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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. I find if I hit Alt+Tab or the Windows Key on the keyboard quickly enough, I can skip the cancel period on the countdown timer.  Doesn't work with 100% precision, but it's doable often enough.
    If that's not ideal for yourself, another workaround exists in playing the game in Windows mode; then you can just cursor on down to the taskbar and click another program from there.

  2. There's a villain group on Everlasting that is themed around an academy which includes older teens and young adults as students (and also the faculty of the school, and even the security guards).  A sort of finishing school with a high price tag, giving would-be villains the opportunity to hone their skills in the relative safety of an institution . . . so long as the student's payments to the finance department remain on time, at least.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I have an XP machine that actually runs City of Heroes, while my Windows 7 does not.
    However, I use my spouse's Windows 10 rig for Homecoming, since I can multi-box on it without any slowdown.  

    It was, however, an ABSOLUTE pain in the ass to track down all* the "phone-home" mechanisms in Windows 10 and nuke or neuter them.  Bastards are getting real wily, with both obvious and subtle back-up operations and processes designed to revive Windows Automatic Update.  Medic's the obvious one, but there were two more under-the-hood processes which also needed to be tanked to stop WAU from getting re-enabled.


    * I'm still not even sure I've managed to get them all at this point.  Stuff like "Cortana" being integrated in the Windows Search Function made it extra difficult to strip out the parts that were contacting Microsoft, while maintaining my own ability to search for files on my own computer.

    At this point, I really, really should just learn to use Linux.  Windows is friggin' ridiculous.

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  4. I mean, even if the To-Hit Roll Caps are hard-coded in such a way as to prevent the attacks from just being Autohit . . . would there be a way to force the To-Hit Roll value to subtract 5.01 before comparing it to the To-Hit Check in this instance?  Therefore, if you have 95% To-Hit, the highest random value you could roll would be 94.99 and guarantee the Hit.  And, if you were aiming at an enemy who you would NOT have 95% To-Hit, there IS still a chance of you whiffing.

  5. Yeah; a week or two of Hallowe'en in April or May, and a week or two of Winter Event in July or August would be very handy off-season options for those of us who might be unable to attend during the specific times.

    Or maybe as an Influence Sink (which apparently "are needed") allow players to buy time in an instance which functions with the rules of their preferred holiday event.  A little pocket dimension of perma-Hallowe'en, or perma-Winter, complete with all the trick or treats and gift box mechanics.

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  6. Total number of characters, including the ones not listed here due to reasons such as lack of roleplay potential, tallies over 100.  And as I type this, I'm in the process of making one more!  Roleplay character who is a roleplayer who got magick'd by a mischievous Hallowe'en force.  Not originally my idea, but I like it!

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  7. Word was that Boomtown was next in line for a revamp on Live.   Or was it Perez Park?  One of those two, with the other right after it.


    I think once the Homecoming team has more solid ground under their feet, I wouldn't be surprised if they looked at tackling this particular legacy.

  8. This has been an often-requested change since the original release of the game.  Regrettably, the code does not allow for it to work in a risk-free capacity, and (as far as I'm aware) other servers which tried to implement it have quickly discovered that it breaks things to the point of making characters unplayable as the database in the character server can't retrieve the character automatically any more.


    If you'd like, though, you can rename your characters on this server so that you can retcon who they are with a new character.

    • Thanks 1
  9. That feeling when you're really sleepy, but just want to get to a Day Job location to park your character and log off.  So you set yourself to auto-run/auto-jump/fly and sort of doze off . . . only to wake up again and find that you had been AFK for 20 minutes and auto-logged off.

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