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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. There is a slight delay when the city rep spawns, but in my experience, the map layout is always the same and the city rep always spawns at the end of the long, narrow hallway dead-ahead when you enter the large two-room portion of the map where Veles spawns.  If the rep isn't spawning there a few seconds after Veles ends his rant, then there's something wrong (or my experiences are not accurate).  Consider asking the Contact for an auto-complete of the mission.

  2. The problem with that, Knight, is that it's on "Fandom."  While it certainly appreciable that you've taken the initiative on this, and I don't want to disparage you for your hard work, but that's a huge "no-no" on the hosting service you're using.

  3. Nah, they're all broken links for me too.  I've been operating solely off of what was typed in this thread.


    Another thing to bear in mind is that this power is affecting 3 stats on the target.  Recharge, To-Hit, and Damage.  That means that the effectiveness is dependent on the target's arsenal of Powers, but a "mere" 7% isn't all that bad.  It's 7% x3 (disproportionately).  Contrasted with debuffs which only affect a single stat, that's not terrible.


    But it IS a Pool Power.  It isn't meant to compete with Primary or even Secondary Powers' performance.  It's meant to fill in a gap, reinforce a strength, or complete a concept.

  4. You'll probably be better off posting a request like this in the specific sub-forum of the server shard you are playing on.  They're listed at the bottom of the board list on the main page of the forum.

    You can also ask in-game.  The "LFG" channel is probably the most appropriate.


    Best of luck in your search!

  5. No one prefers blitntzes.



    In all honesty, I think it is a simple matter of random selection.  Although, that "random" bit might actually be seeded by something like the first letter in your character's name.  The Global Name colours, for example, are "random" that way.

  6. It's not unusual (albeit irksome) for always-online software to send hardware reports to the server.  The admins/GMs probably just have to check what hardware profile is associated with a given account login to determine if they're multiboxing or on different computers in the same network.  There is also the in-game behaviour which one can monitor.  For example, last night I saw 8 Widows with identical builds, each a different colour, all running through the elevator in Pocket D, tripping over each other the way you do when you're set to Auto-Follow.  (mind you, not trying to get this person in any trouble, since 8-boxing has been disallowed, particularly during peak hours, but the signs were there.)


  7. At the very least, could we please have a Headless variant without the bolted-on neck plate?  The current piece doesn't really jive with a lot of character concepts.  It would be nice to have a few variations, like matte finish, gaping maw, mystical votrex, fleshy stub, etc.

  8. There is also the factor of different Archetypes having different scales for numbers on powers.  For example, a Defender will likely have better debuff values than a Stalker, and these values typically scale with level.

    Real numbers in the Info for the Power would obviously be the best, but if we have to conduct experiments of our own, we're going to need to be a little more exhaustive about the process.


    Still, many thanks Oneirohero for your efforts in solving this mystery!

  9. Wait, isn't this a long weekend for you amerkin folks?  Why isn't the game buried behind a queue of 100 to 1000 players yet?


    I'm not complaining in the slightest, please don't get me wrong.  I just thought to myself "aw, well, there's no chance I'm going to get to log on tonight."  And boy-howdy does that seem to not be the case!  I mean, the Help channel is exploding right now, so clearly there are some talkative folks online at least, but still.  I just psyched myself up with this fear of not getting on.

  10. eh . . . it's not so much of a nightmare as you may think, at least not for me.  But then, I live in a world of constant alt-tabbing anyway.  I'm sorely out of practice, mind.  I used to two-and-two multi-box back during Live, and at my most silly, I four-and-two'd.  THAT didn't work as well as just one-and-eight, lemme tell ya!  But ten years ago, a computer that could run eight instances of City was not as affordable as they are today.

  11. Sad day.

    I run tabletop roleplaying games like Shadowrun and Dark Heresy on a weekly basis (twice weekly sometimes), and I was hoping to bring my group in to City of Heroes for some similar experiences.


    This multi-boxing policy is not an ideal situation for me, but I understand the server operators' ruling on it.  I suppose I can hold out hope that some day things will stabilize enough that multi-boxing will be reinstated, but for now my roleplay plans will have to be put on indefinite hold. 


    An alternative solution for me would require entirely new code be implemented, and I think I'm rather an edge case here, so I share this with absolutely no assumption that they'd act upon it, but . . .


    It would be nice to see a system implemented where a single player can control multiple NPCs like they would Henchpets, issuing commands  and sending messages through these NPCs.  These NPCs would be built like Architect Entertainment characters, with appearance and power customization.  Multi-boxing was the obvious answer to this for me, but . . . well, yeah.

  12. A Mission Statement is always a great thing for an organization to have.  Making it prominent and visible, without having to access any additional third party software would be the best course of action, in my opinion.  This forum seems like the ideal place for it, much like the other redirects that are available on the main page.

  13. While Praetorians may consider themselves "gold," I'mma keep calling them what they are:  Yellow.

    'sides:  Red, Blue, Yellow is just nicely functional.  Green might have been better, but Praetoria doesn't strike me as particularly green, no matter how many secret government connections they have with Hamidon.

  14. Yeah, the Domination issue scans a lot more truly than Illusion being "too good" for Dominators.  This sounds more like an Ice on Brutes issue to me, given the original Devs' track record.


    Spectral Wounds - Domination Friendly

    Blind - Domination Friendly

    Deceive - Sort of Domination Friendly

    Flash - Domination Friendly

    Superior Invisibility - Nope

    Group Invisibility - Nope

    Phantom Army - Nope

    Spectral Terror - Nope

    Phantasm - Nope


    So, at least two of those powers would need to be changed to really make Illusion synergize with Domination, and I imagine they wouldn't want to replace Spectral Terror with Terrify, since that just harps on Mind Control's territory.  Sounds like Proliferation was given a low priority in this case since the set would require more than just reshuffling the order of Powers.  Especially since toning down the damage output on powers is something we've seen the Devs do in the past during proliferation.


    But if we were to do it for this server, I'd recommend that, yeah, Blastit's idea for a Cone Stun with Low Damage and a Moderate -To-Hit Debuff be used to replace Group Invisibility.  "Vibrant Glamour" or something to that effect.

    And perhaps replace Superior Invisibility with a Power which uses the Chaining mechanic and applies a Placate effect a second or two after a Medium-Low Damage tick.  Targets affected use the "confusedly looking around" emote.  Some name like "Vanishing Act."


    I think both of these Powers would stay true to the Illusion themes while providing unique enough menchanics that Illusion Control on Dominators will still feel as different from other Control sets as it does for Controllers.

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