Hi everybody
I just reached lvl 50 and i really need help doing a good or better build.
This is my build as it is now and i need to improve it.
Before helping me (if you are kind enough) , these are importants points :
i would like to keep granite power (if you have a way to avoid -rech and -dam without destroying the buiild, don't hesitate) cause it is very useful sometimes --> i thought of using LOG IO's + Cross Punch + Inventions IO (-rech)
problem 1 : very long time to kill big mobs (Elite Boss, AV, etc) but i guess it's because of spines choice
problem 2 : i am often out of endurance (perhap's shoud i change of epic powers of using incarnates)
This is my newbie build
I didin't manage to do a better share from Mid
Thanks in advance
MrPierre2 - Tanker (Stone Armor - Spines).mbd