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About RooGirl

  • Birthday 04/11/1973

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  1. I absolutely mixed up First and Night. That's what happens when you play late at night with bad eyes that need new glasses. Thanks everyone for your help!
  2. I'm doing the exploration tip missions in Night Ward, and the first one has me going to the Vengeance Seeker badge. This is posted on several websites as being located at [1443, 219, 3459], but at that location there is no badge marker. The mission also does not have a map marker there. This seems like a bugged badge.
  3. Thanks for all the ideas and information!
  4. I'm having so much fun with my Battle Axe/Radiation Armor Brute. She's level 23 and I'm doing mostly solo PVE levelling. What are some good power pools for this? Not looking at end-game min-maxing, just fun and useful stuff as I play through story arcs. I already have Sorcery for the character concept and flight, and Stealth doesn't work with the concept. Thanks!
  5. I'm having way too much fun with my pistols/martial Blapper, who is mostly a solo player. I was wondering whether Tough and Weave are good for some extra defense, or if I should just focus on slotting my main skills?
  6. I sent a petition about this, just wondering if it's happening for anyone else. My mind/savage dominator lost the ability to see the Blood Frenzy icons in the upper right. It is proccing correctly according to the combat log, just not showing up, and I'm not having this problem with any other status effects. Exiting the client and re-entering the game didn't fix it.
  7. My main was RooGirl, and I was @RooGirl. Started playing at beta. No one will remember any of my twenty four thousand six hundred and 2 alts, though.
  8. Wow, thank you all for such varied and interesting suggestions! I have a feeling my altaholism is going to be triggered by wanting to try all the builds...and what's wrong with that?? I look forward to giving these ideas a spin. I really appreciate your help in moving me out of decision gridlock!
  9. Thanks for your questions! Inf: not really thinking about that yet. I hope not to use expensive enhancements until at least 40. Looking for more of a consistent leveling experience. I don't feel the need to be ULTIMATE SOLOER at 50 since I want to be teaming more at that point. I'm more interested in AoEs than quick kills right now, coming from my scrapper. So yeah, I'm willing to play with controls and debuffs. I do like burning mobs down slowly but efficiently, but things like /devices and /traps might be a little more fiddly than I want right now. Since my scrapper is stand-and-hit, I'm open to moving around more. I do love to line-of-sight and move enemies around.
  10. My main on Live was RooGirl, an MA/Regen scrapper, and I'm currently having fun recreating her. I know it's not the OP combo it used to be, but it's my fun build, with stealth and other extraneous toys. I'm also playing a fire/fire tanker with my mom, we used to play together on Live and we're having fun with it again. I'd like to play something completely other than melee DPS, which is what I always gravitate to in MMOs, because most of them don't have the flexibility of CoH's power system. Something that's great at soloing and would also have utility in the endgame/TFs/etc. No MM, because while they're fun, they're fiddlier than I want. I'm thinking along the lines of blaster or controller, but open to almost anything other than brutes, stalkers, tankers, etc. I'm asking for advice largely because there are so many more powersets now, I'm kind of paralyzed by choice. So if there's a combo you particularly like, and it's a strong soloer, tell me about it. I don't need to solo AVs or crazy numbers of +2s, just a fun soloing experience. I'm also looking forward to creating a costume concept around a brand new AT/powerset. Thanks for your suggestions!
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