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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. I so, so, SO want to play Dual Pistols . . . but those animations are just so . . . Nope.

    Can't I just use the normal pistol animations?  Please?  I don't care if I get rooted for a long while waiting for the DPA to balance out, I just don't want the Equilibrium-style animations.

  2. Having a bit of experience with 3D modelling for game development, I can tell you; it's really not that easy.  I know some talented people who make it /look/ easy, but that's before you get in to trying to shoe-horn the geometry assets in to a game engine built on spaghetti, orphan souls, and whimsy like this one apparently is.


    However, we /do/ already have some assets in game which could be proliferated.  They would limit players from engaging in all the various animations without bugging out and being graphically unpleasant, but honestly:  I'm okay with that.  I've always been.  And now that this isn't a for-profit product, I think we're at the point where players should be given the freedom to explore their creativity with whatever tools are available.  Mistakes will be made, and hideous abominations will be created . . . but that's a small price to pay for the beauty of such creations as:


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  3. There is certainly the potential for abuse with customization of Henchpets.  However, I do not believe the possible abuses are significantly more severe than anything which exist already (notably AE and multiple accounts, which are now _free_ thanks to SCoRE and Homecoming).  Meanwhile, the potential benefit of granting players more customization (in any capacity) is always, in my opinion, a positive.  This game's strength has always been its incredible customization options for players.  But there's still more to it than that.


    I don't want to undermine the feelings or concerns which may lead anyone to be afraid of additional customization options being explored, but I'll have to be honest:  I really don't want that to limit us in this context, and I know expressing that opinion can be kind of dismissive.  The abuses will happen, as they already do, and the price of that is some discomfort (which is not equivalent for all players, I know) and greater vigilance in reporting those abuses and trusting in the GMs to dole out appropriate judgements.  I happen to believe that price is well-worth the benefits of greater customization, player agency, and gender representation.  And I do mean that.  I know we live in the era of Poe's Law Made Manifest, but I truly believe that the strong and positive representation would greatly outweigh the abuses.  It's a small step for a much bigger cause, but I feel it's a step in the right direction.

    • Like 4
  4. I mean, maybe we can reintroduce the Costume Piece Unlock mechanic?  

    For example, there will be no wearing Statesman's tiara until you've defeated Statesman.  Or another player in PVP who is has unlocked it?  Something like that to appeal to the sense that "yes, it's their signature costume piece . . . but I stoles it!"

    • Like 1
  5. I have over 100 characters (just counted today, heh), and only 1 of them is 5th Column'y.  Interestingly enough, the game seems to acknowledge that he's a joke, and he whiffs on most of his Assassin Strikes, despite having 95% To-Hit.  Somehow it's just too perfect.


    But for other villain groups, I've got a wide variety.  Got a local-to-the-Etoile militia group who feel that Arachnos is dragging their feet on the whole "kicking Longbow out of the Isles" thing.  Got a PMC run by a raving lunatic who uses the mercenaries for her own whims as much as she uses them for actual mercenary work.  Got an evil mastermind group who (when I finally get around to building it or having someone build it) will have a Volcano Fortress base.  And then there's the prestigious academy for Arachnos-brats and other youths-of-well-off-ne'er-do-wells (which has a pretty nifty base built thanks to a very generous roleplayer!).

    And that's before I get around to making the other half dozen villain groups which I have plans for.  If only bases were easier for me to make; I'd be slapping things together in a frenzy!


    But do any of these strike your fancy?  Any you'd want more info on for your diabolical plans?

    • Like 1
  6. "CR" is no longer available as the first two letters of a character name since it's also used as "Community Rep" on this server.
    Such as CR Tempest, here on the forums.


    It's the whole "no GM" thing.  Except "GM" doesn't usually start a word in the English language, while as you've shown, "CR" is actually a letter combo for the start of many several words.

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  7. I'm deeply concerned about the Inf cost, personally.  A lot of the Powers which I had unlocked from being a Veteran player on Live are locked behind Inf amounts I simply do not have.  I get it; with farmers out there, people have ludicrous amounts of Inf in a very short time.  I'm not one of them.  It robs me of my enjoyment of the game to play that way.  I won't stop other people from doing it, but I'd really rather not have content gated behind prices which are based on their habits.

    Since the game keeps track of total Inf /earned/ rather than just total current Inf, is there perhaps some kind of way that a percentage-based cost could be applied?  I mean, that wouldn't disallow "twink'd" characters from purchasing things, but was that ever the case?

    • Like 8
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  8. Now that we have the /petition system up and running again, I wanted to share a suggestion with this new Dev Team which I think all multiplayer games (particularly MMOs) would benefit from:

    An in-game polling system controlled by the Devs/GMs which functions much like the Message of the Day pop-up cross-pollinated with the support/petition system.


    We all know that despite having to create our game accounts through these forums, a mere fraction of the players dare risk their sanity by actively participating in the forums.  Similarly for the discord (which is also third-party, making it even less ideal than these forums).  And then there are the more distant social media groups and fansites and external forums, et cetera.  The overall playerbase is distributed between different subcommunities, with some overlap.


    But the one place all the players are together is the game itself.  Which makes it the ideal location for distribution of information, and also (if this suggestion is implemented) collection of precise feedback.


    A GM or CR could occasionally put polls up in-game, where players can vote for such things as their favourite new idea, or to provide feedback in a "1 to 5" satisfaction ranking poll.  Such polls would then send the information along a similar media path as the petition system, likely populating the data in to a backend board here on the forums where the Team can review it.  This would also help ensure the Development Road Map (not a fan of the term, but there it is) reflects the playerbase's expectations.  

    While polls might not provide the players with the depth of providing individual feedback, we do already have a tag for that in the petition window, and the purpose of polls is to collect specific data from a large group; so the two functions are not redundant.  Naturally, you'd likely never have 100% contribution to every poll (or any poll), but I believe there would be a significantly larger number of active players contributing to the feedback process if it were facilitated in the game directly utilizing this method.


    I've heard that new GUI elements are a pain to implement, so this is obviously not a whimsical suggestion, but one which I genuinely think has enough merit to dedicate time and resources to.  It should move us toward a healthier development cycle and improve communication and transparency in both directions.

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  9. I'd say:  Yes.  

    The present command is instant.  Players are saying they want the Powers to be reasonable; like the Ouroboros Portal.

    Hell, there's an idea:  A "droppable" pet portal for bases.  That would be very satisfying.  Bring the whole family to your base for tea and crumpets after a long mission.  Limited power activation in the same was Ouroboros portal is limited.

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  10. Ah, see . . . when I saw the title of your thread with the capitalized I in Intelligence, I assumed you were referring to Covert/Military Intelligence.  Stuff like the Rikti being humans from another dimension, or Lord Nemesis' birth name.  Many of my characters are aware of these terribly-kept secrets since I figure the internet in-game is probably just as informative as the internet is in real life.  Granted, that also means misinformation gets spread.


    As for the intellect of my various characters . . . I think they tend to lean toward the smarter end of things, though I have a few exceptions.  Some are animals, and some even have alien intellects, so occasionally I roleplay as a character who just doesn't think on the same wavelengths as human beings.  It can be fun and challenging to get in to such heads.  The joys of roleplay!

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