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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. What City of Heroes was on Live was constantly changing.  Constantly attempting to improve.  Sure, there were some stumbles along the way, but it sure as shoot wasn't the same thing forever.


    But yes, the pursuit of "fun" isn't the ideal metric in my opinion either.  City of Heroes' strengths lie in player agency and customization.  In other words:  The tools for players to make their own "fun," or enjoyment (as the term I prefer to focus on).  Other MMOs (at least as far as I've seen) never got close to that.  To that end, Henchpet Customization is a huge step in that direction.  It gives players more power to define their experience in a personal and positive way.


    Henchpet Customization is not the only thing that should be focused on to the exclusion of all others, but it's a big damned step in the right direction.

    • Like 2
  2. I am all-for breaking down the gender barriers on the existing models.  Let me have the glam hair on a "male" or a skirt on a "huge."  We don't need to make a whole new "gender model" if we could just meaningfully make the existing models more flexible.  


    Let's also make the breast slider reduce further.  Now, I know that might get some foamy ranting from certain people, but I'm not saying "reduce the maximum breast size."  I'd just like to go completely flat, please.  As though my character is using a binder, you know?


    And split the three Walks in to three separate Toggle Powers:  Strut (current Male animation), Saunter (current Female animation), and Lurch (current Huge animation).  I mean, come -ON- Paragon Studios; how did that even get past the initial development phase?

  3. This honestly has me a little worried.  

    While I know the usual "Standard Code Rant" and volunteers are stretched thin with real-life responsibilities and there are plenty of very good reasons why this hasn't shown up on Homecoming yet, while simultaneously the risks associated with some of the other servers' rampant modifications to the game . . . but Homecoming's still tripping over themselves with stuff like balancing Tankers under the old paradigm.  

    I understand that I might just be the crazy bedraggled citizen in Kings Row shouting about the aliens in my teeth at war with the monsters in my pockets, but come on Homecoming Team.  You've done some great work, but please, please, please stop trying to operate under the methodologies of Cryptic, Paragon, and ncsoft.  It's holding you back.  

    Get wild!  

    Get crazy!  

    Start looking for solutions to problems in directions completely opposite of where the old crew were looking.  

    These other servers might crash and burn with their high speed development, but they're getting stuff DONE.  BIG stuff at that.  And for all their faults (some quite serious), this stuff is making them /look good/ comparatively.


    Maybe my concern here just stems from the lack of a clear development roadmap for Homecoming, and maybe my past professional and personal experiences in the industry don't amount to a damn here, and (worst still) maybe I'm just utterly failing to compose my thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way . . . but please, I am deeply passionate about City of Heroes and what Homecoming means to the future of both this game and the industry at large:  Re-evaluate your priorities and directives.  Please focus on City's strengths, and not flounder about trying to make it a "consumer product" like other MMOs.

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  4. I'm 95% Red-side, with an assortment of themed villain groups.  I tend to skew low-/street-level characters and themes, and have a few people whom I roleplay with on a semiregular basis.

    Due to a lack of a "de facto" Red-side roleplay neighbourhood, I've met most (if not all) of my fellow villains through in-game social media.  If you join the RP and OOC Global Channels, you might find a few of the same people I roleplay with, and join in on our misadventures.

  5. Considering what's in it, I'm not sure "PG" is an apt signifier of the content for this game.  "PG-13" at least.


    Let's see . . . we could also do Clockwork Merging.  Basically the bigger Clockwork can steal parts for smaller Clockwork to repair themselves.  I mean, we already have the Assemblers, so why not?

    Vahzilok could have a slight variation of this, by adding another Power to Face Taker which removes a Cadaver corpse early, but gives a charge of "Mend Eidolon" Power so the Face Taker can heal them.

    Winter Horde . . . pretty obvious.  Could even use a white-textured version of the Natterling merge animation.

    Slag Golems too.  Possibly Shivans.  Someone already mentioned Hydra.

    Bigger Trolls could steal 'Dyne capsules off of defeated minions to give themselves a temporary combat boost.


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  6. and really, having replies numbered in threads just makes sense too.  You don't have to say "go to page whatever," you say "it's post number X."  I'm shocked that this message board system doesn't have such standard elements baked in to it.


    But yeah; what's the word on getting some quality of life improvements on user-defined posts-per-page?

  7. It's Sally who you need to hit twice to get the Badge.  Lusca is a one-and-done affair, normally, but it's an older event and is based on amount of damage your team deals versus the amount other teams deal.  Something like that, at least.

  8. I routinely get a group together for tabletop Shadowrun every Monday.  Convincing them to play City of Heroes, though, has been challenging . . . most of them see the game as "too old," or not offering enough roleplay depth.
    We'll see what happens when we conclude the current chapter of our on-going campaign early next year, and put it on pause for me to recover from GMing for the past three years straight.

  9. I'm unsure if this is a bug, but it's inconsistent at the least.


    I got Force of Nature a while ago while Redside, and switched sides, and received Gaes of the Kind Ones (both Badge and Power).  This was a while ago.

    I then switched back, and earnt Headline Stealer, Demonic, and Invader.  Approximately a month ago, but it's hard to remember exactly when.

    However, just now when I switched back yet again to Blueside, I only got Task Force Commander.  I did not receive either Conspiracy Theorist Badge/Crey Pistol Power, nor Archmade/Eye of the Magus.


    According to ParagonWiki, I should have received the other Accolades/Powers.  Was this changed for Homecoming, or am I the victim of a bug?

  10. Not to belabour the point, but the Rikti thing was never really that well hidden.  It was on the official website in two places straight from launch, even:  The Rikti Villain Group page and the Timeline page.  It's not a real secret.  Not like the [REDACTED!] secret is.

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