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  1. Welcome back! Yes I'd say the game is basically on god-mode these days, which is neither good or bad just different. Infinite influence has made slotting multiple full sets throughout the journey the norm, which seems to have shifted the relevance away from support. Still just as fun for me! Although weirdly I do miss the days where a Synapse could easily fail with the wrong mix of heroes.
  2. Releasing a bunch today too. Enjoy! Green Gentleman USAtom Lowball Crimson Chord Chemigal War Bond Serpentress Merciless Man Human Missile Man of Action
  3. Amazing job on all of this. From the new costume parts, power sets, to new stories. It's so cool to see this game continuing on and evolving. This morning I fought the new giant Kraken, and then battled some of the re-jigged Council. Incredible. Can't wait to see what lies ahead! Hopefully it's default flypose animation choice, and access to Grant Creston's hair :)
  4. It's not an argument, just a suggestion. We're talking about a videogame.
  5. I was really surprised how many people had a strong negative reaction to this one, ranging from breaking the existing status quo of the game to not wanting origins to play that big of a role in how the game works. In the DC world, Superman is vulnerable to magic etc in marvel some mutants powers don't work on each other. More broadly in superhero lore, I think it's fair to say that origin has a lot to do with a hero's powers and vulnerabilities, as well as who their enemies tend to be. Iron and A.I.M., Captain America and Hyrdra, X-men and the Hellfire Club etc. The idea was really to encourage origins in defeat badges and maybe have a reward attached to it to create an incentive to have it matter. Personally I think it would be cool if origins meant more because it would add more richness and individuality to character creation. Always appreciate the people who take time to post but it's also funny how negative these message boards can be in contrast to actually in the game where people are generally having fun.
  6. A weird piece of CoH trivia is that the mars symbol is not available for females and the venus symbol is not available for men
  7. Feels like live again. So cool to see Atlas buzzing all the time. All kinds of pug teams going. Grateful for all the work that made this happen. For all the work that went into this, well done everyone
  8. Cleaning some house this morning, now free Victoria Cross Captain Egypt Captain France Smithsonian Mister Meteor Free Speech Madame Massacre Theta-Man
  9. Well I think the idea would be that the accolades would be equally good just different. Mutants 5% to fire/ice Technology 5% to endurance Magic 5% to psy/hold etc Or if there were a power it could be like a better version of the origin power everyone starts with.
  10. I've always thought it would be cool if origins tied into gameplay in a more meaningful way. This is an idea I thought could be built simply and might do some of that. Basic concept would be each origin would have a specific accolade that involved a combination of defeat and history badges etc specific to the origin that would confer an ability specific to that origin. Could make them difficult to get or even have a level 2 for each one. Mutant level 1 - Evolved Mutant level 2 - Omega Level And confer a power or a bonus that makes sense based on the origins. Just a way to tie in a bit more significance to origin choice over the lifetime of the game
  11. In light of the recent licensing announcement and influx of players I am humbly submitting this again. We need some more male hairstyles :D
  12. Looking for some help with a name for a Punisher homage toon! Suggestions anyone?
  13. I remember there was some issue along with beam rifles but haven't been able to find an update. I ran a Manti WST and noticed that he has a sheathed bow. Can anyone point me to some info on this?
  14. I mean look at this stylish flow!
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