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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Just 'cause this thread got pretty overshadowed by the new one, I want to reiterate that I think the premise of giving scaling +Recharge at the exclusion of Hasten is worth investigating.  It's bugging the hell out of me, but I'm almost certain that there's a mechanic already in the game code as-is that allows what I'm proposing.  


    Would one of the technically-minded coder types be able to verify?  

    I know there are conditional effects in Powers (ie:  Brawl just does damage, unless you also have Boxing and Kick, then it has extra features!).  

    Is it not possible for conditional effects to work in reverse?  ie:  An Auto Power grants +x% Bonus, unless you also have Y or Z Power, at which point that bonus is suppressed.

  2. Ok, so, if the earlier suggestion isn't codeable (though I've got this nagging feeling that there's SOMETHING in the game which has the mechanic I'm envisioning), then how about this:


    Hasten is taken with nearly every Level 50.   What if we make three or four other Pool Powers which offer the opportunity for a similar level of benefit in a different universal statline?  Make them all mutually exclusive with one another and with Hasten.

    Like a Click Power which increases all Control Magnitude by 1 for the duration.

    A high-Endurance Toggle which grants +100% to Healing.

    An auto Power which grants +25% to "Special" (Buff, Debuff, etc.)


    Yes, more difficult to balance, but it would definitely offer meaningful choice to the players and Hasten doesn't need to go away.

  3. I may have a crazy idea . . . no real certainty if it could even be implemented, but . . . 
    What if we combine the ideas?

    Leave Hasten as-is.

    Add a new, inherent Power which offers scaling Recharge benefit, starting around +2.5% at level 1 or 2, which scales up to +20% by level 50 . . . BUT it is flagged to be mutually exclusive with Hasten.  If you take Hasten, this Inherent loses its function until you Respec Hasten out.

    I don't know if such mutual exclusivity is even possible given the current limitations of the code, and it might require converting Hasten in to an Auto Power which grants the player access to the Hasten Click Power, just so that the Inherent Recharge buff can "detect" if Hasten has been chosen . . . 


    How does that sound?  Will it maintain the function and desirability of Hasten for those players who like it the way it is, while also opening up alternative build options for those of us who find Hasten to be too much of a disruption to their concept/fun to take on their characters?

  4. Darkness Control has your standard single-target Immobilize, single-target Hold, and AoE Immobilize for its first three Powers, but with the added benefit of -To-Hit on affected enemies.  Then it gets interesting.  A Confuse, which are moderately rare'ish still.  Some Fear, which is nice.  Some pets which do more Fear, which stacks.  An ultimate pet which does even MORE Fear . . . sensing a theme?

    But to balance that, the version of Dark Miasma for Controllers isn't Miasma, but instead Affinity.  They dropped the Fear Power from there, and added an AoE Endurance Modifier.  

    So, overall . . . yeah, Dark/Dark Control is pretty awesome!

  5. Yup.  Right-click the Teammate and initiate Trade for Inf.
    Enhancements and Inspirations are even easier!  Select the person, and then right-click the item you want to send to them.  As long as they've toggled the auto-accept option and they aren't full, it'll pop right in to their inventory.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Not a GM.  Not a lawyer.  Just me.

    If I were in your position, the _name_ Hamburglar should be avoided, but a "tribute character" or "parody character" with a comedic likeness to the Hamburglar would be something I might even try.

    But then, the Hamburgler isn't a video game character, like a lot of Marvel and DCs intellectual properties have become in actively competing video games and other media.  And Marvel and DC are /especially/ litigious, and have a history of coming after City of Heroes in the past.  McDonalds . . . well, actually, they're pretty litigious too.

    Ok, maybe Hamburgler /isn't/ a good idea . . . 


    If a GM has the chance, though, please feel free to tell me I am very, very wrong with my assumptions.  I don't want anyone getting in trouble due to my theorizing.

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