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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Aye, an echo for "Optional."  I'd rather not be forced to have my altoholism disrupt the way I play, but I'm perfectly alright with other players just insta-up'ing their alts if they so choose.  Might get rid of people's obsession with AE farms if they could just bypass the "grind."

  2. You know, I think you speak wisdom there, 'Bowler.  The player-authority of City of Heroes / City of Villains has always been its greatest strength.  "Don't fix what ain't broke."


    So, with that in mind, I suppose we should shift gears slightly and ask folks what their personal takes on the answer happen to be.

  3. Thank you for the answer, Number Six.  I appreciate the promptness and directness.

    As much as I would like Leveling Pacts to be restored, I understand you all have so much more pressing concerns on your various plates, which also are apparently being juggled, while spinning, on slender poles.


    Although, this does conjure a new idea in my mind:  Feature List Post.  I don't want to add more work to anyone's volunteer duty roster, but if a GM or Admin has a list of the various features and repair tasks, and their priorities, I think that might be a handy bit of material to post publicly for users and fans to consult when questions like this crop up in the future.

  4. I know Leandro explained back on the 1st, but I would really like to hear some further word on the Leveling Pact situation.  I've kept several of my characters below level 5 because I'd like to tie them in a Pact, and want to know if there are any plans to get Pacting reinstated.  And if so, would it be possible to remove the level 5 cap?  Maybe pump it up to level 49?


    Mainly, I just want to know what priority Leveling Pacts are getting in the queue for repair/maintenance compared to other game features.

  5. I'm unsure if anyone has addressed this, or if it's even on people's radars, but it has been a pretty central question to all of my character backstories:  What are we in agreement on in regard to the Sunset and the time gap since we last played?


    In my head-canon, I'm leaning toward that the original Live Server Shards were all dimensions that were successfully invaded by the Battalion, and most heroes and villains were wiped out.  Some fled through dimensional portals, and ended up becoming refugees on these new Shards.  The lack of forward momentum in the overall narrative could be assumed to be a matter of these Shards are simply 5'ish years behind the Shards those refugees originated from.


    What are other roleplayers' thoughts on this?

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  6. As those internet peoples are wont to say:  "Plus one" for Twinshot . . . *shudders*


    But really, pretty much all of it.  All of the content.  Just to get some goddamn consistency in there for all the nonsensical timeline and continuity issues.  And also to remove any dialogue options which force motivation or personality on a player-character.  That kind of writing is acceptable in a game like Mass Effect, where the player is taking on the role of a predetermined character in the form of Commander Shepard.  But in City of Heroes?  HELL NO!  Give the player the authority to characterize their own character.  Give the player the agency to determine their own motivations.

    Early Red-Side content (barring Newspaper missions) seemed to /get it/.  Not everything was perfect, but there is definitely some solid writing that stands the test of time over there.  Otherwise (and ESPECIALLY the newer "Branching Choice" content) needs a serious polishing with a beltsander.


    So . . . yeah.  I'd probably spend years rewriting every - last - single - bit of text in this game. 

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  7.       The following is the first draft of a Code of Conduct "living document" for the growing roleplayer community in the RP and OOC Global Channels of the Homecoming Servers.  Feedback is welcome, both publicly posted in this thread or through private means.  I will attempt to document major changes and maintain an effective record.

          Original posting date:  2019-05-09

          Last edited by VileTerror:  2021-01-23 (changed bit about Petition command).


    --- Once a Roleplay board has been made on this forum, it would be appreciated if this post could be moved there by a forum moderator. ---

    --- If the Admins or GMs of this server feel this post is worthy, please feel free to "sticky" it.  If it requires some minor tweaking to be appropriate for "sticky," please let me know what needs to be changed.  ---

    --- If any player wants to take a stab at improving this post's formatting, organization, and readability, please let me know what you've got in a private forum message.  I'll try to incorporate your suggestions/ideas. ---





          The Homecoming's official Code of Conduct supersedes anything discussed in this thread.  Naturally, as we are roleplaying on their servers, they dictate the actual rules that govern our use and interactions on their servers.  Everything else listed here is to be read with an understanding of that context.

          Free Speech is an important matter, but it relates to suppression, repressions, and oppression in a real-world context.  This game server is not expressly a vessel for rants or agenda discourse.  There are rules dictating what can and can not be said, and respecting those rules is important while making use of this server.  Touting "Free Speech" as an excuse for misconduct will not protect you from judgement for breaking rules.


    Rule One: 

          No out-of-character bigotry or discrimination!  Expressly forbidden are sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia.  This list will be amended as other "-isms" are brought to my attention for inclusion.  Those who make comments out of ignorance will be given an opportunity to pivot their conduct.  Those who intentionally cross this line will be dealt with firmly. 

    Note:      As we are playing a game which allows for taking on the roles of villains, bigotry may come up as a theme in some fictional characters.  However, anyone found to be sheltering this kind of toxicity behind a veil of "roleplay" will be considered to be crossing the same line as listed above.  Context is important.  Do not assume anyone knows that you do not share the same opinions as your fictional characters.


    Rule Two: 

          Operators of the OOC and RP Global Channels have authority, but we are all human and subject to mistakes.  Myself very much included.  Sometimes those mistakes may result in an unfair judgement.  Please remain polite if you ever feel the need to discuss something which you feel was done in error by an Operator.  If you don't feel comfortable contacting the specific Operator in question, please reach out to any of them.  Channel Operators are volunteers, so while it's important not to feel like you can't discuss something, please bear in mind that an Operator isn't professionally obligated.


          Everything beyond that, however, are merely going to be recommendations (some stronger than others) for how I feel it may be best for roleplayers to conduct ourselves in the roleplay community.  Operators' rules will be discussed closer to the end of this document.




          Informed Consent is important.  Perhaps the most important element to mutually satisfying experiences between roleplayers. 

          Full specific details do not always need to be discussed in advance of every interaction, but if everyone involved in a scene is on the same page as to what to expect for content and tone, then (theoretically) fewer issues with those narrative elements should arise.

          However, since risks are somewhat mitigated in a setting where we are each empowered to use the /ignore or /gignore commands independently, or to report extreme cases to the server GMs; unlike real life, informed consent is not necessarily a requirement to roleplay interactions.  After all, for some of us, the pleasure of a roleplayed scenario is not knowing in advance exactly what's going to take place, and having our character(s) react to it accordingly.


          To facilitate this, I recommend getting to know your audience before broaching a topic or subject matter which may be challenging.  We all have different lived experiences and different levels of sensitivity and empathy.  Some topics have very personal significance to some people, and their feelings as they pertain to those topics are important to consider.  While one individual may have no limits to the fictional subject matter they are willing to participate in, it is important to remember that such limitlessness is not universal.  Every complaint, concern, or issue expressed out-of-character related to in-character conduct should be given full due respect.




          If you happen to be party to subject matter which you are not comfortable with, or if certain subject matter exceeds your personal thresholds, please politely inform those who have brought up the subject matter.  If you do not feel comfortable speaking to them directly, please contact a Channel Operator or a friend to broach the concern.  Please do not get mired in a debate.  Do not escalate a disagreement by directly antagonizing another player or group of players.  Your sole responsibility is to expressly state where the line is for you, and ask the other party to consider their present course of action. 

          If you feel personally targeted by continued flaunting of the subject matter, please contact an Operator immediately.  If none are available, send a Private Global Tell to @VileTerror

          If things have escalated to harassment, contact a GM immediately instead.  Their authority exceeds that of the Channel Operators.


          Remember:  You always have the power and personal authority to use the /ignore and /gignore commands.  I understand that this may not be an ideal solution in certain circumstances, but if the situation is particularly desperate, don't hesitate to use what you have available to you handle the situation in an acceptable manner.  In the case of harassment, please make use of the /Petition Command.  This should have an out-duty GM reach out to you at their earliest availability.  Some users also prefer to use Shard-wide Chat Channels to announce their need of a GM's intervention.  However, please exercise discretion in a search of an online GM through chat channels, particularly if the harassment is on-going, so as not to involve unnecessary third parties.




          On the contrary side of the former matter:  It is not any one individual or small group's prerogative to dictate the expectations of preferred content to other players.  Please consider if your personal disinterest or disgust with a type of subject matter is worth impacting others' interactions.  A metric to consider is by the standards expressed with the in-game lore and mission content.  If subject matter is present in the game itself, then you may need to closely evaluate whether you need to inform other players of your feelings on the material.

          Of course, that isn't a solid rule.  The content in this game is wildly disparate and inconsistent in tone and theme.  Additionally, the game is over fifteen years old now.  Some portions have not aged well, including some of the newer content (oddly enough).  We do not want anyone to feel like they are being squelched for expressing feelings of dissatisfaction.  We are not interested in blaming victims.


          But please; don't use other forms of media as metrics here.  City of Heroes / City of Villains is not a Marvel or D.C. movie/comic/television show/video game.  It is its own setting, despite some pretty blatant parodies sprinkled here and there.  You may attempt to use other media as a model to try and express a basis of your personal expectations from, but remember that not everyone will be familiar with such material.  We are players from all over the globe, (again) with very different lived experiences.  It would probably be much more helpful to use a national movie rating system; but not even those are universally known.




          Swearing is entirely acceptable, so long as a player does not modify the spelling of their swear words with the intent of bypassing the Profanity Filter.  Players are expected to self-govern their Profanity Filters.

          Profanity based on bigotry is always unacceptable, even in roleplay.  Please use indirect means of expressing such profanity in-character if it's strictly necessary for a scene.




          Public roleplay of risqué content is subject to the "Canada Sex Rule." 

          Essentially, this means that any interaction between consenting individuals is acceptable, even in public, until someone complains.  At that point, it may possibly result in immediate punishment depending on severity.  Perform such conduct at your own risk.  This even applies to Global Channels expressly stated to be for a given type of subject matter if that subject matter is in direct violation of server rules.  This is mainly for your information, and isn't necessarily something which will be enforced by the Operators of the RP or OOC channels.


          Please note that some risqué subject matter can be particularly hazardous to other players due to personal trauma or real-life experiences.  If you bring up such subject matter, then YOU are responsible for having posted it in a place where the other player could overhear/read it.  If you did this without ill intent, then apologize and accept that you have made a serious error.  Do NOT blame the individual whom your use of the subject matter has done emotional harm to.  No one has the authority to tell another person what should or should not bother that person.




          A reminder that this is a "living document," and subject to change.  Civil, informed, and rational discussion is encouraged as to ensure the best possible standards are met.  However, if you find yourself continuously at odds with the rest of this community, I strongly recommend you perform some introspection as to whether or not this is the appropriate community for you to be involved with.  My personal intention is to have a large and diverse group of people roleplaying in as harmonious a gathering as possible, but I acknowledge such an intent is more dream than likely reality.  Tempered expectations can do wonders for everyone.




          Channel Operator Rules!

          The Operators of the RP and OOC Channels are expected to uphold the ideals of all positive interactions expressed in this document to the best of their abilities.


    -      Operators should attempt to mediate before intervening in any issue.  Any mediation should also be presented in terms of an effort for the best interests of the overall roleplay community in a given situation.


    -      Operators should open themselves to both public and private contact while on duty.


    -      An Operator is permitted to decline authority in a matter if they feel out of their depth or are currently off duty.


    -      No Operator should operate independently without input from others, unless in a particularly dire situation.


    -      Operators should contact all other Operators by in-game email or Global Tells whenever they perform a Silence or Kick action, and share these details privately.


    -      Operators should respect the privacy and personal limits of any given member of the RP and OOC Channels.




          New Channel Operators Nominations

          We are presently in need of Channel Operators who see the above listed content as the ideal worth upholding.  If you wish to volunteer, please provide some references.  If you know someone you wish to nominate, please notify an existing Operator.






    Change Log:

    2021-01-23  -  Removed "while the "/petition" command is not presently functional, it is (apparently) on the Admin's radar for repair.  In the meantime, it has been recommended that you attempt to use the /Help channel to try and snag a GM."  Modified the section to establish the /petition command is now functional.


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  8. Aside from the (un)likelihood of Marvel or D.C. taking any notice . . . my thoughts on the matter:


    We live in an era where corporations have more authority and power than individuals when it comes to intellectual property law, even when it falls under the protection of Fair Use (such as parody).

    I'd personally recommend avoiding intentional infringement of any kind.  Even if the server is illegal (questionably; it's against the EULA and ToU, but those aren't prosecutable law, as I understand it, and international law would need to get involved with people in the Americas using servers in Europe to emulate a game owned by a Korean company), it doesn't do anyone any  favours to skirt additional dangerous lines.  And really:  What benefit does it give a player, if any, to name a character in-game after a piece of intellectual property owned by a highly litigious mega-company?  Seems like tonnes of risk for zero reward to me.

  9. Oh, yeah, I get that.  And I also realized that thanks to tools like Paragon Chat and Titan Icon, people can actually design character appearances which wouldn't have been possible in the game normally.  Like that last post in the contest thread; Kali.  I may not know what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure that one uses costume pieces which are normally exclusive.  It's absolutely brilliant and inspired.


    So, an announcement was made in regard to the costume contest thread outside of the costume contest thread?  I don't want to sound ungrateful for all the hard word the volunteers are doing surrounding this entire project, but it kind of feels like a trend that just tracking down information is a bit of a confusing mess.  I suppose it's just not the priority, and I don't begrudge them having to prioritize matters.  I'd just like to draw their attention to the inconsistency if it's merely something not presently on their radar.

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