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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Minimal Effects for EVERYONE!
    Seriously.  I am very much in support of this, and have been since 2004.  When power customization became a thing, I was ecstatic!  The more options available to players to make their characters true to the concept; the better!

    • Like 5
  2. Mild tangent:  The reason /AH doesn't work in Bases is because the server load would become too massive.  Each time the command is used, it loads the /entire/ Auction database in to the map instance.  In public zones, this isn't as much an issue, since multiple people can use it there.  But if everyone could tuck away in to their private base and use the Auction feature there, then suddenly each player would be adding a load to the servers which is normally distributed among multiple players at once.


    At least, that's how it was explained to me.

    • Like 1
  3.  . . . I may be one of the few who actually misses the old pick-and-choose aspect to Sidekicking/Malefactoring/etc.

    I mean, sure; the new method is plenty convenient, but there's something to be said about getting to tweak the team's level range composition to be juuuuuust right!

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  4. I'd also like to say that this was definitely more of an unintentional quality of life feature than an exploit in my day-to-day enjoyment of the game.  Given that so many past design decisions for the game were made not with the enjoyment of the players or the longevity of the community as the primary concern, but rather with the for-profit business model implications as the primary objective, I think the dramatic shift in Homecoming's function as a not-for-profit social enterprise means that it's time to re-evaluate a lot of those old decisions.

    Sure; the slash command for instant access to the bases is probably a bit much, and since I make extensive use of it presently, it will be a hard pill to swallow when its removed.  But given the impact it has already had on the entire community, I think it definitely demonstrates the merit in re-examining the cooldown and interrupt time on the Base Teleport Powers.  After all, we've seen changes such as the /AH feature as very welcome, by my estimate.

    I know the express mission statement of Homecoming is to try and preserve the experience of the City of Heroes / City of Villains game(s), but with the fundamental shift in the back-end of production and development (particularly with financing), let's please acknowledge that preserving certain elements of the past game experience are not conducive to the overall present-day experience.  And with that acknowledgement, move toward a City development cycle which is prepared to buck industry trends which were never in the favour of developers or players to begin with.

    • Thanks 1
  5. This is similar to Doctor Vahzilok in Positron 2; some enemies just don't have level ranges low enough to accommodate teams lead by lower level player-characters.   So, it's not so much a Bug, as an intended feature and/or programming oversight.

    Not saying it shouldn't be changed, of course . . . just that mentioning that we want it changed should probably go in the Suggestions and Feedback section, rather than the Bugs section.

  6. Except Dark Consumption is also not Auto-Hit.


    Basically there are three components to both of these Powers.

    To-Hit Check to apply the Attack portion of the Power to enemy targets within range.  This applies the Damage portion.

    If that is successful, then the Endurance Drain effect is "Autohit" on the target which was successfully Damaged.

    Then there's another Autohit effect on yourself for each target which you stole Endurance from, granting you some Endurance.

  7. OOC  and  RP  Global Channels exist.  They're partnered channels, where you can chat out-of-character in OOC, or dive in-character in RP.  

    /chanjoin OOC

    /chanjoin RP

    We see most activity around 8pm eastern on weekdays, or here-there-and-everywhere on weekends.  


    There is also an in-game Global Channel Search feature which may be helpful for you.  As long as Channel OPs remember to set a Description for their Channels, you can get an idea of what's on offer by Searching.

    • Like 1
  8. eh, it was discussed, actually:


    Basically most people came down on:  Everyone is right, since multiverse theory.  There are versions of it where yes; Paragon City and the Etoile Isles were nuked by a pre-emptive attack by The Battalion.  There are versions of "things just kept on keeping on."  And there are versions of "we evacuated, but came back to find XYZ had happened / not happened."

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  9. I mean, perhaps not as titanic as Reynolds, I found out the significance of the fact that I had been in a roleplay global channel with Mercedes Lackey back on Live when my spouse showed me one of Mercedes' books.


    And now I'm replying to your message, so . . . three degrees of separation?

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