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  1. Hello Everlasting! In celebration of the 2 year anniversary of the release of Storm Blast, I'm hosting an all Storm/Storm ITF! Defenders and Corruptors welcome. Server: Everlasting Timing: Saturday, April 26 @ 5pm Eastern (Friday is the anniversary, but I figured Saturday would be better for most.) Cross-posted to the Repeat Offender forums, here: https://www.repeat-offenders.net/forum/events/event/769-all-stormstorm-itf/ Posted to the Everlasting Calendar, here (even though it appears nobody uses the server-specific calendars):
  2. In celebration of the 2 year anniversary of the release of Storm Blast, I'm hosting an all Storm/Storm ITF! Defenders and Corruptors welcome. Server: Everlasting Saturday, April 26 @ 5pm Eastern (Friday is the anniversary, but I figured Saturday would be better for most.) Cross-posted to the Repeat Offenders forums. (Forum Handle / Global as Character) 1. Kya Sapphire as Kya Sapphire, Storm/Storm Corruptor 2. Sfxbuu as PikaBuu, Storm/Storm Corruptor 3. Divi as Eris, Storm/Storm Corruptor 4. Ceejer as ? 5. Colonel Kernel as Tempest Strider, Storm/Storm Defender 6. 7. 8.
  3. I wonder how many of those Masterminds were created only to Trick or Treat themselves to level 25. ^_^ I love Masterminds. It'd be my favorite AT if I could be a Storm/Storm MM, but since I can't, MM has to share the title of favorite with Corruptor. And Bots are my favorite pet, of course. Unless we get Storm or Elemental pets someday, then those will be my favorite. 😄
  4. I dual box if I'm leading a ToT league, so I can have one toon still earning rewards while I also focus on maintaining the league. But I will of course log out the second account if asked by a GM! I'm just glad to have read this in the patch notes so I'm prepared for such a request. :)
  5. Well, that's not what you actually said, the first time. What you said was... Emphasis mine. You only just now added the word "reliably." You can't blame Jacke & I pointing out that we can indeed get hotkeys to work in Submenus when you said flatly that they could not.
  6. This isn't the case, though. My "Extras" menu (popmenu.mnu, also linked above) has shortcuts in submenus and they work fine. All of them, as many as 11 options in a sub-submenu. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason for the Raids menu shortcuts not working all the way down. I moved the thumbtacks up one level and they still only work through Purple, White doesn't work. Moving them to the *very* top level (not in the Lab menu) greatly reduces my options for opening other menus, so I'll keep them as a subsection within the Labyrinth menu.
  7. I used ++noparticles instead. This lets me toggle on and off with one macro. I already have seven full trays so economy is important. Perhaps I should move all my temp powers to my popmenu! The portals still work even if I can't see them, and thankfully the devs included colored rocks on the platforms so I can still see what color each portal is. I can leave particles off the whole time I'm in the Lab.
  8. Hilariously, putting the thumbtacks into their own sub-submenu gets everything down to Purple to work but not White. LOL.
  9. The shortcuts are already unique at each sublevel. Unless you mean you can only use each key once per menu file period - this can't be the solution if only because my other menu (popmenu.mnu, or Extras) has the same key used as a shortcut for several submenus and works fine. The Pet Commands section uses A for Attack. The Travel section uses A for Assemble the Team. The Costume section uses A for my Armor outfit. The Pet Commands section uses M for disMiss. The Travel section uses M for Mission teleport. The Inspirations section uses M to make Mezz pezz. But for what it's worth, I removed all the keyboard shortcuts from all other submenus and that didn't resolve the issue.
  10. The NoParticles thing occurred to me this morning so I tried it. It does indeed disable the VFX! It also makes the portals disappear so that's unfortunate, but I'll make a macro to toggle particles on and off. That should resolve it for me. The Suppress FX When Close option didn't appear to do anything for it. Thanks for the thought!
  11. I realize this is a long shot, but would it be possible to enable an option, perhaps via Null the Gull, to turn off the on-screen VFX from Labyrinth of Fog? I'm referring to the fog effect that applies around the edges of your screen. I would be okay if this option would require ALL VFX to be disabled, including things like Mot, Weather, etc. I've been running Labyrinth of Fog content and the fog effect puts me in a really bad state. I can stand it for about a half hour, but past that I start getting VERY motion sick. By the time I get to an hour, it's so bad I can't even look at my screen; I have to stare at my keyboard and try not to pass out. after leading a Labyrinth league today, I had to take a migraine abortive and lie down for two hours. I still don't feel like I can safely log back into the game. It may be a couple more hours before I'm fully recovered. I'd really like to keep running and leading this content. Please let me disable this effect.
  12. I have further tinkered with the file and also gotten the shortcuts to work up through Blue now, but not Purple or White. I have to wonder if simply making the file longer (with more stuff in it) will allow the final two to work. I see no other pattern than "I keep adding more text, and more of the shortcuts work." Thank you for taking a look!
  13. Also sorry to necro an old thread but I'm making a new popmenu and can't get the keyboard shortcuts to work reliably. 1. I created a new "Raids" popmenu that includes a Labyrinth submenu, which then has a bunch of thumbtacks in it. The &Ampersand indicated keyboard shortcut works for some number of the submenu items (between one and four of them, depending on various factors), but not all seven. raids.mnu 2. I have an old popmenu "Extras" that has &Ampersand shortcuts in most of the submenus and they work fine. Ten options in a submenu and they all work. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong on the Raids one. popmenu.mnu I've looked for the "wrong quotation marks" in Notepad++ but not finding any. I don't think I've missed any brackets (there aren't many). Files: popmenu.mnu is my "Extras" popmenu, and I have no problem with any of the keyboard shortcuts in this menu. I'm calling this out because I've seen some sites that say "you can't use the &Amerpsand keyboard shortcuts in submenus" and that's just not the case. To my eyes, the layout of these two menus is the same - why are the keyboard shortcuts from the Raids menu only partially working? - When I first maid the Raids file, the thumbtacks were all in the same Menu (Labyrinth) as the rest of the Lab related stuff. Only the R (for RED) worked, no others. So I separated the thumbtack out into their own menu. Then Red, Orange, and Yellow worked, but not Green-White. I put the thumbtacks back in the same Labyrinth section as the rest, and now the keyboard shortcuts work for Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green, but still not Blue, Purple, or White. The menu itself works, if I manually click an option it places the thumbtack. But the keyboard shortcuts aren't working all the way down. I appreciate any insight yall can give! Edit: Despite this being a new popmenu, I have a very strong sense of Deja Vu, so apologies if I have in fact asked this question and been answered years ago. 😉 raids.mnu
  14. The directory for popmenus is: Homecoming\data\texts\English\Menus
  15. All players in the Labyrinth zone now have inherent intangibility, allowing them to move through other players for optimal movement freedom. HOORAY! Thank you! Fixed an issue that would cause the randomizer doors to fire twice and move the player incorrectly. AH HAH! I kept wondering if I was supposed to hop through another area before landing. Interesting bug.
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