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ThaOGDreamWeaver last won the day on October 25 2021

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About ThaOGDreamWeaver

  • Birthday 04/01/1974

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  1. relatively good, that 🎂
  2. Qveen Herby - Thank Goddess 🌒🌕🌘
  3. Small update for comparison... Okay. Still prefer the original animation world Stitch lived in... because it all kinda hangs together, and really loved the art style they chose for it too. Once you've accepted you're watching an unreal (but familiar) world, your brain accepts it. CGI Stitch is... never gonna look part of our world. But I gotta say, the casting of Lilo (Maia Kealoha) and Nani (Sydney Elizebeth Agudong) absolutely nails their chaotic energy from the original, and Chris Sanders is back voicing the chaos monkey. Looks like there are a decent chunk of new gags too. I'm not sure if I'd go to the flicks for it - unless I can bring the niecelets, and they can leave their iPads at home. But definitely added to queue on D+.
  4. Vibranium's just amazing stuff. Howard Stark modified it using P2C2E technology, causing the shield to emit a self-sustaining SEP field while in flight: plus Steve's and/or SuperPeggy's training, superhuman reflexes and supercharged intellect allow them to precisely calculate angles and weighting while in complex combat. And in the fight between physics and a storyline... well. No contest. EDIT: that may have come across a bit too sarcastic, because I was thinking it's just comic book/Hollywood physics, and obviously there's no real-world metal that Stan, Jack or Joe could have used that could do all that. But then I just had this thought. When you give nerds a really interesting idea in science fiction... ...they're only gonna give it a go, aren't they? So if you wanted something real that's incredibly strong, resistant to damage, lightweight enough to throw - well, for a superhuman anyway - and absorbs shock loading, may I introduce you to Copper-Tantalum Alloy?
  5. Sade - Smooth Operator
  6. Well, that's a paragraph I didn't wanna read. I've had to take care of Mum a lot, who is 88, now bedridden, profoundly deaf, and intermittently showing signs of dementia: while at other times being sharp enough to still be damn stubborn. She was living at her home with 3 nursing visits a day - which is all she'd accept, and then grudgingly. But she fell out of bed, and forgot she had the panic pendant that summons me. When the next carer showed up, she was near hypothermic. She's now been (semi-forcibly) transferred to a rest home by Social Services, as she refuses to admit she needs 24-hour care now. And while half of me feels ridiculously guilty and has to deal with that (and all the deeply unpleasant paperwork that goes with it)... ...the other half is glad it's out of my hands and not my gig any more. Best blessings to all of you heroes and heroines out there who care.
  7. New small “Absolute Cinema” trailer that appears to exist only for the purpose of taking the p*** out of A24…
  8. In 2021, the WB and CW began developing a Powerpuff Girls live-action series, following the now-adult trio in a (highly stylised) real world. Chloe Bennet, Dove Cameron and Yana Perrault were cast, complete with Tom Kenny still narrating. And it got as far as a pilot. It got shelved. A lot. And rewritten. A lot. NextStar, the new CW owners, also shelved it. Chloe Bennet dropped out, putting the whole thing on hold. And eventually, the rights returned to the WB, who canned it. David Zaslav and WB have had a (deservedly) hard time off me and others for their short-sighted decisions. This is not one of those times. Gentle reader, if you find it online - or what's left of it, since WB lawyers are frantically hunting down every copy that exists - prepare yourself. https://variety.com/2025/tv/news/powerpuff-girls-trailer-leak-cw-live-action-canceled-1236329225/
  9. I think I remember it being both. The Snap was basically the duration of Endgame, when the world - and the Universe at large - came to terms with half of its population being missing. The Blip is what it changed to because everyone who got Snapped came back, so it's just a Blip. Which sounds great, if you weren't one of the folks that's now five years behind your peers, with people moving into your house, marrying your husband/wife, adopting your kids... ...or lost anyone else due to Blip-related accidents (eg the plane crash that's seen at the end of Infinity War). It's going to be a hugely traumatic event for everybody. And the planet, quite likely: assuming Thanos meant only all animal life. Wiping out half the plant life, plankton and bacteria etc would have killed most planets' ecosystems stone dead.
  10. Independence Port, Next Left
  11. Thoughts so far: Looking ahead at the drop schedule: This show was originally planned as a full 18-ep series. But with D+ cutbacks... there's a need for new content drops in 2026. So the first 9 eps will be "Season 1" and a back eight as Season 2. Not sure what happened to the other one. There's also a mid-season double-drop. One of the fun things you can do with streaming - and I'm pleased that D+ see you can do - is if there's a story beat that runs too long for a single episode, you can break it into two halves and let people choose whether to watch one at a time or binge through.
  12. Confusing tourists is a national Scottish hobby, and now we can do it online too. Even the AI. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  13. Fun thing: can't find a YouTube for it, but there's an extensive clip of Yelena/Flo Pugh getting to do some Proper Acting. Going through her experience of getting Blipped, finding her best friend is married with a kid, and that Natasha is (probably) toast. Worth a look if you can find it.
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