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  1. A human PB does have status protections. You will need to build for perma light form though. It is a power you get later on, not for early levels though. Copied from the HC wiki: When you activate Light Form, you become pure Kheldian energy and are extremely resistant to most damage. You are also partially protected from some Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, Sleep, Knockback and Repel effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. Light Form costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of Hit Points and Endurance. I am not at home right now, so i don't have the links, but Laucianna, Wispur, or Maya could direct you to discord or Laucianna's guide for more help. I play a human PB myself.
  2. Wow, maybe late for a christmas miracle, but sure feels like one. Almost like the discovery of Homecoming going public !!! Does this also mean you can now speak with past devs about where the story was going (among other things those devs know)?
  3. Strange story is, Souls would have vanished without any of us knowing why. But his niece, who played live with him, logged on the largest server with the name Soul's Mantle with hope to find friends of Souls, who she did not know. She managed to not only pick the right server, but catch the eye of Goddess Laucianna at the right time. A connection was made and we all learned of Souls' passing. And we all gained a new friend as well.
  4. Character Name: Shadostraza Global: @shadostraza Base or SG Name: Dragon Blades Shard: Excelsior Passcode: Dragons-23061 Item Count: 3213 (Total) Category for Contest: Multipurpose Base Under 7k Items Additional Info: Please set /Visscale 10 Portal Room - Where you first enter the base. This room provides most utilities. Gate - Please visit first and enjoy the view after teleporting in. Crater - Where the Costume Contest and Fashion Runway is. It is inspired by Nine Jewels' bases (@sunfire heaven). Maze - Eventually leads to the treasury room. Please use /stuck if lost. Throne - Usually for meetings. Two secret portals hidden here. <Edit> Forgot to include a picture of item count...
  5. We hope you get a chance someday, like if you are off. Laucianna and a few other judges are in the UK and are staying up late to help with the event. So we hold the event at 7pm eastern every friday on excelsior. And we also encourage others to hold costume contests whenever they can !!! Every group of judges have different tastes, so it gives more diversity to the winning costumes if we have more groups holding contests. Also, spreading the joy of those creating those costumes and for those being recognized.
  6. This currency shows that the devs have long term goals for the game. They can also tweak it in the future by expanding the supply (higher drop rates, more per drop, or more ways to earn it) and the demand (more desirable costumes, collection hoarding, and more that I may not think of). As a new currency, it prevents direct hoarding prior to release. However, because you can buy them, you can indirectly hoard them through influence. But that will cost a lot more right after release, and much less as time passes. Yes, too much new currency can be bad. But we are talking about only one added since HC started. They just now released it and have set up the focus to be on their new release of hard modes, which they should be promoting their hardwork on. They opted to allow some other methods of earning it by doing content that they want more people to do (content outside AE, but even farmers can earn thru influence). And yes those alternate methods to earn rewards SEEM low (consider those burning through PI radio missions), but they are not the current primary focus. They did say they were considering changing costs on yet to be released costumes. Hence, they have begun considering tweaks to their brand new system. I have faith that the HC devs listen to THE BEST community of any mmo game and that they have lots of compassion for this great game. Give them some time to adjust the supply and demand. Nobody is perfect, especially right out of the gates. And they will need feedback, hopefully in positive ways, from all of us. So please continue with ideas and feedback. I am excited to see long term goals and not immediate satisfaction through handouts. I shy away from hardmodes and haven't done a single one. I have 45 50s and over 250 leveled alts. I play my own way and feel no need to dictate others in how they should play. I enjoy playing trials, TFs, iTrials, MSRs, hami, radio missions, story arcs, AE stories, AE farms, nemesis farms, other farms, base construction, costume contests, chatting in AP, and even some light roleplaying. The devs ARE volunteering to develope a game with so many different ways to play, enjoy, and have fun within. And yes, it may take forever to get mini mod for the 20+ little pixie characters I have. But I will give the HC devs a chance and TIME to implement and tweak this new system. As some feedback, I hope the devs do shift this system to reward for doing their new content each time a page is released, and I hope more embrace this as an alternative to AE. I play AE a lot and don't want it to go away. I do want other areas of the game to be just as rewarding, but in different ways. This new currency CAN possibly help with that. Edit: Went back to OP and to make sure I keep on topic, I do feel bad for having costume options (mini mod and blob mod) locked behind this system. But they are really nice rewards, and systems need awesome rewards to make them worthwhile. Otherwise nobody would care to participate in the new currency system. I am glad they created an exciting reward that isn't more power creep.
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