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Everything posted by ThaOGDreamWeaver

  1. Vibranium's just amazing stuff. Howard Stark modified it using P2C2E technology, causing the shield to emit a self-sustaining SEP field while in flight: plus Steve's and/or SuperPeggy's training, superhuman reflexes and supercharged intellect allow them to precisely calculate angles and weighting while in complex combat. And in the fight between physics and a storyline... well. No contest. EDIT: that may have come across a bit too sarcastic, because I was thinking it's just comic book/Hollywood physics, and obviously there's no real-world metal that Stan, Jack or Joe could have used that could do all that. But then I just had this thought. When you give nerds a really interesting idea in science fiction... ...they're only gonna give it a go, aren't they? So if you wanted something real that's incredibly strong, resistant to damage, lightweight enough to throw - well, for a superhuman anyway - and absorbs shock loading, may I introduce you to Copper-Tantalum Alloy?
  2. Sade - Smooth Operator
  3. Well, that's a paragraph I didn't wanna read. I've had to take care of Mum a lot, who is 88, now bedridden, profoundly deaf, and intermittently showing signs of dementia: while at other times being sharp enough to still be damn stubborn. She was living at her home with 3 nursing visits a day - which is all she'd accept, and then grudgingly. But she fell out of bed, and forgot she had the panic pendant that summons me. When the next carer showed up, she was near hypothermic. She's now been (semi-forcibly) transferred to a rest home by Social Services, as she refuses to admit she needs 24-hour care now. And while half of me feels ridiculously guilty and has to deal with that (and all the deeply unpleasant paperwork that goes with it)... ...the other half is glad it's out of my hands and not my gig any more. Best blessings to all of you heroes and heroines out there who care.
  4. New small “Absolute Cinema” trailer that appears to exist only for the purpose of taking the p*** out of A24…
  5. In 2021, the WB and CW began developing a Powerpuff Girls live-action series, following the now-adult trio in a (highly stylised) real world. Chloe Bennet, Dove Cameron and Yana Perrault were cast, complete with Tom Kenny still narrating. And it got as far as a pilot. It got shelved. A lot. And rewritten. A lot. NextStar, the new CW owners, also shelved it. Chloe Bennet dropped out, putting the whole thing on hold. And eventually, the rights returned to the WB, who canned it. David Zaslav and WB have had a (deservedly) hard time off me and others for their short-sighted decisions. This is not one of those times. Gentle reader, if you find it online - or what's left of it, since WB lawyers are frantically hunting down every copy that exists - prepare yourself. https://variety.com/2025/tv/news/powerpuff-girls-trailer-leak-cw-live-action-canceled-1236329225/
  6. I think I remember it being both. The Snap was basically the duration of Endgame, when the world - and the Universe at large - came to terms with half of its population being missing. The Blip is what it changed to because everyone who got Snapped came back, so it's just a Blip. Which sounds great, if you weren't one of the folks that's now five years behind your peers, with people moving into your house, marrying your husband/wife, adopting your kids... ...or lost anyone else due to Blip-related accidents (eg the plane crash that's seen at the end of Infinity War). It's going to be a hugely traumatic event for everybody. And the planet, quite likely: assuming Thanos meant only all animal life. Wiping out half the plant life, plankton and bacteria etc would have killed most planets' ecosystems stone dead.
  7. Independence Port, Next Left
  8. Thoughts so far: Looking ahead at the drop schedule: This show was originally planned as a full 18-ep series. But with D+ cutbacks... there's a need for new content drops in 2026. So the first 9 eps will be "Season 1" and a back eight as Season 2. Not sure what happened to the other one. There's also a mid-season double-drop. One of the fun things you can do with streaming - and I'm pleased that D+ see you can do - is if there's a story beat that runs too long for a single episode, you can break it into two halves and let people choose whether to watch one at a time or binge through.
  9. Confusing tourists is a national Scottish hobby, and now we can do it online too. Even the AI. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  10. Fun thing: can't find a YouTube for it, but there's an extensive clip of Yelena/Flo Pugh getting to do some Proper Acting. Going through her experience of getting Blipped, finding her best friend is married with a kid, and that Natasha is (probably) toast. Worth a look if you can find it.
  11. Keep thinking a ToS themed Robot Mastermind would be fun, if they ever let us customise Minions. (Helluva wear and tear on the shirts, though.)
  12. When I was in college, I did an entire segment on Hollywood remakes of French films. (And they're mostly not great, with the exception of True Lies.) But I'd quite like to see a new version of Switch, which is... ...well, I think someone watched the The Holiday, and either loved or really hated it enough to create its evil twin. I'm not sure which philosopher-king of US sportsball could swap out for the mighty Eric Cantona in a US version (Lebron? Richard Sherman, maybe?) But it's a neat, tautly written little thriller that's worth a watch if you don't mind subtitles.
  13. This far ahead, concept art etc should be treated with exceptional caution, but a swift Google will find you some things that probably should have stayed under wraps from a Marvel artist called Mushk Rizvi (listed on LinkedIn as Senior Concept/Viz, though unfortunately she may be Open To Work fairly soon). As I don’t want the ninja monkey lawyers descending on us, here’s a link rather than a repost. https://comicbookmovie.com/avengers/avengers-doomsday/avengers-doomsday-concept-art-reveals-first-look-at-robert-downey-jr-as-doctor-doom-and-more---spoilers-a216532#gs.k6pjhs But to save you the clickbait, we get: DOOM in classic silver armour and green cloak, though the mask is more finely chiselled than usual and the detailing more regal. A wide shot of DOOM holding court in a very Elizabethan setting. Kneeling on the floor is Pedro in full period costume, on a chain held by a black-clad ScarJo. (Mmm, fanservice.) Battleworld’s Greenland - a nation composed entirely of Hulks - in what looks like period Scottish dress, if with a bit more skin on show. (Hello, Outlander stans). Ruffalo and Maslany versions front and center. White Vision and Peter Quill hanging out for pizza and beer.
  14. I await with mild dread the first podcast series (or several) based on zero evidence and 90% hearsay, in a bitesize 8-minute format with 20 minutes of ads tacked on the end.
  15. I'd concur on that. Not to mention releasing a budget that's inflated to show how Big And Important A Studio We Are backfires when you have a Morbius-level bomb. Budget is not and has never been the best indicator of how good or creative a movie is. On the other hand, being able to produce amazing flicks with a half-dozen mates and a one camera (occasionally nailed to a plank) doesn't just inspire a sense of pride: it's good training for when someone does give you the big bucks, and you don't waste them. Wildly tangential, self-promotional side note: one of the things I was doing in Whollyodd was trying to establish an online film school. (Unfortunately I no longer have the laptop those files were on and only backed up my contracts and such, or I'd put it back together). If you think you could do better than the Marvel or Lucasfilm crew (and by the way, you may be reading this on a device with a better digital camera than Phantom Menace was shot on), here's some light reading that might help. Gotta Have It: Inside Guerrilla Filmmaking - Spike Lee Rebel Without A Crew - Robert Rodriguez Guerrilla Filmmakers' Handbook - Chris Jones and Genevieve Jolliffe Make Your Own Damn Movie! - Lloyd Kaufman The Total Filmmaker - Jerry Lewis Yes, THAT Jerry Lewis. Whatever your opinion on his flicks, Jerry opted out of the studio system and built his own production company, made his own tools (inventing things like video rushes) and did what he wanted in a way that cuts through the garbage. Then wrote the whole lot down for other filmmakers to borrow ideas from, and taught classes at USC - including a young chap called Spielberg. It's back in print for the first time in ages. And while tech has moved on - you can buy or download tools he would have killed for - it's still a refreshingly BS-free guide to Getting Stuff Done.
  16. If you know, you know. (And stop eating those crayons in the back there, Marine.)
  17. Flesh For Lulu - Siamese Twist
  18. The next one on the slate is the Mando & Grogu movie: it'll be interesting to see whether these two characters can put butts on seats. (Personally I'd rather have had the full series - well, if Favreau can avoid doing a Jack Black bottle episode again, which was just weird). And then there's the sequel-sequel movie New Jedi Order for 2026: but still no script or anything in the can. Writer is George Nolfi, which doesn't give me good vibes: his best work was the enjoyably weird Adjustment Bureau, but other than that it's been a weak sequel (Ocean's 12), some light surgery (Bourne Ultimatum), a Netflix oddity (Spectral) and short-lived spy series Allegiance. One that's flown under the radar a bit. Patty Jenkins left to do Wonder Woman 3 (WHY?) when Lucasfilm ran into scheduling problems in the pandemic. But with the pivot to DCEU, Rogue Squadron is back on the menu. And if it lives up to billing - an action-heavy, mostly-space-wizard-free Top Gun-in-Space deal - I wanna see that.
  19. Eh. It's not really a flop. Neither is it anywhere near a hit. It's a fairly average popcorn flick that had pretensions of being Manchurian Candidate and didn't pull it off. Is that going to end Anthony Mackie's Marvel career? Hell no. (And if his pet project Quantumania didn't give Kevin Feige the boot, this one sure ain't gonna.) But in the current economic climate, you're going to have to do a lot better than average to drag people's butts to the 'plex.
  20. It generally doesn't. Marketing and promo is the responsibility of the distributor(s) and not part of a flick's overall budget, happens after the flick wraps, and can go on for months. Even though in this case Disney is the primary distro, that's still a different company to Marvel Studios who made the flick. So cue even more Hollywood Accounting magical cross-charging shenanigans between Disney, Marvel, the Marvel sub-LLC that made the flick, the various international distros, ad agencies... you name it. As a rule of thumb, marketing budget is supposed to be half as much again as your original production. If we take that as read, BNW would have spent another $90m to market the movie, for a grand total of $270m. But honestly, Superbowl spot aside, I've not seen that much activity for it. I've seen it described in trade press as "a successful viral campaign", which roughly translates as "it's done okay for a flick that's had jack-all money spent on punting it." By comparison, Endgame's marketing spend was a little more than half ($200m-ish on top of the $390m production budget), while The Marvels thankfully "only" dropped another $75m to $100m-ish more over the $270m production.
  21. The Skids - Into The Valley
  22. Seems fair. I seem to very vaguely remember, back in the day, that a Nemesis system was going to be part of the game and was one of the major project threads… though I remember it being one persistent character who would show up in random missions and special arcs, adapting to your playstyle and powers. Seems like too good an idea to waste.
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