uniques IO). I can have some influence from a brute rad/FA dedicated to farm (poor guy, proof that slavery still exist) so don't hesitate to introduce some IO outside of classics invention IO. As i said i will post my 2 builds (SR and Regen when at home).
  23. Thanks A LOT to Infinitum and Spaghetti Betty for your help. Not near my laptop now so i can't look precisely to your builds. To answer to Spaghetti Betty, i choosed Ice Melee on purpose cause it is very safe (and fun) with Ice Patch and zaso very soon on the levelling process. Of course it doesn't protect me from ranged damage but you can't fught without risk i suppose. I like so much Ice Melee that i have it with tankers WP, bio, ice armor. Except i didn't use Cross Punch till now i usually do the same attack rotation but with mu (cone attack from P2W vendor). Only for information i will post my curent builds when i will be near my laptop.
  24. Hi. I have a lvl 31 Tanker SR/DM and i would like a build (for now i am ok with no set, only invention IO) I think of perhap's using MOG for the fewer occasions whre def will fail. But i also need a build for my Brute IM/Regen cause i almost never see a build (ok i know regen isn't the UBER secondary but who cares ?) Thanks in advance.
  25. Finally this is the build i choose : I replace infiltration by taunt, loosing a place for LOTG (not so awful i guess) I unslot gladiator endu/resistso I can add LOTG Def to granite. I replace Kick instead of Boxing cause i prefer it I take Mystic Fly instead of combat teleport --> if i have mystic fly on then use granite, i can't fly but i still can use Translocation with Granite. This is the build without granite and with granite Tanker_MrPierre_Stone_Armor_-_Spines.mbd
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