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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Well, giving it a little thought . . . could multiple badges be checked for conditions?  For example; if you have both the Selected Bad Penny AND the Defeated Bad Penny Badge, would that be enough for the game to recognize that Bad Penny is no longer a valid opponent to use as your nemesis?

  2. So the initial mission would be one of those solo-only operations, right?  Just so a player couldn't inadvertently get multiple nemeses?
    But then the question of player choice comes up . . . should we get to /choose/ who our nemesis is?  Or at the very least, maybe choose to permanently defeat them, if we find them particularly objectionable?  If so, then what happens when we choose our second nemesis?


    Also, can we find another word other than "nemesis" for this concept?  The Nemesis faction has the potential of causing some confusion in this context, I think.  Probably won't bother most people, but I think it might still be a good idea to brainstorm some other potential titles for this repeat challenger.

  3. Last revision:  2020-04-25


    --- Hero-leaning
    MetaVileTerror, Natural Controller:  Fire Control / Darkness Affinity, Level 5
            - extradimensional entity


    Maist Brachette, Natural Scrapper:  Staff Fighting / Willpower, Level 11
            - the social activist and political anarchist who introduced Energeia Kruos to the feeling of being passionate about your beliefs and goals; has become a little more morose lately, however, due to the level of resistance she faces in her efforts for social justice


    --- Vigilante-leaning

    Stephanie Rularu, Natural Defender:  Sonic Resonance / Radiation Blast, Level 23

            - a refugee from the Shadow Shard, Stephanie Rularu (no relation to Rularuu) is a young and passionate political advocate seeking a run at mayoral candidacy

    Joseph Serin, Magic Scrapper:  Broad Sword / Dark Armour, Level 18
            - an undead demi-lich warrior from the same dimensional as Chad Dup, Al Raddy, and Penelope Soft; tries to remain positive, but it's difficult when you get to be his age


    --- Rogue-leaning
    Chainsaw Ballerina, Mutant Tanker:  Super Reflexes / Titan Weapon, Level 10
            - young woman who wanted to be a ballerina while living in the Rogue Isles, but her coach convinced her that she'd never get anywhere unless she also picked up a chainsaw-sword


    Academy Guard Pierre, Technology Scrapper:  Electric Melee / Shield Defense, Level 14
            - professional security guard for a prestigious Etoile academy, spouse of Cailou (see FoulVileTerror below)


    --- Villain-leaning
    Reserve Agent Guit, Natural Stalker:  Martial Arts / Willpower, Level 17
            - once a villainous lackey to Commandant Nongratis, after spending time in the Zig he began to develop a more zen outlook on life, and eventually tried to defect to Paragon City as a Hero . . . Commandant Nongratis would have NONE OF THAT and has affixed torture devices to Guit to ensure his "loyalty"


    Guardsman Ombrager, Natural Soldier of Arachnos, Level 19
            - handsome, socially active Agent of Arachnos who was happy to join The Army of Commandant Nongratis as a means to expand his social circles


    Operative Cunnorum, Natural Arachnos Widow, Level 10
            - handsome "surfer-dude" Agent of Arachnos who was happy to join The Army of Commandant Nongratis for the unrestricted access to recreational substances


    Tyler Black, Technology Tanker:  Electric Armour / Radiation Melee, Level 13
            - torture victim who has had cybernetic limbs grafted to her body to replace the ones violently taken from her by her own parents


    Father Caleb, Natural Brute:  Street Justice / Willpower, Level 9

            - the pastor of a small, but dedicated church with mysterious origins.  He seeks to purify souls of their sins, and is willing to get his hands dirty in the process


    Tempus van der Moord, Technology Mastermind:  Mercenaries / Time Manipulation, Level 17
            - owner and director of an evil corporation bent on world domination, with his latest (and thusfar only potentially successful) venture is to use stolen Ouroboros technology to create time dilation fields


    Deathguard Delta, Technology Sentinel:  Beam Rifle / Energy Aura, Level 23
            - one of several manufactured footsoldiers as a prototypical series of an evil corporation's planned Legion of Doom product line


    • Like 2
  4. Actually, those NDAs tend to be PRETTY restrictive and everlasting, even if you're no longer working for the company in question.  And the punitive elements . . . DAMN.  I have to resort to suggesting that some of my past work experience was for "no one in particular," since certain companies are ready to sue when you whistleblow their bullcrap.


    All that's to say that Castle, or any other Live Dev, may have to tread VERY carefully even /with/ the source code floating around out there.  Hell, probably have to tread /even more/ carefully now.

  5. I was thinking about this while at work today, and I kept remembering those times during City of Villains Beta when myself and others would accidentally spawn in Atlas Park or some other Hero Zone.  The Police Drones were flagged to target us as hostiles back then, and they'd insta-defeat us (as they do in PvP zones).


    I also realized, we've got something like 9 Alignments in the game currently (possibly more, possibly less):  Unaligned*, Hero, Villain, Rogue, Vigilante, Loyalist - Responsibility, Loyalist - Power, Resistance - Warden, Resistance - Crusader.

    Maybe we could add a few more?  Hero - PVP, Villain - PVP, etc.  These additional Alignments would allow players to visit hostile zones, and be targettable by NPCs such as Police Drones or Contacts, but only other players who choose the PVP Alignement would be at risk of being targetted by the invading player.  Maybe not the most narratively immersive option mixing non-PVP with PVP populations in a single zone, but it would allow for the PVP Shard to be more PVP'y without sacrificing the other Shards' content and experience.


    Would also be fun to put on a show for other players in the Roleplay Shard by having little spats with explosive results in places like under the Atlas statue.  Remember the key part here:  Unless you're set to a PVP alignment, then you can't attack or be attacked by invading players.

  6. Well, there are many asset sites that exist already for game development.  The question becomes; how proprietary is the model rigging for City?  Bringing in static geometry shouldn't be too challenging (theoretically, since, you know . . . spaghetti code), but getting things to play nice with animation AND code . . . well, that's where the real magic happens.

    But say, for example, someone were to take it upon themselves to delve in to the source code, ascertain the best practices necessary, post step-by-step instructions somewhere, and then open the doors for all those talented modellers to submit their ready-to-comply works . . . well, that'd be just peachy!

  7. Would also be nice for them to last slightly longer than they did on Live, I think.  For those of us who can't make it online for the initial window.

     . . . or maybe an off-season repeat of them, or would that be too weird for folks to handle?

    • Like 1
  8. If they ever develop the tech to have unique rules sets on different Shards within the same server cluster, then I'd support this proposal as a single Shard, while maintaining the status quo on the other Shards.

    See how it does for a year or two.  If the demand is high enough, poll the community to see which Shard gets the treatment next, if any.


    But as long as the server code doesn't facilitate this, I think we shouldn't risk up-ending so much of the players' experience.

  9. Yeah, that one hostage spawn location of the tiny broom closet is a pain in the buuuuuutt.
    I mean, we got the Reveal Power, and the tech now exists to indicate the locations of objectives on the map . . . what about a Day Job Limited-Use Power which indicates specific types of mission Objectives?  Is something like that in the cards?

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