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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Well, small thought . . . Damage and Health both Scale by Level.  Duration of many Control Powers' Effects Scale by Level, as do protections.  I've got a feeling that there's something else I'm forgetting about that scales upward as you progress in level.


    There is a precedent already set for our characters getting more powerful as we level up.  I think, at the very least, Rathulfr's (modified) idea merits testing.

    • Like 1
  2. Just gonna repeat myself in this latest thread, 'cause why not?


    Keep Hasten as-is.
    Provide an alternative which is mutually exclusive with Hasten that offers a real incentive for players to choose this not-Hasten thing.

    I proposed an Auto Power which provides either a fixed or scaling-with-level Recharge Buff.  Number crunchers say that +20% to +35% by level 50 is "appropriate" to compete with Hasten.  Obviously, start with the lower value, and scale up if players aren't enticed enough.

    Therefore:  Everyone who thinks Hasten is fine and/or doesn't want to give up their current build will not have to. AND players who feel that we are /forced/ to choose Hasten to meet the "Meta requirements" get an alternative.  Meaningful choices are best choices.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Your idea is good, though in the interim, there is a workaround.
    Costume files are saved in plain text, and are pretty easy to read.  Save one version of your costume with the Scales adjusted to your desired values, and save another version with the costume pieces the desired colours.  You can then edit the two costume files and splice them together.
    Not ideal, of course, but at least while we wait for such a quality of life feature to get implemented, you have an alternative available.

    • Thanks 2
  4. Back in the day, I would have recommended a mechanic that, both as a reward and as an incentive to play Red-Side, would base Inf rewards on Shard population.  The fewer people there are, the bigger the rewards.  After all, if every Dirty Tom, Dick, and Harry is robbing the same bank, there isn't as much loot to spread around.  But if there's only one Villain in all of Sharkhead that dares to bust open the vault, then they deserve the biggest pay day!


    Of course, now with Null the Gull, this idea isn't worth quite so much.

  5. I definitely feel the hurt on whiffing when I'm WELL over 100% To-Hit, so I think your idea is definitely worth investigating further.

    I also have a proposal to tackle this, albeit one which would require a [Expletive]-tonne of work.  It would be to make Player Powers Autohit, but apply a "Chance to Apply Damage" effect tied to the Accuracy/To-Hit/Defense calculations.  Activating Aim, Build Up, or similar Powers, or doing Assassin Strike from Hide would grant a whole additional Check on the condition that if the first Check fails.

    So, Attack Power activated (hidden from player view, server says "Autohit!", then) test at 95% to apply Damage to target, rolls a 95.01 . . .  failure registers, attempt second test at 95% to apply Damage.  The possibility of missing is still there, but the odds shrink substantially to 1 in 400.  Get enough effects stacked together, and get a Third attempt, or Fourth or Fifth.

    So, those moments of hair-ripping frustration would be reduced to just a fraction as often, and the possibility for failure still exists for that sense of anticipation and wonder.

  6. Ahem.  Cough cough, cough.  Cough!  HACK!  WHEEZE! . . . https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10583-vileterrors-roleplay-characters-as-of-2019-09-27/

    There we go!  Got it out.


    Sorry; just a little self-referencing.  But I think that if I could have made those posts automatically, instead of manually, then I probably would have saved about two hours.


    I like elements of this idea, though I feel it should definitely be "opt-in" only, not "opt-out."  Basically, some kind of slash-command in-game to automatically generate the character data to your forum profile, or something like that.  But don't go showing off everyone's characters by default.  Some people are very private about their creations, despite this being an MMO.  Provide players with the authority to control the flow of information about their own characters.

  7. So, with the problems facing efforts to create Mastermind Henchpet Customization . . . can the community be informed as to what avenues you are exploring as solutions to this?  Do you need any help with it?  I'd be willing to plop several hours a week in to tweaking textures in GIMP or sifting through code, just because Henchpet customization is /that/ important!

    • Like 1
  8. There are some triggers which prompt Instances to despawn faster, even while players are in them, such as speaking with a Contact after Mission Complete.  You may have noticed sometimes, in Task Forces for example, that when the Team Leader leaves the completed mission, the whole team gets ejected from the Instance.


    One time I even accidentally Map Server'd myself returning to my own base at PRECISELY the moment it was despawning.

  9. That's why my philosophy is to lean in to the foibles.  Hard.  They're what set this game apart from the hundreds of nearly identical MMOs that were chasing w.o.w's design principles.  City of Heroes functions best, in my opinion, when its non-traditional elements are given the opportunity to shine.  I really believe future develop will benefit greatly from re-examining assumptions based on what kind of game this even is as an "MMO," and making choices which continue to set City of Heroes on its own course.

  10. Jimmy, I believe their concern is more with the wording of the original Live City of Heroes game's EULA, which stated that NCSoft would get ownership of any content we made in the game.  So, if that EULA were a legally binding contract, people are afraid that they're technically using copywritten characters which they created, but signed away to NCSoft to play the game.  This isn't about Signature Characters like Statesman or Peter Thermari.


    That's at least my reading on their concerns.

  11. To my knowledge, it hasn't gone to court yet, so there's no legal precedent set for whether or not the TOU or EULA can reasonably be used to grant a corporation the rights of ownership they /claim/ that users are signing over to them.  Many people have speculated on this, however, and there are several Youtube videos and documented essays on the subject or tangential concerns.

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